
Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Saturday, July 20, 2024

Caden Schaefer-Rose will only just be 18 by the time of November's US election, but he is determined to cast his very first presidential vote -- for Donald Trump.



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More from the article...

... The high school student is among a growing number of teens defying liberal stereotypes of America's youngest voters and hopping aboard the Trump train.

"I feel like he reflects a lot of my personal values," Schaefer-Rose, wearing mirrored sunglasses, told AFP at a "Youth VoteFest" Wednesday near the Republican National Convention.

He first became aware of Trump in 2016, seeing him on television during that year's raucous campaign. Other young voters at the event said their first memory of Trump was seeing his cameo in "Home Alone 2," or as a brash boss in television's "The Apprentice."

"I kind of just connected with him," Schaefer-Rose said. "I was only eight years old at the time, but I could see that he was someone I could eventually look up to."

Same with Matthew Paley, a New Jersey 19-year-old who was playing--------- outside the Republican convention arena.

He met his idol Trump -- "very nice dude!" -- recently in Florida and fully backs the billionaire as he seeks a White House comeback.

"Honestly in the beginning ... I just liked Trump because I thought he was hilarious," said Paley.

"Then once I started doing my research, I was like Oh wow, alright.'"

Paley said he embraces the same "core conservative values" as Trump, including gun rights. ...

#1 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-07-20 02:43 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

The youth vote in Israel similarly propelled Likudnik PM Benjamin Netanyahu to power.


#2 | Posted by C0RI0LANUS at 2024-07-20 02:55 PM | Reply

"I feel like he reflects a lot of my personal values,"

Well then, he is a scumbag just like dotard.

#3 | Posted by Nixon at 2024-07-23 09:43 AM | Reply

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