Musk Suddenly Backtracks on His Biggest DOGE Promise
This is what happens when people who know NOTHING about government get involved to try and FIX government and that includes the voters. Things are the way they are for a reason. The people that went before them weren't idiots just doing things on a whim. The collective wisdom of everyone that went before us got us to this point in time.
In order to change the way the government works, spends its money, etc., there will be some pain. Who should bear that pain? The people least able to bear it? During the days of Jim Crow, the answer was easy: POC. It was easy to determine and then target who did/did not benefit from America's riches. Now that POC participate more fully in society and enjoy its benefits, it is harder to target them exclusively. So, in order to "right the ship", conservatives and xenophobes target the one institution that can guarantee that POC and other marginalized people can fully participate in society: the federal government.
I though republicans said they they weren't looking backward?