
Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Friday, December 06, 2024

U.S. healthcare spending per capita is almost twice the average of other wealthy countries Healthcare Costs per Capita ($) United States $12,742 Switzerland $9,044 Germany $8,541 Netherlands $7,277 Sweden $7,009 Belgium $6,994 France $6,924 Average $6,850 Canada $6,845 Australia $6,807 Ireland $6,730 United Kingdom $5,867 Japan $5,424 Italy $4,736 Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Embed Download image Notes: Data are for 2022. Average does not include the United States. The five countries with the largest economies and those with both an abov



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So the CEO of United Healthcare gets murdered and I feel sympathy bfor his family and sorrow for his death but I can't say I would feel sorrow if our for-profit hwalthcare system was replaced with a govwenment run (OMG!) hwalthcare for all system and we redirected the huge amount of money we currently pay for healthcare, either directly or through insurance to pay for it. True, we wouldn't have CEOs making $20 million per year but no one would not be able to afford the healthcare sevices or medicatiobs thwy or their chilsren need. Our country should be collectively ashamed of our present healthcare system. Most other rich countries have solved this human need but American pokitics is just a mirage hiding the fact that we live in an olifarchy.

#1 | Posted by danni at 2024-12-06 11:48 AM | Reply

Healthcare-for-profit benefits the wealthy shareholders and not those being treated.

#2 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-12-06 01:33 PM | Reply

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