Friday, October 04, 2024

Video: Investigating War Crimes In Gaza

355,804 views Oct 3, 2024 #aljazeeraenglish #News #Aljazeerainvestigation This feature length investigation by Al Jazeera's Investigative Unit exposes Israeli war crimes in the Gaza Strip through the medium of photos and videos posted online by Israeli soldiers themselves during the year long conflict. The I-Unit has built up a database of thousands of videos, photos and social media posts. Where possible it has identified the posters and those who appear. The material reveals a range of illegal activities, from wanton destruction and looting to the demolition of entire neighbourhoods and murder. The film also tells the story of the war through the eyes of Palestinian journalists, human rights workers and ordinary residents of the Gaza Strip. And it exposes the complicity of Western governments " in particular the use of RAF Akrotiri in Cyprus as a base for British surveillance flights over Gaza.


In surprise press appearance, Biden addresses Israel, 2024 election concerns 4,025 views 8 hours ago

Biden is indirect and obtuse in every response to questions regarding Israel other than specifying how much his administrations has supported them.

#1 | Posted by redlightrobot at 2024-10-04 11:59 PM

Netanyahu has astutely taken advantage of the upcoming US election to push, even more aggressively, his policies toward the removal/eradication of the Palestinian people. He knows that dems wouldn't dare take to harsh a stance against him prior to the election because of orgs like AIPAC. If Harris wins, I would expect that she will take a harsher position relative to Netanyahu's action than most other dems and will do so very early in her presidency.

#2 | Posted by FedUpWithPols at 2024-10-05 07:01 AM

Video: Investigating War Crimes In Gaza


Anything about the Palestinians on October 7th and every one of their deliberate attacks on civilians before? Maybe something about them dancing in the streets on 9/11 celebrating the murder of our own civilians? Launching thousands of rockets at Israeli civilians?

No? War crimes for thee but none for me?

#3 | Posted by censored at 2024-10-05 10:19 AM

That video was damning. no hyperbole- Israel has successfully out-Nazi'd Nazi Germany, and it has all been exhaustively and bravely documented and will be known and seen by the world as long as the world continues to exist. Good luck with those consequences, Zionists and their indoctrinated-simps.

Never let your government tell you who your enemies are.

Our rulers use all kinds of narratives from all around the world and across the political spectrum to justify their actions. They'll use Zionism, Christian fundamentalism, Islamic fundamentalism, Hindu fundamentalism, liberalism, conservatism, nationalism or woke identity politics to manufacture consent for their agendas wherever needed. They'll feed you whatever lines you need to hear in order to dupe you into thinking that disobedient populations in the middle east need military explosives dropped on them. That's all they care about.

Our rulers use their propagandists in the mainstream news media and their narrative managers in Silicon Valley to manipulate public perception toward these murderous agendas using half-truths, lies by omission, distortions, misleading headlines, reversing the victim and the aggressor, starting the timeline of events at convenient points, and uncritically repeating unproven allegations from untrustworthy sources. These manipulators are as critical to the operation of the imperial war machine as the actual people who drop the bombs.

What kind of groveling, slobbering boot-licker would play along with this? (obvious answer: the poster above this one) What kind of power-worshipping empire simp would consent to murder and abuse at mass scale against people who pose no threat to them whatsoever, just because the people in charge told them to feel that way? What a pathetic, profoundly undignified way to exist.

My enemies are not dictated by such people, no matter how they frame and present their continuous deceptions and lies. Mine are the western imperialists and their partners in crime (such as Israel) and its who are inflicting a waking nightmare upon the an ever increasing portion of the world.

#4 | Posted by NerfHerder at 2024-10-06 01:01 PM

What kind of groveling, slobbering boot-licker would play along with this? (obvious answer: the poster above this one) [...]
My enemies are not dictated by such people, no matter how they frame and present their continuous deceptions and lies. Mine are the western imperialists and their partners in crime (such as Israel) and its who are inflicting a waking nightmare upon the an ever increasing portion of the world.

#4 | Posted by NerfHerder

"Aloha! Snackbar!" right back at you buddy!

How's that jihad working out for you? Muslim colonization, rape, murder of infidels going as planned?

Sad how you guys haven't managed to steal that 0.01% of the world's land occupied by Jews. Pathetic, actually; 80 years of them thumbing their noses at you. Any minute now ...

Maybe then you can focus on the "---------- problem." Should make for fun viewing. Will we hear any talk about "war crimes" for that one? Probably not. Civilized nations tend not to care what your people do to one another.

#5 | Posted by censored at 2024-10-07 10:05 AM

More documentation of psychopathic zionists doing their usual Nazi things (actually worse):

Palestinian journalist killed in Israeli bombing after threats to end Gaza coverage

#6 | Posted by NerfHerder at 2024-10-07 12:11 PM

More documentation of psychopathic zionists doing their usual Nazi things (actually worse): Palestinian journalist killed in Israeli bombing after threats to end Gaza coverage
#6 | Posted by NerfHerder

Still got nothing to say about October 7th, I see.

"Boohoo! Zionist war cRImEZ!!!"
- Palestinians [whilst decapitating and burning infants alive and raping/disemboweling their mothers for the offense of being Jewish]

Also, they bleeped me for saying "-----" [Shia/Sunni] the branch of Islam that follows Shia. Which is actually pretty funny.

#7 | Posted by censored at 2024-10-07 01:19 PM

By-and-large, American mass media (and those that watch it) has been thoroughly indoctrinated and manipulated to unquestioningly accept Zionist propaganda.

One of many examples: this "embarrassing moment' at CNN:

"In November, CNN International Diplomatic Editor Nic Robertson embedded with the Israeli army to visit Gaza's bombed-out al-Rantisi Children's Hospital.
Once inside, military spokesperson Daniel Hagari claimed to have found proof Hamas was using the hospital to hide Israeli captives.
Hagari showed Robertson a document on the wall written in Arabic, which he said was a roster of Hamas members watching over the captives.
"This is a guarding list. Every terrorist has his own shift," Hagari told Robertson.
Adam recalled the broadcast as "an embarrassing moment" for CNN.
"It wasn't a Hamas roster at all," he said. "It was a calendar, and written in Arabic were the days of the week. But the report that came out from Nic Robertson just swallowed up Israel's claim."
To make matters worse, the Israeli claim had already been debunked by Arabic speakers on social media before the CNN footage aired, and, according to multiple CNN journalists and an internal WhatsApp chat seen by Al Jazeera, a Palestinian producer alerted her colleagues, including Robertson, but was ignored. After the report aired on television, they said, another producer tried to get it corrected before it was posted online."

Listen to more

We see and witness with our our own eyes, time and again, the non-western/Arab media having to bypass the western "free" media and its ongoing indoctrination of American citizens and provide sobering doses of truth and reality regarding the nearly century-old ongoing pogrom of the Palestinian peoples.

#8 | Posted by NerfHerder at 2024-10-07 01:46 PM

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