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Thursday, November 21, 2024

US President Joe Biden has agreed to give Ukraine anti-personnel land mines, a US defence official told the BBC, a move seen as an attempt to slow Russian troops who have been steadily advancing in Ukraine's east in recent months. read more

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

California's Unemployment Insurance Fund will end the year with a $21.7 billion debt to the federal government that will continue growing through 2025, according to the latest Unemployment Insurance Fund forecast from the Employment Development Department. The debt triggers an automatic tax increase on employers. The EDD's report stated that the debt triggered a $396 million tax increase on employers in 2023, projected to increase to $812 million this year " a cumulative $1.2 billion tax hike for just those two years. California's UI Fund, responsible for providing financial assistance to unemployed residents, has faced financial challenges since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. The fund ended 2019 with a $3.3 billion surplus, but that reserve was quickly depleted due to a sharp rise in unemployment associated with the pandemic and government-mandated business closures. read more

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

A decade ago, when conservatives were attacking President Barack Obama's Affordable Care Act as government encroachment in health care, they worked to amend state constitutions around the country to affirm a broad right for people to control their own medical decisions. "Each competent adult shall have the right to make his or her own health care decisions," reads section 38(a) of the Wyoming constitution's Declaration of Rights, under the header "Right of healthcare access." The provision was placed on Wyoming's ballot by state lawmakers and approved by voters in 2012; voters saw ballot language that described the measure as preserving this right "from undue governmental infringement." Now these anti-ACA provisions"and their broad affirmations of a right to decide"have turned into an unlikely weapon in progressives' fight against restrictions on abortion. read more

Monday, November 18, 2024

Spirit Airlines filed for bankruptcy protection Monday, as mounting losses, unaffordable debt, increased competition for bargain-seeking airline passengers and the inability to merge with other airlines left it little choice. The airline said it will continue to operate as it restructures its debt. read more



Russia has unveiled a new weapon system as a warning to Ukraine and the West.
Russia has apparently launched a single RS-26 Rubezh road mobile missile against a target in Dnipro, Ukraine (Dnipropetrovsk).
According to Ukrainian authorities, the missile struck an unnamed industrial enterprise.
Dnipro is home to the Pivdenmash (former Yuzhmash) missile production facility.
Analysis of imagery of the attack indicates the RS-26 carried six independent warheads, each in turn deploying several submunitions.
This warhead package is exclusively for conventional attack.
Russia had not been previously assessed to outfit the RS-26 with a warhead of this design.
By unveiling the conventionally armed RS-26, Russia is changing the qualitative nature of the conflict, something promised by President Vladimir Putin.
Ukraine and its Western allies must now evaluate the destructive potential of this weapon, and understand that Russia can deliver this warhead to any target in Ukraine or Europe knowing there is no defense against it.
The RS-26 is produced in Votkinsk. It is assessed that the production of the RS-26, which was halted in 2017, was resumed this past summer. With production rates estimated at 6-8 missiles per month, Russia could have accumulated an arsenal of between 30-40 RS-26 missiles. Although described as an intercontinental ballistic missile, the RS-26's range actually depends on the warhead package. If armed with a single warhead, it can exceed the 5,000 kilometer threshold used to differentiate between intermediate and intercontinental range missiles. The RS-26 did not go into serial production because of this ambiguity; at the time, Russia was a signatory to the INF treaty, which prohibited intermediate range missiles.
It is assessed that the six warhead conventional warhead package used against Dnipro would have made the RS-26 used fall into the intermediate range for classification.
Donald Trump withdrew from the INF treaty in 2019.
If the United States had remained in the treaty, this version of the RS-26 would not have been available for use by Russia.

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