Friday, February 07, 2025

Trump's Gaza Plan Shocks World, Fulfills Predictions

"What makes all of this so stunning is that from a biblical perspective it is exactly what the Antichrist has prophesies to do. And in case you're not sure, Trump already aligned with other descriptions for this end times figure.

But here are four verses related to the teaching that the Antichrist will do exactly what Trump is talking about:


Daniel 11:39 talks about how he shall, "divide the land... for gain" (profit)

Daniel 11:41 talks about the Antichrist, "entering the Glorious land" (Israel)

Daniel 11:45 speaks of how the Antichrist will, "plant the Tabernacles of his Palace between the Seas"

and Joel 32 talks about judgment coming upon those who, "divide God's land"


Oh please. The last thing we need right now is the insertion of religious nuttery.

#1 | Posted by jpw at 2025-02-07 01:28 PM

The vid is 8 mins, but the first 4 mins are from an Axios article covering what we already know, so you could start after that if you like. It includes Trump's post after the statement he had made, and gives context for the verses quoted above.

There's also a Transcript under, 'more'.

These are OT verses that a lot of every day Pastors know, and I noticed this morning that several of them were all like, "WTF!"... because these are pretty specifically obvious.

#2 | Posted by Corky at 2025-02-07 01:30 PM


That sounds more like a whiny opinion than an argument. Here's how to make an argument:

Try not to be so butthurt about opinions, or even arguments, that aren't your own.

#3 | Posted by Corky at 2025-02-07 01:46 PM


Fools finding vague lines as "Predictions" has happened every generation since they stole all the holidays and hijacked all the other storylines of other myths.

And every generation has died off disappointed that their "predictions" weren't at all what the goat herder myths said they would be.

And LOL at you trying to be condescending. You're a marginally above average IQ who relies mostly on C&P storms and other people's words to make your "arguments."

#4 | Posted by jpw at 2025-02-07 02:45 PM

I forgot, the reason I said what I said is because the situation is volatile and dangerous enough without adding in the absolutist and often violent tendencies of extreme religious believers. The last thing we need to hear is shouts of "GOD WILLS IT!"

#5 | Posted by jpw at 2025-02-07 02:46 PM

#5 FWIW I understood your point in your first post.

#6 | Posted by BellRinger at 2025-02-07 03:07 PM

- vague lines as "Predictions"

Yeah... no. You are making yourself look silly with that particular tact.

There's nothing vague about these facts:

Video and transcript... which several libs around here have seen and commented positively on. You know, people who don't mistake their opinions for facts.

- you trying to be condescending. You're a marginally above average IQ who

You really should proofread what you write, lmao!

- adding in the absolutist and often violent tendencies of extreme religious believers

You may have missed it, but that horse is already out of the barn among Trumpers... these contradictions to their rwing 'religion' might just help break the trance.

If you want to start a thread about your opinions about the 'existence of God'... go ahead.

This one is about the fact that Trump perfectly matches ALL the descriptions of the character and actions of a personage predicted in ancient texts... and if what you read or see in the link in this post, which you are afraid to view, had been written by someone like Nostradamus or Edgar Casey, people would be going ------- about their prescience. (you can look that word up if you need to)

#7 | Posted by Corky at 2025-02-07 03:09 PM

You really should proofread what you write, lmao!

Yawn. Take the L, sport.

#8 | Posted by jpw at 2025-02-07 03:09 PM


Already owns the L, punk.

#9 | Posted by Corky at 2025-02-07 03:11 PM


This is a volatile situation. You thinking you are Nostradamus is pointless.

#10 | Posted by BellRinger at 2025-02-07 03:16 PM

Corky We've been hearing about the end times since a day after Jesus assended to heaven. I doubt that we are at the end times yet.

#11 | Posted by LauraMohr at 2025-02-07 03:24 PM

Already owns the L, punk.

#9 | Posted by Corky

Right. Says the guy turning short snippets from bronze age goat herder myths into "predictions."

I mean, I'm not surprised. You once tried to peddle Genesis as being scientifically accurate...if you only just ignored this part, and moved this part to before this part and squinted at it while standing on your left foot on a Tuesday.

#12 | Posted by jpw at 2025-02-07 03:30 PM

BTW your little 15 phrase list...fits all manner of scumbags who have held political office over the years.

Again, we don't need religious nuttery fuel thrown on a growing fire, whether it be by his supporters or detractors.

#13 | Posted by jpw at 2025-02-07 03:31 PM


Ah, so... Laura, what did you think about the 15 Ways Trump is the AntiChrist video or transcript in #15? Didn't those seem eerily similar to him?

They've actually gotten good reviews from people like Clowny and Yav and a few others... but then, they aren't afraid of things that may not fit their current world view.

#14 | Posted by Corky at 2025-02-07 03:34 PM

Considering that America wasn't even a thing during the writing of the Bible. U don't believe that Trump is the Antichrist. While I agree he shares the same qualities as the Antichrist. I believe that the Antichrist will come out of the Middle East. NOT here. If you believe in that sort of thing. Just sayin

#15 | Posted by LauraMohr at 2025-02-07 03:38 PM

I don't believe.

#16 | Posted by LauraMohr at 2025-02-07 03:39 PM

- fits all manner of scumbags who have held political office over the years.

Now you are just lying.... which looks awfully desperate. Name one person that fits them all.

Name one person who Christians have fallen for like they have Trump as they fall away from the teachings of the Church. Name one who has already made a peace deal like the Abraham Accords, and intends to extend them to another than looks like the long predicted Covenant of Many.

We've never had as dangerous an evil person Trump before in the Oval Office. Ever.

#17 | Posted by Corky at 2025-02-07 03:43 PM


There's an answer to that:

Skip to near the end if you want... then go back and see how they got there.

#18 | Posted by Corky at 2025-02-07 03:47 PM

- religious nuttery

Repeating your OPINIONS will never prove them. Just sayin'.

There are people with approximately twice your IQ that disagree with you.

#19 | Posted by Corky at 2025-02-07 03:50 PM

We've never had as dangerous an evil person Trump before in the Oval Office. Ever.

#17 | Posted by Corky

I don't disagree with that.

But where does it say the Antichrist will inhabit the Oval Office?

#20 | Posted by jpw at 2025-02-07 03:50 PM

There are people with approximately twice your IQ that disagree with you.

#19 | Posted by Corky

Other than argument from authority being your favorite logical fallacy, who cares? This means nothing.

#21 | Posted by jpw at 2025-02-07 03:51 PM

All part of God's plan. Including the millions of abortions that have taken place over the centuries. Including the ethnic cleansing in Palestine. Including the human and sex trafficking taking place throughout the world. Including school shootings where children bleed out with their "heroes" standing right outside the door, refusing to save them.

All. Part. Of. God's. Plan.

Swallow it.

#22 | Posted by rstybeach11 at 2025-02-07 03:53 PM

It means your opinions aren't the facts you tell others that they are.

I know what I say is my opinion, you know yours are facts.

See the difference?

#23 | Posted by Corky at 2025-02-07 03:54 PM

You are making yourself look silly with that particular tact.
There's nothing vague about these facts:
#7 | Posted by Corky

The irony in the above post is absolutely rife! Jesus Butt Loving Christ, this is not the time for evangelism, CORKY!

#24 | Posted by rstybeach11 at 2025-02-07 03:57 PM

It means your opinions aren't the facts you tell others that they are.

I know what I say is my opinion, you know yours are facts.

See the difference?

#23 | Posted by Corky

Your words, not mine.

I guess you have no good argument for why it's not religious nuttery?

#25 | Posted by jpw at 2025-02-07 04:01 PM

- But where does it say the Antichrist will inhabit the Oval Office?

See #18.... or not. No one is trying to change your opinions.

- argument from authority being your favorite logical fallacy, who cares? This means nothing.

lol... you are just using your favorite logical fallacy of attacking the source.

I'm not going to ax' you to repeat one of Einstein's theorems here in your own words... that's silly.

Giving you a short tract or vid on a point is just something you like to whine about when you have no argument.

Here, take 3 mins... 1.5 for the question, and the same for the answer. And I didn't even have to try for an hour to explain it to you:

#26 | Posted by Corky at 2025-02-07 04:03 PM

- Jesus Butt Loving Christ

That's what Clowny and Yav call him, lmao.


"Here, prove a negative for right quick!"

You funny guy.

I think it's better to counter Trumpish "christians" with their own book than to just hide while the destroy the country.

I'm fighting, you are hiding.... but then, that's OK, you don't know enough about the subject to fight them.

The posts I've made on this in the last few months around here have made them run away from me every time.... and they've also interested open-minded libs here who are either believers or agnostics.

Go atheist around on your own thread, no one cares.

#27 | Posted by Corky at 2025-02-07 04:09 PM

for me right quick

#28 | Posted by Corky at 2025-02-07 04:11 PM

#27 | Posted by Corky

You think trying to prove Trump is the Anti-Christ is fighting back?

Uhhhhhh. Okay.

Embedded GIF

#29 | Posted by rstybeach11 at 2025-02-07 04:15 PM

See #18.... or not. No one is trying to change your opinions.

I have seen it. No mention of the Oval Office.

you are just using your favorite logical fallacy of attacking the source.

Calling something lunacy isn't attacking the source. It's disregarding it as a useful analysis because it's, well, lunacy.

Giving you a short tract or vid on a point is just something you like to whine about when you have no argument.

Yawn. No. It's me calling you out on your tactic of using other people's words and insisting people waste their time reading your links or watching a video because you can't synthesize an argument based on it and communicate that argument in your own words. You point to other people's words and say "debunk that or you have no argument."

Terrible debate tactic.

#30 | Posted by jpw at 2025-02-07 04:19 PM


I see it werking all the time... some people who voted for Trump are wishing they hadn't because of Musk or Hespeth or other of his idiotic appointments. Some because of Tariffs and because of Herr Musk and doge. A lot who live in Dearborn.

As I mentioned early on, there are Trumpers who are 'christians' who see one of the many people online pointing out these predictions coming true; people who actually know a bit about them already... and changing their minds about him.

That's a good thing.

#31 | Posted by Corky at 2025-02-07 04:50 PM

Taking over Greenland, Canada the 51st State, Gulf of America, reclaiming Panama, Gaza Strip Resorts and Trump Casinos ...

It hasn't been a month yet. This is all being done to create fatigue.

Everyone needs to take a deep breath. None of that is anymore real than colonies on Mars.

The things you need to be paying attention to is what's being done to our Federal Government and civil rights. The blue print is in project 2025.

Elon Musk having everyone's personal information should be a bigger deal to all Americans. All of us. You don't know what he's going to do with that information. He's not you friend. He couldn't care any less about your party affiliation. Zero.

Wake the ---- up.

#32 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-02-07 05:00 PM

Only 21% of Arab-Americans nationwide voted for Trumpf and they make up 1.1% of the US population. Kamala received 20% of their vote while Jill Stein took 59%. 21% of American Jews voted for Trumpf. In NYC, 46% of Jews voted for the Dotard.

A Donald Trumpf yarmulke sold at the Mahane Yehuda Market in Jerusalem, 27 Aug 2023.


#33 | Posted by C0RI0LANUS at 2025-02-07 05:14 PM

- No mention of the Oval Office

Name any politician in or out of office that matches ALL the dozens of descriptions, of which you know nothing, just name one.

- you can't synthesize an argument based on it and communicate that argument in your own words

I do that here all the time.

But the fact is, sometimes the poster isn't worth the effort with a complicated subject, especially when they've been whining about what other people believe here for years... and then ignoring the arguments they have been given ad infinitum.

So I give them a 3 min vid that would take be 20 mins to write... and, of course, they look like a whiny child when they complain about that.

But you haven't been around much lately (Thank you, Heyzeus!!) to pretend that your opinions are facts to anyone other than yourself.

So maybe you haven't seen the many times I've posted on this subject, or the other posters who agree with us both most of the time on politics who have no problem discussing it without all your ad hominem and who, some surprisingly, agree with the premise.

You seem to want to talk about the existence of God (which is answered in 3 mins above) rather than the thread topic, and some want to talk about "Iron Age goatherders"... many of whom, at the very least were better writers then than either of you are now.

#34 | Posted by Corky at 2025-02-07 05:14 PM

#31 | Posted by Corky

Why all the assumptions? Got any data to back that up? You're all over the place thinking your perspective brings it all together.

Make it make sense, already.

#35 | Posted by rstybeach11 at 2025-02-07 05:14 PM


Trump is more popular in Israel than most any other politician there... he's even got his own Memorial Coin.

ahahaha... when I was looking that up, I saw that White House Gift Shop is selling Trump junk, including coins.

Also that there's now 700 $Trump coin imitations being sold per Bitcoin!

#36 | Posted by Corky at 2025-02-07 05:21 PM

Throughout history, several powerful figures have been compared to the biblical description of the Antichrist, much like the current comparisons being made to Donald Trump. While it's important to note that these comparisons are often subjective and influenced by contemporary perspectives, some historical figures have exhibited traits similar to those attributed to the Antichrist in biblical texts.

## Historical Figures Often Compared to the Antichrist

1. Napoleon Bonaparte: The French emperor was widely seen as the Antichrist by his enemies. He was charismatic, militarily brilliant, and rose to power during a time of great social upheaval[8].

2. Adolf Hitler: Many viewed Hitler as the Antichrist due to his charismatic leadership, persecution of religious groups, and the cult of personality surrounding him[8].

3. Nero: The Roman emperor was one of the earliest figures to be associated with the Antichrist, particularly for his persecution of Christians[8].

4. Mussolini: The Italian dictator was another 20th-century figure often compared to the Antichrist, particularly due to his alliance with Nazi Germany and his authoritarian rule[8].

## Traits Commonly Associated with the Antichrist

The Bible describes several characteristics of the Antichrist, including:

- Intelligence and charisma[8]
- Military and economic genius[8]
- Blasphemous speech[8]
- Egotistical and ambitious nature[8]
- Ability to negotiate powerful deals[5]
- Arrogance and boastfulness[2]

It's worth noting that many powerful leaders throughout history have exhibited some of these traits, leading to comparisons with the Antichrist, much like how Trump recently did.


#37 | Posted by rstybeach11 at 2025-02-07 05:24 PM

Rsty... I said I see it all the time; in vids and news stories; Trump as possibly the antiChrist is disturbing to a lot of Trumpers, some of whom are already shook up a bit by his recent actions.

I'VE said many times here for the last year that I don't know if he is or not, what I do know is that he he perfectly matches the dozens of descriptions of what the bible calls the Man of Sin.

And even is there is no such thing or it isn't him... fitting the description of the most vile man in the book should be enough to turn off some believers.

And it appears to be doing so in comments I see on social media.

It doesn't hurt to beat the competition at their own game... of course, it helps to know the game.

#38 | Posted by Corky at 2025-02-07 05:30 PM

said I see it all the time; in vids and news stories; Trump as possibly the antiChrist is disturbing to a lot of Trumpers, some of whom are already shook up a bit by his recent actions.
#38 | Posted by Corky

How many is a lot? Now you're trying to convince us via anecdotes? Jesus ------- Christ, CORKY. What happened?

#39 | Posted by rstybeach11 at 2025-02-07 05:31 PM


Cool. Now check out the vid or transcript in #18 to find out why that is.

#40 | Posted by Corky at 2025-02-07 05:32 PM

You seem to want to talk about the existence of God

No, that's just your canned rebuttal.

My first post stating what I want-less religious zealotry in our politics.

Its quite simple.

#41 | Posted by jpw at 2025-02-07 05:33 PM


I hope you are pretending that when someone tells you that they seem to be seeing a lot more chatter about a subject on social media, that you always ask them to back it up with the data.

I hope.

#42 | Posted by Corky at 2025-02-07 05:35 PM

#40 | Posted by Corky

I did. It's not convincing, partially based on the exact historical references I already provided.

#43 | Posted by rstybeach11 at 2025-02-07 05:35 PM

I hope.
#42 | Posted by Corky

Considering the proliferation of bots on social media, that's EXACTLY what I do.

Your response, however, is tragically telling. Don't become a sucker like the MAGA cultists who rely on social media to spread their false reality. If you don't understand the concept of "bots" on social media, you have some pertinent homework to do.

#44 | Posted by rstybeach11 at 2025-02-07 05:37 PM

*EXACTLY referring to a request for data.

#45 | Posted by rstybeach11 at 2025-02-07 05:39 PM

- No, that's just your canned rebuttal.

No, it's a historical fact. Any mention of anything spiritual brings out the lab rat in you.

- Its quite simple.

Yes, but then you complicated it with your usual "there's no God! goatherders myth" meme... and then through in a bit of the very first ad hominem on the thread just for good measure:

"And every generation has died off disappointed that their "predictions" weren't at all what the goat herder myths said they would be.

And LOL at you trying to be condescending. You're a marginally above average IQ who relies mostly on C&P storms and other people's words to make your "arguments."

#4 | Posted by jpw"

And then you wonder why people think you are a whiny drunk.

#46 | Posted by Corky at 2025-02-07 05:41 PM


I'm mainly referring to vids on yt.... and many of them who once touted Trump are doubting Trump.

And some of them are even rwing Pastors who fell for Trump, but are now doubting because one thing they do know about are some of these descriptions of the antiChrist that they are slowly realizing match their guy.

But people have been talking about this since 2016 and before.

SO while I really, really appreciate your concerns, I don't see any problem with fighting fire with fire.

Especially when it's werking.

#47 | Posted by Corky at 2025-02-07 05:48 PM

Especially when it's werking.
#47 | Posted by Corky

Interesting opinion. So it was only after the election that these Trump voters realized he could be the anti-Christ and NOW it's an issue.

Sorry, don't buy it.

#48 | Posted by rstybeach11 at 2025-02-07 06:02 PM

No, as I said, Trump matching the descriptions has been talked about and studied since at least 2016.

btw, was it you that brought up the Canaanites the other day?

Here's something you might be interested in:

#49 | Posted by Corky at 2025-02-07 06:24 PM

was it you that brought up the Canaanites the other day?
#49 | Posted by Corky

Why the ---- would I do that?

#50 | Posted by rstybeach11 at 2025-02-07 06:29 PM

Someone did, just asking. Pls pardon my existence.

#51 | Posted by Corky at 2025-02-07 06:33 PM

Pls pardon my existence.
#51 | Posted by Corky

Embedded GIF

#52 | Posted by rstybeach11 at 2025-02-07 07:14 PM

Your eloquence in whining is beyond compare.... your arguments not so much.

#53 | Posted by Corky at 2025-02-08 09:06 PM


You shall forever be the perpetual victim.

Swallow it.

#54 | Posted by rstybeach11 at 2025-02-09 04:14 PM

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