
Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Tuesday, May 21, 2024

The upside-down flag at the justice's house after the Capitol attack reveals how disgraceful our supreme court has become. If this was an honorable court, a man like Alito would never have been appointed. If it was a functional court, he would resign. If it was a court composed of jurists capable of shame, he would recuse himself from election-related cases. But it is none of these things.


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It is time to admit what this court has become: an elite, but no less sadistic and vulgar, bastion of the anti-pluralist, anti-democratic forces that have captured so much of the Republican party and the conservative base. To say that the court is composed of partisan operatives " and that at least two of them are either so delusional that they have lost touch with reality or so cynical that they don't mind when the facts diverge from their preferred outcomes " is so obvious as to be almost banal to any honest court observer. That anyone pretends that the court is a legitimate judicial body is a farce. That its actions still carry the force of law is a tragedy.


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It is time to admit what this court has become: an elite, but no less sadistic and vulgar, bastion of the anti-pluralist, anti-democratic forces that have captured so much of the Republican party and the conservative base. To say that the court is composed of partisan operatives " and that at least two of them are either so delusional that they have lost touch with reality or so cynical that they don't mind when the facts diverge from their preferred outcomes " is so obvious as to be almost banal to any honest court observer. That anyone pretends that the court is a legitimate judicial body is a farce. That its actions still carry the force of law is a tragedy.


#1 | Posted by Doc_Sarvis at 2024-05-21 11:32 AM | Reply

Cue alito crying that people are mocking the corrupt court for being well corrupt.

Both he and Thomas need to recuse themselves for their obvious conflicts of interest on anything sh*tler related.

#2 | Posted by Nixon at 2024-05-21 11:59 AM | Reply

Better link ...

#3 | Posted by Doc_Sarvis at 2024-05-21 12:06 PM | Reply

"And the story is still one in which the Alitos are affirmatively voicing their partisan loyalty in public," the author points out, "and showing themselves unable to tolerate even the proximate presence of Americans who do not share their own morbid, conspiratorial and punitive worldview."

But asking why Alito feels he can get away with it misses the point: he knows he can get away with it. The justice is perfectly aware that he does not need to pretend to neutrality, or hide his partisan loyalties, or behave, with anything like a convincing effort, like his work on the court is motivated by the law and not his own reactionary political preferences. Alito knows that he does not need to maintain any pretext of integrity, intellectual commitment or seriousness in his work. The supreme court has accumulated enough power to itself " and the justices have done a sufficiently good job of insulating themselves from any accountability or consequence " that he doesn't even think he needs to lie any more. He's comfortable being a partisan operative right out in the open.

#4 | Posted by Doc_Sarvis at 2024-05-21 12:09 PM | Reply

OpEd: Why Alito's defense of the Supreme Court's integrity falls short (October 2022)

... Justice Samuel Alito, the author of the Dobbs ruling, told The Wall Street Journal such criticism "crosses an important line." This week, as The Washington Post reported, the conservative jurist continued to push back and defend the high court.
When asked about criticism that the court has strayed too far from public sentiment and risks appearing partisan when it overturns precedent, Alito said he has no problem with the public, the media and academics criticizing the court's legal reasoning in its rulings. But he took issue with those who have questioned the legitimacy of the court. "To say that the court is exhibiting a lack of integrity is something quite different. That goes to character, not to a disagreement with the result or the reasoning. It goes to character," Alito said.

The justice added, "Someone also crosses an important line when they say that the court is acting in a way that is illegitimate. I don't think anybody in a position of authority should make that claim lightly. That's not just ordinary criticism. That's something very different." ...

#5 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-05-21 02:44 PM | Reply

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