Sounds like the "scientists" need more money.
Yeah, Fourier, Tyndale and Arrhenius really made out, didn't they?
BTW, where's the cancelled check? You know, just one piece of evidence of your vast global conspiracy?
Where's the evidence of the meetings, the coordination between all the world's scientists? Evidence they're suppressing data to the contrary.
Correspondence, emails, just one ------ thing.
I've said it before, the worst thing Fatty McSh#tstain ever did was make stupid feel smart.
LFTHNDTURD, VisiTurd and the rest of the MagaMorons live for events like this. Not as an event for any credible action but to trigger liberals.
Yes, we're triggered by perpetual and unyielding stupidity. Y'all doing a great job.
prices have plummeted making Trump look superhuman in his ability to take action and keep promises
Which is not what the chart showed in the article you didn't read.
I'll celebrate the day when one of these ConservaIdiots actually reads beyond the headline before rushing to the comments section to flap their woefully ignorant yapper.