On May 7, 1945, Germany signed an unconditional surrender at Allied headquarters in Reims, France, to take effect the following day, ending the European conflict of World War II.
Since old AF articles are getting published as hot stories on the front page. In case anyone missed it, the Nazi's surrendered to the Allies.
Thanks for confirming this from decades ago: www.instagram.com
#3 | Posted by Bluewaffles
There are very fine Nazis on on all sides.
Trump said Hitler did some good things' and wanted generals like the Nazis, former chief of staff Kelly claims
Censored you're using John Kelly as a source?
#5 | Posted by Bluewaffles
Yes, everyone is a liar except Donald Trump. Donald Trump would never say anything nice about Nazis.
Donald Trump's history with Adolf Hitler and his Nazi writings
At his campaign rally in Iowa this week, Donald Trump once again broke new ground, becoming the first leading presidential candidate to find it necessary to insist he had never read the most infamous book of the 20th century.
In the past, he's actually acknowledged owning a copy of the book.
Trump's denial that he had read Hitler's memoir came after he has made a series of incendiary remarks in recent weeks referring to his political opponents as "vermin" and saying illegal immigrants are "poisoning the blood of our country."
I'm not a fan of Putin at all, I just don't feel it is necessarily our role to continuously use our tax dollars to fund a stalemate?
In three years we've given Ukraine about $180 billion total, much of which were weapons in storage that were going to be decommissioned, savings us the high cost of destroying them. We spend about $800 billion a year on our military.
So, for less than 1/4 of what we spend every single year on our defense, we've longterm destroyed what used to be the second biggest military threat we faced. At no risk to American lives. Seems like an excellent return on investment to me, leaving us better prepared to face China in ten years without worry of Russian involvement.
Or, as Lindsey Graham put it a few years ago:
As for immigrants, I welcome anyone and everyone who comes to our country the legal way to do so.U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham:
We are destroying the Russian army without losing a single American soldier. If we defeat Putin in Ukraine, the world will be a better place. All that is needed is American military support. In 18 months, the Ukrainian people regained half of their territories and not a single American died. The Russian economy is falling apart. The Russian Army has been destroyed. This is a good investment by the American people.
pic.twitter.com/gXKX8VyjukClash Report (@clashreport) September 24, 2023
Your chosen leader disagrees with that philsophy.
President Trump Reduced Legal Immigration. He Did Not Reduce Illegal Immigration
www.cato.org January 20, 2021
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