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Another POTUS change, another mad-lib template done by partisan people.


Found that after about 5 seconds of Google searching and saw a whole lot more articles just like it.

We will never become anything greater as a country because of this. New kids, much like the lib kids here on DR, come in and think everything is new. It's not. It's the same record every. single. time. the. chair. changes. party. We continue to have the same arguments and the same whining but nothing new ever gets done. Well, Trump is doing something new whether that's a good thing or not, but at least seeing someone taking action on our debt is refreshing. Unfortunately, it just provides a conduit for partisan people to use the same old tired rhetoric and try to blast him for doing anything because he doesn't belong to your party, so we go back to the same old tired rhetoric again. People are stupid. Yes, even people who subscribe to your narrative.

"Yet suffer at the thought of giving such courtesy to your fellow human being who has asked to you address them by a specific name or pronoun."

You answered your own question and one in which liberals like you just can't seem to accept. It's not debatable so not accepting it means you are doing it on purpose. YES, it IS very extreme to be forced to address someone by different pronouns. Language has existed for thousands of years, and most languages have rule regarding pronoun use so that they identify gender of someone. THOUSANDS OF YEARS. Yet, you come along as a liberal and say pronouns should all of a sudden be used differently now.

If you can't understand how that is extreme, you are willfully trying to just be a rebel. No functional human being could not understand that. Now, before you get all babyish like a typical liberal, that doesn't mean it's wrong at all. Times change. Things change. That's the nature of the universe. Maybe one day we will get to the point that somehow magically everyone can just know everyone else's pronouns so they don't get used by mistake. Nothing wrong with that at all. BUT, the truth is still there...you are trying to change something that has been done a certain way for thousands of years. That is almost the very definition of extreme in this context. Just accept it. Own it. Stop whining like a baby that you are being called a spade when you are a spade. Liberals have multiple extreme values today. Nothing wrong with that and I would even venture to say that because whiny liberals aren't willing to accept themselves and who they are, it makes it a lot tougher to get people to join their cause.

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