She and their media know how to spin and lie about everything from the whippers, wide open border
#29 | Posted by ROBSON
Gonna stop you right there. A "wide open border" means no border crossings, customs, border patrol, walls, surveillance...
If you want to prove others are lying it's probably best not to tell outright lies yourself.
There have long been issues with the border, and guess what - they were happening under Trump too.
America PAC paid for flights but skimped out on the van rental? They couldn't spend an extra thirty bucks for a van with seats? I guess they had to figure out how to be as cruel as possible somehow. The workers were black, after all.
"Then, after I signed over an NDA, is when I found out we are for Republicans and with Trump."
Well, if anyone ever asked me to sign an NDA I would just assume it was for Trump. Mr. Free Speech is the king of NDA's.