Donald Trump supporters are lashing out at Fox News after the conservative outlet said Saturday that "Over 200 former Bush, McCain, Romney staffers endorse Harris." read more
As soon as French authorities arrested Pavel Durov, founder and CEO of Telegram, the far-right landscape in the U.S. began to buzz with concern about losing its preferred communication platform. read more
A small but worrying segment of the US public believes in using political violence, says Dr. Garen Wintemute. read more
Two Georgia election workers have asked a judge to enforce the almost $150 million defamation judgment in their lawsuit against Rudy Giuliani by forcing him to turn over his luxury properties and a host of other assets. read more
A controversial film in which former President Donald Trump is depicted an unflattering light in his early career as a New York real estate mogul has now secured a U.S. distribution deal to be shown in American theaters this fall. read more
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