So Biden - Harris as politicians have purposely taken away the funds owned by USA taxpayers and victims of catastrophic storms and given them to illegal foreigners by spending many billions on handouts, health, education, transportation and lodging at five star hotels, likely owned by connected cronies. and gave them handouts of special culturally appropriate food to millions of unvetted outsiders.
The USA has for many years helped much of the world and allowed entry to millions of immigrants only to see the Democrats V2024 of today encourage the illegal entry of millions that can neither speak English nor are they educated not are they financially self sufficient but they are here illegally doing Democrat misrepresentation intended to destroy the historical culture of USA only because a few Democrat leftist elites said Americans had it too good in America.
Many of our American citizens have been grossly negatively affected by the criminal gang activity that surrounds many of these outsiders as many were released from foreign prisons thanks to Biden and Harris. The sole mission of our leaders should have been to run our country so as to make the USA safer and better.
Biden and Harris and Democrats should pay dearly for their open border treason and gross ineptness. Candidate Harris never ever ran for any office or primary for President as part of the 2024 Presidential election.
Frankly -----------s your posts make sense to me unlike some where nothing makes sense and they often offer nothing. You certainly know what I'm referring to. I don't know if I've ever had a timeout here for any reason. How does one know? Ive always believed my posts as are f much more value to any discussion forum than not. We need a trust fund available to reward providers of fairness.