Thursday, December 26, 2024

Nominee to Lead the IRS, Touts a Credential That Tax Experts Say Is Dubious

The former representative from Missouri, who once pushed to abolish the IRS, has marketed himself as a certified tax and business advisor after attending only a three-day seminar.


PRO PUBLICA: "Billy Long, former representative from Missouri, who once pushed to abolish the IRS, marketed himself as a certified tax & business advisor after a 3-DAY seminar ... now Trump wants him to lead the IRS." Rich foxes running the hen house. ...

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-- The Tennessee Holler ( December 21, 2024 at 9:25 PM


More from the article...

... Former U.S. Rep. Billy Long of Missouri, whom President-elect Donald Trump has named his nominee to head the IRS, touts his expertise in tax matters.

He advertises his credential as a certified tax and business advisor, and he adds CTBA to his name on his X profile. That profile encourages people to message him to "save 40% on your taxes."

But tax experts told ProPublica that they have never heard of CTBA as a credential in the tax profession.

The designation is offered by a small Florida firm, Excel Empire, which was established just two years ago and only requires attendance at a three-day seminar.

That is in stark contrast to the 150 credit hours and the rigorous exams required to become a certified public accountant, a standard certification for tax accountants. ...

#1 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-12-25 08:19 PM

When Trump comes up with a name for a job, the question to be asked is not "What are this person's qualifications?" That's a second question. The real question is, "What disqualifications are involved?" These are all crony, mental casting couch, pay-off and sad dominance decisions. No real qualifications for the stated job at hand are needed or actually required.

#2 | Posted by Doc_Sarvis at 2024-12-26 06:37 AM

Don't you folks understand?

It's "On the job" training . . . to do things the way Trump wants them done. The less experience in the outside world, the less arguments when Trump gives his directives.

Trump is a one man show. His way or the highway.

PLUS, Trump plans to use the IRS as an integral part of his revenge on is enemies. The biggest doofus he can find, the better.

#3 | Posted by Twinpac at 2024-12-26 07:38 AM

"What are this person's qualifications?"

He has indicated he wants to abolish the IRS.

That's all Trumpy needs to know.

#4 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-12-26 03:25 PM

All those MAGA Party pols prancing about going on with their idea of running the government like a business' is so much baloney. Were the US Government a business, the IRS would be the accounts receivable department. No businessman or woman would ever recommend that their A/R department be cut to the bone and forced to use outdated computers and software. King Dotard II has chosen another stooge know-nothing who will be sympathetic to rich folks complaining about their tax bills while hounding everybody else who owes a nickel or a dime ...

#5 | Posted by catdog at 2024-12-26 03:36 PM

Circular 230 is very clear: tax advisors CANNOT use the word "certified" unless they're either a CPA, or a Certified Financial Planner.

The last thing we need at the IRS is a leader who doesn't believe in the rules.

#6 | Posted by Danforth at 2024-12-26 05:13 PM

Jesus H. Christ. Somebody 'splain to me how this is good.

#7 | Posted by cbob at 2024-12-27 06:50 PM

@#7 ... Somebody 'splain to me how this is good. ...

Good for whom?

The wealthy or the workers?

imo, it is good for the wealthy because the IRS will be weaker, much weaker, allowing the wealthy to dodge taxes. It is not good for the workers because someone will have to bear the burden of the additional US debt.

#8 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-12-27 07:06 PM

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