Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Monday, March 03, 2025

Mar 3, 2025

Bill Nye just went live on CNN and drop a bombshell on MAGA billionaire Elon Musk



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"He's trying to undo a public service and supplant it with one of his (companies) and this is just good old fashioned corruption. So sooner or later I believe the court system will catch with these guys."

Maybe, if there's still a court system not subserviently to Trump.

#1 | Posted by Corky at 2025-03-03 10:45 PM | Reply

The Lincoln Project, Tribe and company, is more accurate than Bill Nye on, just about anything, seriously Bill's not even a scientist.

Why post this rabble?

#2 | Posted by oneironaut at 2025-03-03 11:04 PM | Reply


Because he's speaking truth to power, you mendacious little twit.

'Fundamental corruption': Bill Nye unloads on Elon Musk's alleged self-dealing'

"As the Washington Post reported, "The administration let go of meteorologists, hydrologists and technicians that help inform daily weather forecasts in places including Boston and Boise, Idaho.

It fired scientists who build, improve and maintain weather models that form the backbone of weather forecasting around the globe. Staff at offices responsible for warning the public about tsunamis, tornadoes and hurricanes lost their jobs, as did an entire team dedicated to communicating NOAA's work and science to the public."

On CNN Monday, Bill "The Science Guy" Nye claimed that the mass layoffs pointed to "fundamental corruption," as Musk seeks to replace NOAA with his own Starlink system.

"Mr. Musk has this company, Starlink, and he's proposing that NOAA be supplanted by a private company. And just to the young guys that have gone to work on this, that have gone in to the digital services office to destroy or mess up our electronic systems, keep in mind that this is fundamental corruption. This is, it's just corruption when you're trying to monopolize a government service."


#3 | Posted by Corky at 2025-03-03 11:36 PM | Reply

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