Sunday, May 26, 2024

What's Wrong With Today's Economy

Steve Jobs' former intern has some sage advice for college graduates: stop focusing on working for big companies and instead find the best people to work for.


Starts off good, then it moves to...

Discussing his time as an intern at Jobs' NeXT with CNBC Make It, Kapoor said: "I was one step below the person that opened doors but that didn't matter because I worked 20 yards away from him every day."

Be a giant creepy sycophant.

"Titles, money, all that will come because what you will learn from them will help you have impact ... The quicker you can draw a line from your work to the impact that you're having on the company, the more successful you will be."

Sycophantism to totally beholden to the company and only for money and titles.

"Here's what I tell everybody that's coming out of college, and wants to look for a gig," Kapoor said. "Find a set of people that you think you can learn from. Don't worry about the titles. Don't worry about what company they work for. Convince them that they need you and then pay them $50,000 a year so that you can work for them."

But only after you pay them to work for them.

So let's recap, according to an "influential" C suit exec, the best way to be successful is to be a sycophant entirely beholden to the company whose willing to pay for the pleasure of being a sycophantic tool.

And we wonder why stuff is so messed up?

#1 | Posted by jpw at 2024-05-26 08:20 AM

Headline for the thread is just wrong; it is not a discussion about the economy.

#2 | Posted by danni at 2024-05-26 09:07 AM

"Be a giant creepy sycophant.

#3 | Posted by danni at 2024-05-26 10:57 AM

"pay them $50,000 a year so that you can work for them."

Where do I get the $50,000?

I borrowed $50,000 for grad school. So I kinda did what he's saying...

#4 | Posted by snoofy at 2024-05-26 11:18 AM

Finding the Money' The Documentary That Has DC POWER Brokers On Edge 83K views 2 weeks ago

The fact that mainstream economists do not have an answer to the question "why are we borrowing money from a currency that we already print ourselves?" indicates deliberate, willful ignorance.

#5 | Posted by redlightrobot at 2024-05-27 03:23 PM

I borrowed $50,000 for grad school. So I kinda did what he's saying...

#4 | POSTED BY SNOOFY AT 2024-05-26 11:18 AM | REPLY

If you didn't join a Fraternity, you didn't did not do what he's saying.

Rich people do this for their kids, buy high level internships and contacts. It's not for us poors.

#6 | Posted by sitzkrieg at 2024-05-27 07:12 PM

@#6 ... If you didn't join a Fraternity, you didn't did not do what he's saying.

Rich people do this for their kids ...

I don't see the tie-in with a Fraternity.

#7 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-05-27 08:00 PM

GREEDflation. Start locking up CEO's and executives for price gouging and profiteering and watch prices drop like a rock.

#8 | Posted by a_monson at 2024-05-27 08:20 PM

Here's some advice for today's graduates:

Don't do a single day of work to maintain this --------, and don't pay a single dime towards your student loans.

If 10% take this route the entire thing will fall over.

#9 | Posted by tres_flechas at 2024-05-27 08:36 PM

Nobility, isn't just for Castles anymore.

Can his Nose get any Browner?

Are these Masters of the Universe going to give him a Royal Title?

Why pay them? To tolerate being Fawned over? Like Tithes?

I just don't get it.

#10 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-05-28 01:31 AM

don't pay a single dime towards your student loans.

Who are you hurting with such a scenario?

Yourself only.

Here's what happens...the lender sells the defaulted loan back to US government....they get paid.

The US Government then garnishes your paycheck.

You never get out of it.

If you still have not repaid in full, your social security will be taken to pay for it.

I've seen this happen in real life. Have a client that defaulted on his loans, he made sure to never get a tax refund so they would not take it. Fast forward to him filing social security only to find out 15% of his benefits will be taken until his loans are paid in full.

#11 | Posted by Nixon at 2024-05-28 08:54 AM

I don't see the tie-in with a Fraternity.

#7 | POSTED BY LAMPLIGHTER AT 2024-05-27 08:00 PM | FLAG:

Frats can easily run $3k a year membership, Ivy league ones considerably more.

They exist to create long term contacts to create higher long term income. This was scientifically proven recently in a study.

Your parents buy your frat membership, your parents buy your internship, you will do extremely well, far better economically than the average citizen with the exact same degrees, unless you destroy yourself with addictions.

#12 | Posted by sitzkrieg at 2024-05-28 09:26 AM

And we wonder why stuff is so messed up?

Here's where it started:


#13 | Posted by Nixon at 2024-05-28 11:45 AM

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