Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Secret Service had Upped Trump's Security Recently

US authorities obtained intelligence from a human source in recent weeks on a plot by Iran to try to assassinate Donald Trump, a development that led to the Secret Service increasing security around the former president in recent weeks, multiple people briefed on the matter told CNN.



"Secret Service learned of the increased threat from this threat stream," the official told CNN.

"NSC directly contacted USSS at a senior level to be absolutely sure they continued to track the latest reporting. USSS shared this information with the detail lead, and the Trump campaign was made aware of an evolving threat.

In response to the increased threat, Secret Service surged resources and assets for the protection of former President Trump. All of this was in advance of Saturday."

Secret Service officials have warned the Trump campaign repeatedly against holding outdoor rallies, which pose greater risks than events to which the agency can better control access, people briefed on the matter said. The warnings have been more general in nature, the sources said."

#1 | Posted by Corky at 2024-07-16 03:30 PM

Coincidence? Yay or Nay?:

Brian Krassenstein
But ... but ... but Joe Biden will get us into more wars (as he has really pulled us out of all wars):

J.D.Vance last night:

"A lot of people recognize that we need to do something with Iran"but not these weak little bombing runs. If you're going to punch the Iranians, you punch them hard."

#2 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-07-16 03:51 PM

Let's have another war! What better way to distract the American people from the reality that a 1% super-elite control 99% of our wealth? Instead of discussing universal healthcare for all Americans (like every NATO country enjoys, including tiny Albania), JD Vance is beating the war drums. I seriously doubt the Iranians, who invented chess and the term zigzag, would risk war with the US and Israel (who would pile on). The hint of a perceived threat will of course increase security measures for the supposed target, but informant and source reporting must be thoroughly vetted before going to DEFCON IV.


#3 | Posted by C0RI0LANUS at 2024-07-16 04:07 PM

JD Mandel likely was in on the Sec Briefings... well, at least The Beard was there for sure.

#4 | Posted by Corky at 2024-07-16 04:08 PM

Iran apparently needs to wait their turn in the assignation line.

Even his own people seem to be turning against him.

#5 | Posted by Corky at 2024-07-16 04:25 PM

How convenient!

#6 | Posted by NerfHerder at 2024-07-16 06:51 PM

"The Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations denied there is an Iranian plot to assassinate Trump.

"These accusations are unsubstantiated and malicious. From the perspective of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Trump is a criminal who must be prosecuted and punished in a court of law for ordering the assassination of General Soleimani.

Iran has chosen the legal path to bring him to justice," a spokesperson for the mission told CNN." @ the link

#7 | Posted by Corky at 2024-07-16 07:00 PM

Another poster (expectedreign) predicted a few days back that they would find some way to blame it on or link it to the muslims. LOL- good call!

#8 | Posted by Nerfherder at 2024-07-16 08:04 PM


lol... or it could have been Mossad! Trump is REALLY popular over there (he's on one of their coins!), and if he loses the election here, Trump could maybe become the Leader of Israel instead!

Plus, he's building a new hotel in Saudia Arabia, who paid billions to his family, AND he brokered the Abraham Accords with them and Israel.

SO... Nuttyahoo sees this and sends Mossad to knock off Trump!

My story is... that after he builds the hotel in Saudi, he's going to then build the 3rd Temple in Jerusalem, which really just needs some permits.

You know, like the ones he'll get to build his hotel in Moscow when he gives the Ukraine to Vlad the Invader.

AND THEN... he will step into the Temple, proclaiming himself to be, "God"... fulfilling almost 3,000 years of dozens of written predictions, some from around 700BC, and others in the 1st century BCE.

All of which describe in detail the man, and his character, that does these very things; force a peace with Israel and her enemies, break the peace after 3.5 years, then turn on Israel after calling himself God in the new 3rd Temple.

I also just found the REAL Conspiracy!

Trump company now selling, no joke... $299 Trump Assassination Edition Sneakers!

Follow the Money!

#9 | Posted by Corky at 2024-07-17 06:38 PM

Trump Has The Worst New Pair Of Shoes

Dark Brandon

An advertisement for Donald Trump's new shoes called FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT High-Tops.

#10 | Posted by Corky at 2024-07-17 07:42 PM

If that was enhanced protection, I'd hate see how shoddy it was before.

#11 | Posted by visitor_ at 2024-07-18 12:23 AM

Surge of resources didn't stop an unknown rookie from killing somebody. How hard is it to put someone on every rooftop within a mile radius? Secret service needs to recruit some rooftop Koreans ... .am I right or am I right?

#12 | Posted by 2020Rocks at 2024-07-18 09:09 AM

To what? Official Blabbermouth in Chief?
Official Seller of State Secrets to the Highest Bidder?

#13 | Posted by earthmuse at 2024-07-18 07:33 PM

@#12 ... How hard is it to put someone on every rooftop within a mile radius? ...

From what I've read and heard, the Secret Service may "outsourced" that responsibility to the local law enforcement.

Was there not enough "follow-up" to assure the out-sourcing was valid?


At this point, I am waiting for the results of the investigation(s) to learn what may have actually gone wrong.

Before you can resolve a problem, there needs to be a statement of the actual problem to be resolved.

#14 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-07-18 08:25 PM

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