Thursday, July 18, 2024

Opioid of the Masses

J. D. Vance: To many, Donald Trump feels good, but he can't fix America's growing social and cultural crisis, and the eventual comedown will be harsh.




What Trump offers is an easy escape from the pain. To every complex problem, he promises a simple solution. He can bring jobs back simply by punishing offshoring companies into submission. As he told a New Hampshire crowd--folks all too familiar with the opioid scourge--he can cure the addiction epidemic by building a Mexican wall and keeping the cartels out. He will spare the United States from humiliation and military defeat with indiscriminate bombing. It doesn't matter that no credible military leader has endorsed his plan. He never offers details for how these plans will work, because he can't. Trump's promises are the needle in America's collective vein.

The great tragedy is that many of the problems Trump identifies are real, and so many of the hurts he exploits demand serious thought and measured action--from governments, yes, but also from community leaders and individuals. Yet so long as people rely on that quick high, so long as wolves point their fingers at everyone but themselves, the nation delays a necessary reckoning. There is no self-reflection in the midst of a false euphoria. Trump is cultural heroin. He makes some feel better for a bit. But he cannot fix what ails them, and one day they'll realize it.

I'm not sure when or how that realization arrives: maybe in a few months, when Trump loses the election; maybe in a few years, when his supporters realize that even with a President Trump, their homes and families are still domestic war zones, their newspapers' obituaries continue to fill with the names of people who died too soon, and their faith in the American Dream continues to falter. But it will come, and when it does, I hope Americans cast their gaze to those with the most power to address so many of these problems: each other. And then, perhaps the nation will trade the quick high of "Make America Great Again" for real medicine.

#1 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-07-16 04:12 PM

Gal Tuesday
Years ago I knew somebody who was an ex-Scientologist (Dianetics). This person confided me to that many adherents who had spent years and money "getting clear" and moving up the Dianetics ladder realized too late what a waste it all was. This person informed me since they invested so much time and money in the Church of Scientology, they'd rather be on top of a phony pyramid than at the bottom of a real swamp. They couldn't face the reality that they spent a lifetime wasting thousands and thousands of dollars, while alienating their family and friends. This reminded me of Cipher from "The Matrix." Fortunately this person was able to get de-programmed and leave Scientology, restoring normal friends, family, and finances to his life. Sadly, advising someone that they belong to a cult is a waste of time.

#2 | Posted by C0RI0LANUS at 2024-07-16 07:25 PM

2016 JD Vance is not 2024 JD Vance and it looks like we haven't evolved at all have we?

#3 | Posted by dibblda at 2024-07-18 06:04 PM

the eventual comedown will be harsh.


They haven't even got there yet and it's already "harsh". Magatonians are harsh people by nature.

And when everything falls apart? Well the democrats are always there to clean up the mess they made.

#4 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-07-18 06:31 PM

An entire article devoted to the self-exaggeration of liberal ideologies. Liberals actually think that America's ultimate destruction will be that we don't embrace pronouns. Forget our enemies, forget our economy, forget a liberal, all that matters is wokeness.

The lack of wokeness won't destroy anything. It won't cause the planets to move out of their rotation. It won't cause Russia to invade us because we aren't woke. It won't cause our debt to skyrocket anymore if we aren't woke (in reality, it worsens our debt).

Woke topics have their place and are something a country should do, AFTER it takes care of all of its existential and intrinsic priorities that sustain the country. It's a privilege that a country can fight for when everything else is taken care of. But, today, it isn't. It's not even close. Not one country throughout all of history failed because of lack of calling people what they want. Sorry, it's just not that important at a high level.

#5 | Posted by humtake at 2024-07-19 11:35 AM

Humtake, The article was written by noted liberal Republican vice presidential nominee jd Vance

I guess your long response was your liberal Tourette's kicking in

#6 | Posted by truthhurts at 2024-07-19 11:39 AM

"Trump is cultural heroin and I am an addict" - JD Vance

#7 | Posted by YAV at 2024-07-19 11:50 AM

"Humtake, The article was written by noted liberal Republican vice presidential nominee jd Vance"

Yep, 8 years ago to be exact: JULY 4, 2016. So Vance was a woke liberal before he wasn't and became Trump's VP? That might explain why he honored his wife's heritage by donning Indian garb and having their marriage blessed in a Hindu puja:

JD Vance & Usha Vance
Indian wedding day.

#8 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-07-19 11:54 AM

Vance's "autobiography" is a work of fiction.

He grew up solidly middle class, attended Yale, he was a venture capitalist and is masquerading, like the felon, as a "man of the people".

Let's be clear, he was pushed onto the ticket by billionaires to push the billionaire agenda.

And he ------ a couch.

#9 | Posted by Nixon at 2024-07-19 01:26 PM

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