Today is the day that history will look back on as the day America fell off it's perch as the world's leader.
It kind of reminds me of January 6, when MAGA insurrectionists attacked the capital. While it was happening, I knew it was a huge deal. I told my wife to come watch the tv with me because it was an event that would reverberate for decades to come, and be taught about in history classes. Well, that is how I felt today watching Trump and Vance descend into open hostility toward the President of the Ukraine, to the advantage and benefit of Vladimir Putin (- the world's most vicious dictator bar none). A historic day. One that will be discussed (and rued) for at least as long as the rest of my life. American diplomacy and leadership flushed itself down the toilet.
Thanks Trump.
At least when old man Biden was bumbling around the White House our economy was not collapsing. In fact the stock market was doing great. Now with old man Orange Puddin' Pie the US is falling into recession and the stock markets are plunging. Good job MAGA!