Drudge Retort

Friday, December 27, 2024

Bird Flu Virus in Louisiana Patient Likely Mutated to be More Transmissible

A genetic analysis of viral samples from a patient in Louisiana hospitalized with the first severe case of bird flu showed mutations that may result in the virus becoming more transmissible among humans, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.



This ain't good.

#1 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-12-27 02:06 PM

This ain't good.

#1 | Posted by LampLighter

Ironic that this might be the first test of the Donald regime.

He's going to screw it up.

#2 | Posted by Zed at 2024-12-27 03:53 PM

Those MAGA who survive the new pandemic will find that the price of both poultry and hamburger are going, going, going up.

Oh, well.

#3 | Posted by Zed at 2024-12-27 04:43 PM

I got my fresh respirator cartridges and non-vented eye cover already, plus two freezers full of protein and a job that can be worked entirely from home if needed.

Luckily, there's already an approved influenza vaccine platform that isn't mRNA and, IIRC, they already have H5N1 vaccines produced and stored as a precaution.

Only downside is it requires growing the virus in eggs and processing the concentrated viral stocks produced in the eggs to make the vaccine product. That takes time, but that time is less than the time Operation Warp Speed took to produce the COVID vaxx up until the point of clinical trials (about 9 months IIRC). mRNA will probably be ready far earlier for those willing to take it.

As an example, the Novartis 2009 H1N1 vaccine was approved on September 15, 2009. The virus was first detected in the US in April 2009 and was declared a pandemic in June 2009.

#4 | Posted by jpw at 2024-12-29 12:45 AM

Ivermectin is FOR SURE going to prevent this from spreading...better stock up now!

#5 | Posted by chuffy at 2024-12-29 01:06 AM

Hell, MAGA is already well into resisting any kind of vaccines. "I will not comply" is the new rallying cry, to be followed shortly by "Come on, doc, you gotta do something!"

#6 | Posted by cbob at 2024-12-29 07:19 AM

How Americans are going to perish because the------------- and his flunky Polio Bob are ------- clueless?

#7 | Posted by reinheitsgebot at 2024-12-29 11:38 AM

1 case. Soon to be zero.

Stop with the testing and it won't spread!

-The Real Stable Genius

#8 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-12-29 11:45 AM

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