Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Sunday, August 04, 2024

The UN is calling for international reinforcements for Haiti as the country continues to spiral into anarchy. Between April and June this year, at least 1,379 people were killed or wounded in gang warfare and 428 people kidnapped. An average of 40 women per day are raped in parts of the country. 400 Kenyan police officers trained by Canada are combatting powerful street gangs in Haiti now.


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The sexual abuse of women and girls has become alarmingly commonplace, with gangs using rape as a weapon to stamp their authority on communities before shooting them dead and burning their corpses or dumping them in rubbish. Children as young as three have allegedly been raped in homes and refugee camps. In addition, anthrax and cholera cases have been reported in parts of Haiti.





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