Thomas has probably suspected for some time that dems are coming after him for potential criminal violations. In fact Senate dems are asking AG Garland to investigate Thomas. Couple this with his lack of a warm embrace by the Black community and you end up with a Justice that is hostile to democracy. His wife potentially being named a Jan 6 co conspirator doesn't help matters.
If dems maintain control of the Senate and gain control over the House, I expect that Thomas will be impeached. If Trump is president, Thomas will resign. If Biden is president, expect the AG to appoint a special prosecutor.
Alito may be in a similar situation as Thomas. It may be that his misdeeds (if any) haven't been surfaced yet.
Reagan stood at the Brandenburg Gate and said "Tear Down This Wall". That was most of his contribution.
Exactly! Every president since WW II put pressure on the Russian economy. That pressure created fissures in the Russian economy and society that led to the collapse of the wall. It just so happened that Reagan was president when the fissures became so large that the wall came tumbling down.