Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Monday, February 26, 2024

Trump claimed that Black people like him because he has faced discrimination in the legal system, which is something they can relate to. "I got indicted a second time and a third time and a fourth time, and a lot of people said that that's why the Black people like me, because they have been hurt so badly and discriminated against, and they actually viewed me as I'm being discriminated against," he said.


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"I'm being indicted for you, the American people. I'm being indicted for you, the Black population. I am being indicted for a lot of different groups by sick people, these are sick, sick people," Trump said Friday night in a speech at the Black Conservative Federation's annual gala, at which he received the "Champion of Black America" award.


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"Some of the greatest evils in our nation's history have come from corrupt systems that try to target and subjugate others to deny them their freedom and to deny them their rights," Trump said. "I think that's why the Black people are so much on my side now because they see what's happening to me happens to them."

Trump said Black Americans showcased their support for him through their embrace of merchandise emblazoned with his mug shot.

"My mug shot " we've all seen the mug shot, and you know who embraced it more than anybody else? The Black population," Trump said. "You see Black people walking around with my mug shot, you know, they do shirts and they sell them for $19 apiece. It's pretty amazing " millions by the way."

He's nucking futs.

#1 | Posted by Nixon at 2024-02-26 08:28 AM | Reply

He's nucking futs.


And yes, shockingly, still less nuts than the people who decided he deserved the "Champion of Black America" award.

#2 | Posted by jpw at 2024-02-26 09:31 AM | Reply

Cheap bronzer don't make you a brother, fool.

#3 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2024-02-27 02:07 AM | Reply

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Drudge Retort