Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Saturday, August 03, 2024

One deputy was killed and two others were injured during an ambush shooting in central Florida.



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... All three deputies were rushed to a nearby hospital with one eventually dying from injuries sustained during the attack. A second remained in critical condition while the other's injuries were less severe, Lake County Sheriff Peyton Grinnell told reporters at a Saturday morning news conference.

Grinnell called it a "very violent scene" and said deputies that responded after the initial call faced at one point a "hail of gunfire" after arriving at the home.

Deputies were originally responding to an unrelated call when they were alerted to a disturbance at a nearby home.

They "saw what appeared to be the back door kicked in, and they could hear a disturbance inside of that home," Grinnell told reporters. ...

#1 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-03 07:17 PM | Reply

It's easier to purchase a firearm in Florida than a car or homeowner's insurance. These deputies paid a steep price for that today.

The mayhem will only continue in the Sunshine State; they are second only to Texas in gun ownership: Firearms Licenses: 518,725. An estimated 35.3% of adults in Florida live in homes with guns.



#2 | Posted by C0RI0LANUS at 2024-08-04 01:37 AM | Reply

An armed society is a polite society.

#3 | Posted by Nixon at 2024-08-05 11:48 AM | Reply

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Drudge Retort