It's a shame liberals have no objectivity in their heads whatsoever so when they see someone make a point, they immediately accept it or hate it depending on if it meets their narrative. Here, I'll take a stab at some of the statements this guy tried to use as ammunition:
"Only one candidate has suggested the execution of a former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff."
And multiple liberals have, in a matter of a few years, eluded to Trump should be dead..and I'm talking well-known liberals, not just some guy off the street. And to make the point even better, you can search on DR for all the times DR lib kids have made statements about wishing Trump were dead and things like that. So, if death threats are something you don't like, stop allowing your own party to do it and get away with it.
"Only one candidate has called our war dead " specifically, the Marines who fell at Belleau Wood in France during World War I " "suckers" and "losers.""
Biden himself said the military is full of stupid bastards. I'm sure liberals will say "yeah, but you are missing context, he meant it as a joke". Which would be fine, if liberals actually cared about any context from the other side. Liberals have already proven multiple times this year that many things they do need context but when attacking the other party, they refuse to accept any context. Go ahead, try to argue that. You won't win.
"Only one candidate has suggested putting NASCAR drivers and college coaches in critical national security positions now held by lifelong military professionals who serve as generals and admirals."
Only one POTUS (in modern times and the only one I remember) has said he is going to make appointments based on race and not credentials (completely against the law). After less than a minute search, I found Brookings is more center than many outlets so it's not a stretch to say their data is somewhat balanced. And it provides a great response to someone who wants to demonize one POTUS for their appointments.
So, in summary, if the statements can be refuted easily, using them to support your hypocritical narrative only makes you look bad.
So we are completely forgetting about Obama now, got it.
The reality is that the events of 60 years ago have become a rarity. It has been replaced with a Dem party who wants inequality and only equity. A Dem party who wants race to stay at the forefront of politics to ensure race issues always exist so they get votes. There are many real-world examples of politicians who run something fighting to ensure that something stays relevant, and this is just the next version of it.
"And, Mississippi has changed from then... how?"
It's incredibly easy to tell how it has changed but since you can't bother to look at the situation objectively, you continue to spread propaganda to ensure race stays an issue. First off, a news story like that would probably not have even made the news back then. If it did, it wouldn't have been to spread news, it would have been to spread hate. Additionally, those events were much more common but not reported, which was proven by a professor in the 90s which I can't remember his name now but I remember his research. Secondly, how any black people have killed white people? That number has increased significantly since 60 years ago. And, there is evidence in many cases they targeted the white person because they looked like an average white person who has money.
The fact you even try to insinuate that little has changed since 60 years ago is the entire problem. Today, we have a race of people who are struggling to do for themselves. Back then, we had a race of people who had no option to do for themselves. It's a completely different battle, one that still includes a little racism but has more to do with geographical culture and access to resources they need. But Dems are too busy fighting the battles of 60 years ago and not modernizing and fighting the modern battles we face today. Which is very sad for a group of people who call themselves progressive.