Monday, June 24, 2024

Trump Blames NATO for Russian Aggression

Former President of the United States and Republican presidential candidate, Donald Trump, stated that in his opinion, the war erupted because Ukraine ignored Russia's warnings about the possibility of Ukraine joining NATO.



Putin's bitch is a Russian stooge.

#1 | Posted by reinheitsgebot at 2024-06-24 12:50 AM

Straight out of Putin's playbook. Don't forget Von ------------ cowering like a whupped dog while standing beside his dominator in Helsinki. Effin disgusting.

#2 | Posted by Doc_Sarvis at 2024-06-24 05:50 AM

The Russian Stooge does have a minor point.

If Vladimir Putin ever hopes to achieve his goal of restoring the U.S.S.R. to its former power and glory, thus making himself (and his legacy) the greatest leader Russia has ever known, he [Putin] certainly can't afford have a U.S. NATO ally blocking the road to his success.

But first things first. Solving the conundrum means Mr. Putin needed a man in the Oval Office, a weaselly despotic sociopath really, who was prone to visions of his own unlimited power to force his subjects to bow and scrape before him. And a kingly "Off with their heads" if they refuse.

Well, we all know how that worked out.

Now it's time for Mr. Weaselly D. Sociopath to give it another try. However, the political geography on Europe's eastern border has changed somewhat with the onset of even more NATO allies, backed militarily by the United States.

So, part #2 of conundrum #1 is for Mr. Weaselly D. Sociopath to weaken NATO enough for Russia to militarily part the waters and restore the old U.S.S.R.

Simple, right?

Which puts us at this point in time. Just a few months away from becoming a "subject" in a dictatorship with no rights other than those granted on the whims of Mr. Weaselly D. Sociopath ~~ or living in a free country under the protective wing of Democracy where personal choices are plentiful.

#3 | Posted by Twinpac at 2024-06-24 07:14 AM

Straight out of Putin's playbook. Don't forget Von ------------ cowering like a whupped dog while standing beside his dominator in Helsinki. Effin disgusting.


Looks you have been moderated!

I believe the correct title is "Baron Von ------------".

He worked really hard to earn that title (lots of grunting involved) so we really should try and get it right and we really shouldn't moderate it!

#4 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-06-24 12:06 PM

Funny. So do all the russian puppets around here.

#5 | Posted by SpeakSoftly at 2024-06-24 12:10 PM

"the war erupted because Ukraine ignored Russia's warnings about the possibility of Ukraine joining NATO."

Just like the time Cassie Ventura ignored Diddy's warnings not to leave him!

#6 | Posted by snoofy at 2024-06-24 12:27 PM

Funny. So do all the russian puppets around here.



I think not!

#7 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-06-24 12:47 PM

Were it not for NATO, the former Soviet Union would already be restored, and be a major threat to Europe and the rest of the world.

Donald Jessica Trump is a Traitor in more ways than J6.

#8 | Posted by Corky at 2024-06-24 12:55 PM

Straight out of Putin's playbook.

This is what an unintelligent, no argument alias would say

The eventuality of Ukraine Russian war was outlined in 2010 by numerous historians.

But you didn't care to listen.

Sure ultimately it's Putin's initiative, but as NATO kept expanding eastwards what do you think his response was going to be?
Roll over?

History won't be kind to posters like this alias.

#9 | Posted by oneironaut at 2024-06-24 02:09 PM

Were it not for NATO, the former Soviet Union would already be restored, and be a major threat to Europe and the rest of the world.
- corky

This is a false dichotomy.

It ignores NATOs eastward expansion, along with Clintons ignoring Russian overtures of becoming part of EU after revolution.

So many questions...

#10 | Posted by oneironaut at 2024-06-24 02:11 PM

Sure ultimately it's Putin's initiative, but as NATO kept expanding eastwards what do you think his response was going to be?
Roll over?

History won't be kind to posters like this alias.

#9 | Posted by oneironaut

NATO doesn't expand. Countries join it for DEFENSE from russia.

The crazier russia gets, the more countries join NATO.

#11 | Posted by SpeakSoftly at 2024-06-24 02:11 PM

"along with Clintons ignoring Russian overtures of becoming part of EU after revolution."

1. Collapse, not revolution.
2. Clintons don't gatekeep EU membership.
3. Russia's human rights record would never allow them into EU in the first place.

#12 | Posted by snoofy at 2024-06-24 02:17 PM

@#11 ... NATO doesn't expand. Countries join it for DEFENSE from russia. ...


As I've mentioned many times before...

Countries ask to join and become a part of NATO.

Countries are invaded and annexed to become part of Russia.

#13 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-06-24 02:27 PM

- So many questions...


You might not have so many questions were you to read the Russian history scholars that point out the obvious; Putin has from Day One wanted to restore the old Soviet Union.... whether there was a NATO or not.

The problem with their argument is that it assumes that, had nato not expanded, Russia wouldn't be the same or very likely close to what it is today.

What we have today in Russia is not some kind of surprise. It's not some kind of deviation from a historical pattern.

Way before nato existed"in the nineteenth century"Russia looked like this: it had an autocrat. It had repression. It had militarism. It had suspicion of foreigners and the West.

This is a Russia that we know, and it's not a Russia that arrived yesterday or in the nineteen-nineties. It's not a response to the actions of the West. There are internal processes in Russia that account for where we are today.

I would even go further. I would say that nato expansion has put us in a better place to deal with this historical pattern in Russia that we're seeing again today.

Where would we be now if Poland or the Baltic states were not in nato? They would be in the same limbo, in the same world that Ukraine is in.

In fact, Poland's membership in nato stiffened nato's spine. Unlike some of the other nato countries, Poland has contested Russia many times over.

In fact, you can argue that Russia broke its teeth twice on Poland: first in the nineteenth century, leading up to the twentieth century, and again at the end of the Soviet Union, with Solidarity."

Russia is what it has always been; NATO hasn't pushed it anywhere it wasn't already.

#14 | Posted by Corky at 2024-06-24 07:24 PM

"Trump blames NATO.

Of course he does. It follows in line with Trump's other plan to refuse U.S. military support to NATO allies because they don't pay their fair share.

And the other plan to demand payment for keeping U.S. military bases in a NATO allied country.

So, blaming NATO for Russia's attack on Ukraine isn't anything new.

It's all part and parcel of a bigger plan to incrementally stagecraft the excuses in advance for when Trump (if elected) demands Congress cancel the U.S. membership in NATO.

Of course, the real reason is to help Russia's plans to expand their territory into Eastern Europe.

Trump is a traitor (small t) to the United States.

#15 | Posted by Twinpac at 2024-06-24 07:25 PM

@#15 ... It follows in line with Trump's other plan to refuse U.S. military support to NATO allies because they don't pay their fair share. ...

You're being kind.

Fmr Pres Trump's comments were worse than that, way worse.

How Trump urging Russia to invade delinquent' NATO members distorts how the alliance works (February 2024)

... Donald Trump, the front-runner in the U.S. for the Republican Party's nomination this year, says he once warned that he would allow Russia to do whatever it wants to NATO member nations that are "delinquent" in devoting 2% of their gross domestic product to defense. ...

So fmr Pres Trump basically gave Pres Putin a pass to invade NATO countries.

#16 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-06-24 07:44 PM


We're fortunate that the United States dodged that bullet 4 years ago. And unfortunate if we don't keep on doing it. And it isn't all just about Donald Trump. He's just the figurehead of the GOP at the moment. It's worrisome how many other wannabe traitors are lurking in the wings to fill Trump's shoes in the future.

#17 | Posted by Twinpac at 2024-06-24 10:52 PM

@#17 ... It's worrisome how many other wannabe traitors are lurking in the wings to fill Trump's shoes in the future. ...

I do agree.

Why has the GOP turned against the United States?

#18 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-06-24 11:10 PM


"Why has the GOP turned against the United States?"

One party rule forever?
Elections every 4 years is filled with angst and uncertainty?
Unlimited Power without guardrails?
A two class system?
Nationalization of oil companies?
Control of States' rights?
Taxation take from the poor, give to the rich?
No system of checks and balances?
Control of the judicial system?

I'll just shorten this list and say, Russia 2.0 on steroids

#19 | Posted by Twinpac at 2024-06-24 11:59 PM

He is SOOOOO Anti-American.

Can't you see this you Trump worshiping stooges?!

#20 | Posted by earthmuse at 2024-06-25 11:25 AM

America bad, Russia good, pass me the lube pooty pants.

~ ---------------

#21 | Posted by 2020Rocks at 2024-06-25 02:11 PM

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