
Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Sunday, July 07, 2024

The most famous salad in the world, the Caesar, was invented in Tijuana, Mexico, precisely a century ago. ... [I]t's still possible to order the original Caesar salad - romaine lettuce with a dressing made from raw egg, olive oil, lime, garlic, Parmesan and other flavorings - prepared tableside by a formally dressed waiter at Caesar's restaurant, the Tijuana establishment founded by Caesar Cardini, the Italian immigrant to North America widely credited with having created the Caesar salad.



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Pretty cool actually. Not that I am going to be doing raw egg... Never would have guessed Tijuana as the origin place either.

#1 | Posted by GalaxiePete at 2024-07-07 12:26 PM | Reply

Me, either. Montezuma's Revenge, cheap booze, firecrackers, and the clap, sure, but the Caesar Salad? Viva Tijuana!

#2 | Posted by Doc_Sarvis at 2024-07-07 12:44 PM | Reply | Funny: 3

Gracias, Senor Cardini

#3 | Posted by AMERICANUNITY at 2024-07-08 01:31 PM | Reply

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Drudge Retort