Friday, September 27, 2024

Jared Kushner's Fund Paid $112M in Fees, Returned $0 Profit

The private equity firm run by Jared Kushner, the son-in-law of former President Donald J. Trump, has been paid at least $112 million in fees since 2021 by Saudi Arabia and other foreign investors, even though as of July it had not yet returned any profits to the governments largely bankrolling the firm.



Those are among the findings of a Senate Finance Committee inquiry into the operations of Affinity Partners, the Miami-based firm Mr. Kushner set up.

The committee opened an investigation this spring in response to reporting in The New York Times examining the firm's first three years of work.

Senator Ron Wyden, Democrat of Oregon, the committee's chairman, said the new information had only deepened his concerns that Mr. Kushner's firm creates conflicts of interest, particularly with his father-in-law running for re-election.

Mr. Wyden asked why Affinity Partners had not "distributed a penny of earnings back to clients," and suggested that perhaps it was set up primarily as a way for foreign entities to pay the Kushners rather than a typical fund in which partners reap the returns of deployed capital.

"Affinity's investors may not be motivated by commercial considerations but rather the opportunity to funnel foreign government money to members of President Trump's family, namely Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump," Mr. Wyden wrote in a letter to Affinity this week, asking two dozen questions.

Mr. Kushner, in interviews with The Times, acknowledged that his firm had moved slowly at first to invest the $3 billion it had collected from its investors since it formed in 2021. He said that was, in part, because a flood of venture capital moving into markets made it difficult initially to find attractive deals. That meant a delay in generating profits to return money to his investors.

Am I wrong to assume that Jared isn't just sitting on $3B and at least is parking it in some short term interest bearing vehicle? Wouldn't that at least show some type of profit, or not enough to cover the fees and get returned to the investors?

#1 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-09-25 07:44 PM

You can't help but wonder whether the Saudi's and other foreigners are counting on Trump winning to get a 'return on their investment'.


#2 | Posted by OCUser at 2024-09-25 10:47 PM

That's the price MBS has to pay for top secret nuclear weapons documents and the permission to kill Kashoggi.

#3 | Posted by Nixon at 2024-09-26 09:21 AM

"but Hunter Biden..."

does it have to be one or the other... just throw them all in jail.

#4 | Posted by kwrx25 at 2024-09-26 01:09 PM

I am no financial genius, and goodness knows the Saudis would never trust me with 2 billion, but after Covid, I put a couple of dollars in an interest bearing account, and so make enough for...lunch. Maybe someone should tell Jared to park the money in an interest bearing something or other...
Still, in the pantheon of American grifter, the Trump family really does stand out.

#5 | Posted by Hughmass at 2024-09-27 07:59 AM

I'll wager that the funds not invested in individual firms are parked in US Treasury securities, and so long as Affinity bought on the short end of the yield curve, they have done OK. But private equity investors are not the sort to seek a 5% return. As pointed out in the article, the investments made will start providing yield and return in a couple of years--in the middle of another Dotard presidency. For normal people, that would present a conflict of interest, which the Trump Crime Family will simply ignore.

The oddest thing about this situation is that a bunch of Arab States entrusted an investment firm run by a little wooden Jewish boy with $3B. There was probably some 'splainin' done in the Gulf. Or the explanation was already known...

#6 | Posted by catdog at 2024-09-27 10:07 AM

"You can't help but wonder whether the Saudi's and other foreigners are counting on Trump winning to get a 'return on their investment'."

But hey, let's prosecute the Mayor of New York. Not defending him at all but I would suggest that America has a huge selective enforcement problemFYI, no partisan and corrupt Supreme Court has ever granted the Justices immunity, though they operate as if one did. So, vomparatively who is more corrupt; the Mayor of New York or Clarence Thomas? IMHO WE HAVE A WINNER!

Answer? IMHO compare relative harm to America! IMHO We all know who wins if we did it that way!

#7 | Posted by danni at 2024-09-27 10:45 AM

#7 Danni If they commit the crime they need to do the time. I don't care what party they're in. But still Jared, Trump need to go to jail.

#8 | Posted by Ronnie68 at 2024-09-27 11:26 AM

Just another grift. I'm sure Donald is proud of his son-in-law.

#9 | Posted by Whatsleft at 2024-09-27 06:01 PM

So? What's the issue here? These "investors" know exactly what they're dealing with here.

#10 | Posted by Angrydad at 2024-09-27 10:53 PM

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