Saturday, September 21, 2024

As Prez, Trump Demanded Inquiries of Foes. He Got Them.

Trump has threatened to target his perceived enemies if elected again. A look at his time in the White House shows how readily he could do so. And it highlights how closely his expressed desires to go after people who had drawn his ire were sometimes followed by the Justice Department, F.B.I. or other agencies.



Even without his direct order, his indirect influence could serve his ends and leave those in his sights facing expensive, time-consuming legal proceedings or other high-stress inquiries.

The story of that period has a powerful resonance today as Mr. Trump, angered in part by the two federal and two state-level indictments of him since leaving office, threatens to carry out a campaign of retribution if he returns to the White House. He has signaled that a second Trump administration would be stocked not with people who served as guardrails during his first term, but with carefully vetted loyalists who would eagerly carry out his wishes.

Mr. Trump's efforts were so sustained and troubling to top West Wing aides that at least two of them took from the White House notes they had written that memorialized how he said he wanted to use the powers of the federal government against his rivals.

In a few of the cases where Mr. Trump wanted investigations, there was legitimate basis for action. But in many others, there was little or no legal justification. None resulted in a criminal conviction.

If elected again, he would also return to the White House bolstered by the Supreme Court's ruling in July that former presidents have broad immunity from prosecution for official acts taken while in office.

Gaslighting Through Projection (GTP) has become Trump and the right wing's modus operandi and the go-to position almost reflexively when forced to answer for their own illicit and illegal actions and activities. They always criticize Democrats, the Deep State, or whomever the 'other side' happens to be for the very behaviors they endeavor to undertake towards their own often criminal ends.

And now with the Roberts Court basically handing a President a get-out-of-jail-free card, there simply would be little any law enforcement agency could do against a POTUS who can literally do or order anything if he colors those decisions as part of his official presidential duties and powers. The President has virtually become a law unto his/herself, unanswerable to anyone but the electorate once every 4 years - unless destroying the constitutional mandate for elections also falls under these same unfettered presidential powers or through a complicit and pliable Congress.

#1 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-09-21 09:40 AM

He can't do any of that from prison or a foreign country.

#2 | Posted by a_monson at 2024-09-21 10:59 AM

Here Are Cases of Trump Rivals Who Were Subject to Investigation

*James B. Comey - Former F.B.I. director - Subjected to Justice Department investigation and I.R.S. audit

*Andrew G. McCabe - Deputy F.B.I. director - Investigated by the Justice Department, fired and subjected to I.R.S. audit

*Peter Strzok - Lead F.B.I. agent on Clinton and Russia investigations - Investigated by the Justice Department and fired

*John F. Kerry - Obama's secretary of state - Investigated by the Justice Department

*Hillary Clinton and her 2016 campaign - Former presidential candidate - Investigated by the Justice Department

*Michael D. Cohen - Trump's former lawyer and fixer - Pleaded guilty to federal charges in hush money case, served prison sentence, faced retaliatory effort to stop him from publishing anti-Trump book

*News Organizations - CNN, The Washington Post and The New York Times - The Justice Department subpoenaed phone and email records of journalists in leak investigations.

*John R. Bolton - Trump's national security adviser - Faced criminal investigation and civil suit by the Justice Department seeking to block publication of book critical of Trump

*Omarosa Manigault Newman - Trump's White House aide - Faced civil suit by the Justice Department that led to a $61,000 fine

*Stephanie Winston Wolkoff - Former adviser to Melania Trump, the first lady - Faced a Justice Department lawsuit seeking to recoup her profits from a book critical of Trump and his wife

Would anyone like to point to a single instance where Biden asked his DOJ to target anyone critical of him or especially his son Hunter?

#3 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-09-21 03:28 PM

Biden didn't even interfere when his son failed a drug test.

Trump thinks himself a king.

#4 | Posted by Tor at 2024-09-21 05:02 PM

OMG! What I got from that was a very difficult and not self-serving responsibility of President Kamala Harris. She will have to oversee a thorough de-politation of the Attorney General, the Justice Dept., immigratiion (large scale blatant corruption there, virtually all departments.Once begun; this sort of investigation could go anywhere. OMG! Having a Prosecutor as President and from the people that she will actually do it? That would be historic! Probably her nre slogan vould be: Kamala will clean your house!

#5 | Posted by danni at 2024-09-21 05:33 PM

"Trump thinks himself a king."

I've been saying that ever since he took his spoiled brats to have dinner with the Queen of England; he thought he should be treated as royalty. (and his fu**ing kids tpp!

#6 | Posted by danni at 2024-09-21 05:37 PM

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