Thursday, September 26, 2024

'The Times Doesn't Matter Any More'

Drew Magary: The [New York] Times cares more about its place in the power structure than in actually affecting that power structure. It gladly cedes prominent column space to bad faith politicians who would like to eradicate whole demographics of the American population. It dabbles in trans panic as a sort of weird hobby. And it scoffs at criticism from the progressive wing of the Democratic Party while going out of its way to heed criticism from a Republican Party that would drop a load of napalm on Times headquarters if ever given the authority.


Judging by the polls, a good number of Americans have weaned themselves off of that habit. In the process, they've left the New York Times alone on its bespoke soapbox, screaming centrist nonsense into the void. I'm done listening to any of it. I'm not going back, and neither are you. The Times doesn't matter anymore, and they're the last people on Earth to realize it.


I haven't read a NYT article in years, since they put everything behind a paywall.

#1 | Posted by eightfifteenpm at 2024-09-26 02:19 PM

"Her team understands that it behooves these outlets to have a close race, which means that they'll seize on any gaffe Harris makes if it gives them a chance to falsely equivocate her remarks to those of Trump screaming, "THEY'RE EATING THE DOGS!" to kick up a racial holy war. Team Harris has no interest in helping the Times sanewash Trump more than it already has, so they've decided that the only way to win the game is not to play."

Pretty much. I've been a reader for many years but they're ridiculous in the 'both-siderism'

"I haven't read a NYT article in years, since they put everything behind a paywall."
Uhh do you like the free news sites with the popup spam all over? Free = strings attached. you can pay $4 a month for a NYT sub. But I'm not sure it's worth it unless you want to read "Bret Stephens write op-eds like, 'If Kamala Wants To Win, She's Gonna Have To Fix My Car First.'"

The NYT has made the choice to suck.

#2 | Posted by schifferbrains at 2024-09-26 09:26 PM

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