Friday, December 06, 2024

Democrats Flip Final House Seat

ABC projects that Democrat Adam Gray will win the race for California's 13th Congressional District, unseating incumbent Republican John Duarte and flipping the final unresolved seat in the 2024 election.


🚨BREAKING: In an important flip that further narrows the razor-thin Republican majority in the House, Democrat Adam Gray has defeated incumbent GOP Rep. John Duarte in California's 13th Congressional District. This was one of the most closely watched races in the country.

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-- Jon Cooper ( December 3, 2024 at 8:51 PM


Where's TonyRoma to gloat?

#1 | Posted by NerfHerder at 2024-12-05 02:20 PM

This is the same House Clown Car that couldn't tie it's own shoelaces last time... now a few of them can hold the rest hostage anytime they want.

Of course, some of their nuttiest have been added to the WH Circus that is coming.

#2 | Posted by Corky at 2024-12-05 04:19 PM

how many days did it take to count a few thousand votes ?

and the result ALWAYS comes out with dems taking seats.

--just a "conspiracy theory"....right ?


#3 | Posted by shrimptacodan at 2024-12-06 07:03 AM

"-just a "conspiracy theory"....right ?"

No, just another of many right wing lies which you spread every day, when online it's pretty much all you do. I actually think you are stupid enough to believe some of the garbage you post but don't worry none of the rest of us do.

#4 | Posted by danni at 2024-12-06 11:10 AM

"and the result ALWAYS comes out with dems taking seats."

Yer an idiot.

STFU idiot.

#5 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-12-06 12:06 PM

Re 5

That was harsh.


I have a button here that will fix that.


#6 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-12-06 12:07 PM

how many days weeks did it take to count create a few thousand votes ?

#7 | Posted by oi_veh at 2024-12-06 12:49 PM

As many as needed, --------. Go ---- yourself.

#8 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2024-12-06 01:40 PM


What's the conspiracy?

Democrats cheated in order to lose the HoR, the senate and the presidency?

Please. Elaborate.

#9 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-12-06 02:09 PM

^ twas. too. big. to. rig.
how many days did it take to count a few thousand votes ?
Elaborate. That.

#10 | Posted by oi_veh at 2024-12-06 04:30 PM

#8 |
You kiss your mother with that mouth?

#11 | Posted by oi_veh at 2024-12-06 04:31 PM

You can't explain your conspiracy? Why am I not surprised.

You know what republicans should do? Demand recounts!

#12 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-12-06 04:32 PM

#11 | Posted by oi_veh



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#13 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2024-12-06 04:56 PM

Took them long enough to 'find' enough mail-in ballots....

#14 | Posted by MSgt at 2024-12-07 01:07 PM


You're late to the party, stupid.

That Facebook meme you're quoting is weeks old.

#15 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-12-07 02:01 PM

California voter fraud.

Amazing that Trump runs 4 points better in the state over 2020 yet republicans magically lose several down ballot seats after weeks of counting by a few hundred votes.

If anything the down ballots should be shifting harder to the right, not less, but once again California is rife with voter fraud.

#16 | Posted by THEBULL at 2024-12-08 08:52 AM

- magically lose

Counting and arithmetic prolly do look like magic to Trumpers.

#17 | Posted by Corky at 2024-12-08 10:50 AM

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