Friday, August 16, 2024

US Women have Lowest Life Expectancy in High-Income Countries

Women in the U.S. can expect to live shorter lives than women in similarly wealthy nations, according to a brief from the Commonwealth Fund, a nonprofit research group focused on health care.


The life expectancy for American women is two years shorter than that of the country with next lowest female life expectancy " the United Kingdom -- and seven years shorter than that in Korea and Japan, which have the highest life-expectancy for women.


"High life expectancy can be attributed to a number of factors, including high living standards, a healthy lifestyle, quality education, access to comprehensive health services, and superior health outcomes," the brief explains.

Women in the U.S. also have one of the lowest rates of regular access to doctors or other health care providers as well as one of the highest rates of emergency room visits and of skipping needed medical care due to cost " all of which contributed to low life expectancy, according to the brief.

"The health care system is failing women in so many ways," said Munira Gunja, a senior researcher at the Commonwealth Fund and one of the lead authors of the brief.

"We know that health care systems in other countries are really able to protect women, and the U.S. could do the same."

#1 | Posted by Corky at 2024-08-15 06:34 PM

Not a single woman protecting Trump drone is here whining on about saving women from some imaginary threat

Must be because this thread doesn't involve transgenders and is actually something women would like an assist on


#2 | Posted by ChiefTutMoses at 2024-08-16 01:09 AM

In other words
The transgender thing is apparently what attracts them, and not the idea of actually helping women

#3 | Posted by ChiefTutMoses at 2024-08-16 01:11 AM

The UK and USA vs Korea and Japan... I'm thinking of diet and exercise. Our gals are chubby. Some even think it's healthy to be like that too. If a doctor mentions that it isn't or avoids discussing the obvious or treatment that needs patient participation he gets his hand slapped... his license is suspended... for inflicting "mental pain and suffering".

If the medical industry is guilty of anything it is kowtowing to the delusions of their patients... be they trans "women" or fat "healthy" but born without a prostate.

Both conditions must be medically managed... not cured... as long as the person lives...

caaaahhh - ching!

#4 | Posted by RightisTrite at 2024-08-16 02:48 PM

American women are like rental cars consequently they wear out sooner. They voted for this so should not complain.
#5 | Posted by pressers_on at 2024-08-16 03:26 PM | Reply | Flag EYE ROLL

Men still don't live as long so backatcha.

#6 | Posted by RightisTrite at 2024-08-16 04:04 PM

More of that "Best healthcare in the world." we keep hearing about.

#7 | Posted by morris at 2024-08-16 06:37 PM

"We know that health care systems in other countries are really able to protect women, and the U.S. could do the same."
#1 | Posted by Corky

Healthcare systems can't prevent obesity, suicide, drug over doses, road deaths, homicides all of which the US is #1, by orders of magnitude.

America is a mess. Blaming healthcare avoids a conversation on all these issues.

#8 | Posted by oneironaut at 2024-08-16 07:18 PM

Personally, I think obesity is responsible for young adults not having actual sex with another person as much. Blame it on porn all you want but if your body is fat and out of shape it's too much effort for the rewards.

#9 | Posted by RightisTrite at 2024-08-16 08:06 PM

@#8 ... Healthcare systems can't prevent obesity, suicide, drug over doses, road deaths, homicides all of which the US is #1, by orders of magnitude. ...

Why not?

Healthcare systems can provide help for all the issues your current alias raises.

The real question is why the for-profit healthcare system in the US seems to be failing in providing that help/

A quite interesting article...

How does the U.S. Healthcare System Compare To Other Countries? (2024)

... The cost and quality of the U.S. healthcare system is one of the most prominent issues facing everyday Americans. It is a top policy concern for voters, a key indicator of economic efficiency, and a significant driver of the national debt. The recent release of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development's (OECD) 2024 Health Statistics " a comprehensive source of comparable statistics on healthcare systems across OECD member countries " provides policymakers and the public with some insight on how America's healthcare system compares to others.

The United States Spends More on Healthcare per Person than Other Wealthy Countries ...

U.S. healthcare spending per capita is almost twice the average of other wealthy countries ...

The United States spends more on administrative costs but less on long-term care than other wealthy countries ...

The United States has worse healthcare outcomes compared to other wealthy countries ...

[emphasis mine]

So, the "healthcare-for-profit" model sees to result in more money going to the companies that administer health care, resulting in a poorer outcome for those who receive that healthcare.

Quelle surprise.

#10 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-16 08:57 PM

Healthcare systems can't prevent obesity, suicide, drug over doses, ... homicides all of which the US is #1, by orders of magnitude.

Yes. It can.

It's called therapy.

#11 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-08-16 11:06 PM

United States has worse healthcare outcomes compared to other wealthy countries ...

Yea but we got freedumb!

#12 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-08-16 11:07 PM

We are Not a Democracy.. duh.

Oligarchs want poor people to buy their products, work as cheaply as possible, and die when they become expensive.

The System is working as intended, it's always been the same system, since Colonial Times.

Greedy and Ambitious men have run the show since forever in North America.

Low life expectancy is a feature of this, not a bug.

If you can't make someone else money you are a drag on everything, not worth saving when sick not worth considering when well.

These Truths are Self Evident.

#13 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-08-17 12:38 AM

Constantly comparing the entire US to smaller countries is a classic apples and oranges fallacy.

Articles like this make me wonder if the authors are deliberately trying to exclude men, possibly to help or hurt a particular political candidate.

Also, go on YouTube and search for "Most People Have Never Been Adults" for some much needed perspective. Quantity of life appears to be the new rat race. The grass always looks greener on the other side, and you realize many of the people in these (slightly) longer lived countries live very boring lives.

#14 | Posted by sentinel at 2024-08-17 11:51 AM

go on YouTube and search for

You're an idiot.

#15 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-08-17 01:04 PM



#16 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-08-17 01:07 PM

"other wealthy countries"

Possibly no longer part of that club. America is a third world country wearing a Gucci belt

#17 | Posted by dibblda at 2024-08-17 04:58 PM

America is a dying Empire trying to keep up appearances through wars and proxy wars.

Like Rome was in the last Years of it's existence as a coherent whole

The West is sinking, the East is rising. That's why China is such a BugBear.

China will prevail. They are more populous and disciplined.

They actually make Physical THINGS, they don't just play funny games with Money.

The World's workshop will prevail over the World's Fiscal Speculators.

Money by itself isn't Wealth, it's the illusion of it.

A very convincing illusion, but still one for all that.

#18 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-08-17 05:10 PM

"You're an idiot."

That means so much coming from an intellectual giant like yourself. You can't even articulate why it's such a big deal.

#19 | Posted by sentinel at 2024-08-17 06:49 PM

"China will prevail. They are more populous and disciplined."

Spoken like someone who has no real knowledge of China.

#20 | Posted by sentinel at 2024-08-17 06:51 PM

So tell me why I'm wrong, genius? Explain why?

#21 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-08-18 12:48 AM

China is authoritarian, but not disciplined. People have been leaving in droves for decades. Their economy has been slowing down, and they're about to be hit with both an ageing problem and shrinking population.

#22 | Posted by sentinel at 2024-08-18 12:53 PM

#10 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-16 08:57 PM
The United States Spends More on Healthcare per Person than Other Wealthy Countries ...
U.S. healthcare spending per capita is almost twice the average of other wealthy countries ...
The United States spends more on administrative costs but less on long-term care than other wealthy countries ...

There it is - very high "administrative costs" because :

1) they are mandated by politicians in Congress / states / municipalities on healthcare providers and insurers, whose services are mandated but margins are extremely low, as "reimbursement rates" keep getting lower

2) required bureaucracy to stave off "nuisence lawsuits"

3) the legal costs of "healthcare" are extremely high in the US relative to "other wealthy countries" because the governments are dominated by lawyers

The United States has worse healthcare outcomes compared to other wealthy countries ...

So, the "healthcare-for-profit" model sees to result in more money going to the companies that administer health care, resulting in a poorer outcome for those who receive that healthcare. Quelle surprise.

No surprise. Wrong conclusions are derived by trying to apply a single-variable "combined average" apples-to-trees comparisons and then attributed to / correlated with the unrelated causation.

Not the first time the faulty premises, used by politicians and the media to feed biased/wrong conclusions to uninformed / mis-educated hoi polloi, so then later "based on polls," it led to wrong policies.

Fallacy: Cherry Picking Data | There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics (and cherry-picked data "interpretations")

The "health outcomes" (however they are defined) and longevity depend on many factors, the main of which are demographics, education, income distribution, epidemiology, geography (rural vs urban population), culture (food, eating habits / obesity / chronic diseases, drug use / overdoses / injuries / chronic diseases etc.) - i.e., when the "diversity" of the "average" US population and geography is taken into account - any of which has very little to do with the "quality of healthcare" in the US.

Besides the fact that "average" is very imperfect non-qualitative measurement, for example, women (and men) in the "blue zones" of the US are living 10 years longer, "on average," than average US woman's age, and longer than women in many "other wealthy countries" - compare longevity and health of these "wealthy" and mostly White states, with the population of "other [mostly White] wealthy states" and the picture of the "quality of healthcare" will change dramatically.

Why don't you do a study of "wealthy mostly White" states with "wealthy not mostly White states" and "not wealthy states" and see if there is a difference in longevity and quality - all of them having the same "for-profit" healthcare. Quelle surprise?

The problem of expense will still exist, because of issues not related to healthcare itself but because the US politicians at the highest levels, as in Congress, states and municipal governments, and administrative sector are mostly lawyers and "activists" (demanding more bureaucracy) and not doctors who are forced to practice "defensive medicine" and often reduced to .

There is absolutely no evidence that the "healthcare" itself in the US is inferior to any other wealthy or "free and universal healthcare" (whatever that means) country, in fact people flock to the US when they need higher quality or necessary health care that may not be available in their country at any price.

But "grass is always greener..."

#23 | Posted by CutiePie at 2024-08-18 07:13 PM

#10 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-16 08:57 PM
The United States Spends More on Healthcare per Person than Other Wealthy Countries ...
U.S. healthcare spending per capita is almost twice the average of other wealthy countries ...
The United States spends more on administrative costs but less on long-term care than other wealthy countries ...

There it is - very high "administrative costs" because :

1) they are mandated by politicians in Congress / states / municipalities on healthcare providers and insurers, whose services are mandated but margins are extremely low, as "reimbursement rates" keep getting lower

2) required bureaucracy to stave off "nuisance lawsuits"

3) the legal costs of "healthcare" are extremely high in the US relative to "other wealthy countries" because the governments are dominated by lawyers

The United States has worse healthcare outcomes compared to other wealthy countries ...

So, the "healthcare-for-profit" model sees to result in more money going to the companies that administer health care, resulting in a poorer outcome for those who receive that healthcare. Quelle surprise.

No surprise. Wrong conclusions are derived by trying to apply a single-variable "combined average" apples-to-trees comparisons and then attributed to / correlated with the unrelated causation.

Not the first time the faulty premises, used by politicians and the media to feed biased/wrong conclusions to uninformed / mis-educated hoi polloi, so then later "based on polls," it led to wrong policies.

Fallacy: Cherry Picking Data | There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics (and cherry-picked data "interpretations")

The "health outcomes" (however they are defined) and longevity depend on many factors, the main of which are demographics, education, income distribution, epidemiology, geography (rural vs urban population), culture (food, eating habits / obesity / chronic diseases, drug use / overdoses / injuries / chronic diseases etc.) - i.e., when the "diversity" of the "average" US population and geography is taken into account - any of which has very little to do with the "quality of healthcare" in the US.

Besides the fact that "average" is very imperfect non-qualitative measurement, for example, women (and men) in the "blue zones" of the US are living 10 years longer, "on average," than average US woman's age or than women in many "other wealthy countries" - compare longevity and health of these "wealthy and mostly White" states, with those of "other wealthy countries" and the picture of the "quality of healthcare" will change dramatically.

Why don't you do a study of "wealthy mostly White" states with "wealthy not mostly White states" and "not wealthy states" and see if there is a difference in longevity and quality - all of them having the same "for-profit" healthcare. Quelle surprise?

The problem of expense will still exist, because of issues not related to healthcare itself but because the US politicians at the highest levels, as in Congress, states and municipal governments, and administrative sector are mostly lawyers and "activists" (demanding more bureaucracy) and not doctors who are forced to practice "defensive medicine" and often having to order unnecessary, expensive tests and expensive medications.

There is absolutely no evidence that the "healthcare" itself in the US is inferior to any other wealthy or "free and universal healthcare" (whatever that means) countries.

But "grass is always greener..."

#24 | Posted by CutiePie at 2024-08-18 07:39 PM

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