
Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Tuesday, March 25, 2025

It's fish doorbell seaso when internet viewers can watch a webcam and alert workers wehn fish need through a dam in Netherdlands: "Every spring, thousands of fish swim through the Oudegracht in Utrecht, searching for a place upstream to lay their eggs. But the Weerdsluis is often closed. You can help the fish continue their journey! If you see a fish, press the doorbell. This alerts the lock operator to open the lock."


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Utrecht's fish doorbell is up and running again to help spawning fish navigate the city's canals. "If you see a fish, press the doorbell. This alerts the lock operator to open the lock." []

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-- ( March 24, 2025 at 9:36 AM


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More from the article ...

... The idea is simple: An underwater camera at Utrecht's Weerdsluis lock sends live footage to a website.

When somebody watching the site sees a fish, they can click a button that sends a screenshot to organizers. When they see enough fish, they alert a water worker who opens the lock to let the fish swim through.

Now in its fifth year, the site has attracted millions of viewers from around the world with its quirky mix of slow TV and ecological activism.

Much of the time, the screen is just a murky green with occasional bubbles, but sometimes a fish swims past. As the water warms up, more fish show up.

Without the help, native freshwater fish like bream, pike and bass can become backed up behind the lock and form easy prey for predators in the spring, when the lock is rarely opened for passing boats.

The bell is the brainchild of ecologist and concept developer Mark van Heukelum. He's been happily surprised at the response, with millions of people from around the world tuning in over the years. ...

#1 | Posted by LampLighter at 2025-03-24 07:47 PM | Reply

pump it! My tab's open.

Great post!

#2 | Posted by itchyp at 2025-03-26 05:20 PM | Reply

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