Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Sunday, December 22, 2024

Gov. Kathy Hochul met with transit riders and saluted safety patrol during a morning commute Thursday, a day after she decided to deploy 250 additional National Guard personnel to reinforce security measures in the subway system and reduce crime. The city pol hopped on the M train at the Lexington Avenue-53rd Street station in Midtown, and headed east to Queens " greeting National Guard and police officers on duty, and chatting with riders along the way. New York Metro was invited along the trip with the governor and had the opportunity to speak with her about subway safety. Building on a pilot program that began last March, which saw the placement of 1,000 National Guard members, state police, and MTA Police across the subway to stop an early crime spike, Hochul believes that bolstering the presence of these forces is vital for maintaining public safety.



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City logs dip in overall crime, drop in subway crime: NYPD (December 3, 2024)

... The city recorded a dip in overall crime last month, as well as another double-digit drop in subway crime, NYPD statistics released Tuesday show.

Overall index crime decreased by 5.7% in November, driven by declines in murder, robbery, burglary, grand larceny and car theft, the NYPD said.

The NYPD logged 28 homicides last month, down 6.7% from the 30 it recorded in November 2023. Robbery was down 7.4%, from 1,400 incidents recorded last November to 1,296 last month; burglary was down 6.1%, from 1,104 to 1,037; grand larceny was down 9.9%, from 4,192 to 3,775; and grand larceny auto was down 4%, from 1,220 to 1,171.

The city did see a spike in reported rapes year over year last month, from 112 to 158, and felony assault ticked up 0.2% year over year, from 2,177 to 2,182.

Shooting incidents also ticked up by 3.1% year over year, with 67 incidents reported last month compared to 65 in November 2023.

Transit crime, however, was down by 15.8%, with 202 incidents reported last month compared to 240 in November of last year.

In addition, hate crimes declined by 53% year over year, with 40 incidents reported last month compared to 86 last November. Of the 40 reported incidents, 21 were anti-Jewish incidents, the NYPD said. ...

#1 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-12-22 09:15 PM | Reply

Gracie headlines are more obvious than Boaz or Dinger headlines.

#2 | Posted by REDIAL at 2024-12-22 09:20 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Interesting ...

Quick Facts on Crime in West Palm Beach

... s the population throughout the world continues to grow, and our law enforcement teams continue to struggle to keep up with crimes, as a result, crime rates also increase.

Crime rates may be higher or lower, depending on the particular neighborhood, county, and state. However, if you live in or around West Palm Beach, your chances of being involved in or being a victim of a crime is greater than other cities in Florida and in the country.

Here are some quick statistics on crime in West Palm Beach:

- - - There are over 5,600 violent and property crimes combined each year.

- - - The national median of violent crimes is 3.8 percent; the West Palm Beach median is 6.9 percent. ...

#3 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-12-22 09:43 PM | Reply

@#2 ... Gracie headlines are more obvious than Boaz or Dinger headlines. ...

Back when (decades ago) when I used to run a message board, I noticed that there were certain types of people on the board.

One type I noticed was, what I call, the "post and run" person.

That is, a person who posts something, but does not hang around to discuss what had been posted by that person.

I also note that I do appreciate that people have time constraints and cannot always ~be there~ to reply. (tomorrow, for me, for example)

But what when the ~post and run~ behavior seems to become the main reason for posting?

#4 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-12-22 11:13 PM | Reply

Back when (decades ago) when I used to run a message board,


That is, a person who posts something, but does not hang around to discuss what had been posted by that person.

Why bother with gaslighters like yourself.

Who wants to waste time with that.

#5 | Posted by oneironaut at 2024-12-22 11:31 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

@#5 ... Unlikely. ...


... Why bother with gaslighters like yourself. ...

Projecting? (yet again?)

#6 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-12-22 11:53 PM | Reply

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