Friday, October 11, 2024

I'm Running Out of Ways to Explain How Bad This Is

Charlie Warzel: What's happening in America today is something darker than a misinformation crisis. Even in a decade marred by online grifters, shameless politicians, and an alternative right-wing-media complex pushing anti-science fringe theories, the events of the past few weeks stand out for their depravity and nihilism. As two catastrophic storms upended American cities, a patchwork network of influencers and fake-news peddlers have done their best to sow distrust, stoke resentment, and interfere with relief efforts.



The truth is, it's getting harder to describe the extent to which a meaningful percentage of Americans have dissociated from reality. As Hurricane Milton churned across the Gulf of Mexico last night, I saw an onslaught of outright conspiracy theorizing and utter nonsense racking up millions of views across the internet. The posts would be laughable if they weren't taken by many people as gospel. Among them: Infowars' Alex Jones, who claimed that Hurricanes Milton and Helene were "weather weapons" unleashed on the East Coast by the U.S. government, and "truth seeker" accounts on X that posted photos of condensation trails in the sky to baselessly allege that the government was "spraying Florida ahead of Hurricane Milton" in order to ensure maximum rainfall, "just like they did over Asheville!"

As Milton made landfall, causing a series of tornados, a verified account on X reposted a TikTok video of a massive funnel cloud with the caption "WHAT IS HAPPENING TO FLORIDA?!" The clip, which was eventually removed but had been viewed 662,000 times as of yesterday evening, turned out to be from a video of a CGI tornado that was originally published months ago. Scrolling through these platforms, watching them fill with false information, harebrained theories, and doctored images - all while panicked residents boarded up their houses, struggled to evacuate, and prayed that their worldly possessions wouldn't be obliterated overnight - offered a portrait of American discourse almost too bleak to reckon with head-on.

Michael Caulfield, an information researcher at the University of Washington, has argued, "The primary use of misinformation' is not to change the beliefs of other people at all. Instead, the vast majority of misinformation is offered as a service for people to maintain their beliefs in face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary." This distinction is important, in part because it assigns agency to those who consume and share obviously fake information.

This cannot be stated enough:

"The primary use of misinformation' is not to change the beliefs of other people at all. Instead, the vast majority of misinformation is offered as a service for people to maintain their beliefs in face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary."

It doesn't matter how many times the posters known for disinformation, lies and gaslighting are corrected, they'll come right back to another post with the same bogus talking points and discredited lies as though the factual truth means nothing to them because they realize it's not those fact-checking who they're talking to, it's to reinforce the alternate "truth" of believers like themselves living in a separate reality with its own subjective truths based on "knowing" or "feeling" that their version is the correct one.

#1 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-10-11 12:33 PM

They don't care.

He hates on the libs. That is all that matters to them.

Not honesty.
Not intelligence.
Not compassion.
Not patriotism.
Not the country.
Not that he rapes women.
Not that he has cheated on EVERY wife.
Not the lies.
Not the deaths he has caused.
Not the attacks he has caused.
Not the stolen documents.
Not the fraud.
Not the stealing.

He hates on the libs.

Now the only question left is are there more voters that care about honesty, integrity and our national security?

I doubt it.

#2 | Posted by Nixon at 2024-10-11 01:46 PM

"...interfere with relief efforts."
via twitter. Right. Someone makes a post, and boom no relief.

#3 | Posted by commnotes at 2024-10-11 06:39 PM

Someone makes a post, and boom no relief

#3 | Posted by commnotes

Trump is convincing people not to accept relief.

Which you know.

That makes you complicit.


#4 | Posted by Zed at 2024-10-11 06:46 PM

Conservatives generally love not hate. What we do hate is a lying news media that colludes with lying rich politicians like Obama and Michelle.

#5 | Posted by Robson at 2024-10-11 07:18 PM

Robson, you are a lying ---- shoveler, just like most of those who have stolen the label, "conservative". Unless your ancestry includes the slavers, you are a shame unto them. A pathetic traitor like those who admired Hitler before the War. Our parents taught us that You are known by the company you keep. You lot keep company with dictators, liars, traitors, grifters, and every kind of nutter out there from antivaxers to weather control freaks.

"Conservatives love? You all don't even like each other much less love anyone else. You are the anti-mikey, you hate everyone. Everyone but you are sinners. No one but you are patriots. You know the Truth, anyone who disagrees is a liar. You are what Jesus called a Pharisee.

"Lying media" that is failing the country by hiding Trump's accelerating physical and mental collapse aka sanewashing? Everything you lot tell us is a eventually proven a lie or gross misrepresentation of reality. Don't you ever get tired of them lying to you and then pushing their lies only to find out that they are in fact lies. You know that liars go to Hell, right? Why should we believe anything any of you have to say? You know the story of the boy who cried wolf, right?

Oh yeah, if you have a problem with the wealthy controlling your life, why are you a conservative? Your entire movement is controlled by a handful of billionaires who think that they should rule this God's name.....

How many of your neighbors will you kill for your inept king and his foul keepers? Will you kill their children or take them for reeducation? Project2025 is real and everyone will suffer from its madness. No one will be immune.

Repent while you still can or burn in hell.

#6 | Posted by Killjoy at 2024-10-11 08:23 PM

We have never seen a fire hose of disinformation being applied 24/7 in America. This has been done elsewhere though most famously the Soviet Union.

#7 | Posted by Tor at 2024-10-11 08:37 PM

#3 | Posted by commnotes at 2024-10-11 06:39 PM | Reply | Flag: MAGAts post and re-post 100% BS because they believe that everyone is as gullible and stupid as they are

#8 | Posted by Hans at 2024-10-11 08:53 PM

This is a POX on all of us, if we continue to allow this to happen without calling it out every time we see or hear misinformation, particularly when people's lives could be at risk.


#9 | Posted by OCUser at 2024-10-11 09:12 PM

The government has been lying to the population since Vietnam.

I don't see putting the genie back in the bottle.

Just examine the government "narrative" on Ukraine and Israel.

Enough said.

#10 | Posted by fresno500 at 2024-10-12 01:46 PM

"It's a cultural assault on any person or institution that operates in reality"

Basically what I hear when I read this is that most people are too stupid to discern what's real and what's misinformation. But the government his here to tell you what to think.

I'm taken aback by long-time democrats who used to be against government overreach in speech and privacy. The anti war democrats are gone.

#11 | Posted by lfthndthrds at 2024-10-12 04:09 PM

I'm taken aback by long-time democrats who used to be against government overreach in speech and privacy. The anti war democrats are gone.

#11 | POSTED BY LFTHNDTHRDS AT 2024-10-12 04:09 PM | FLAG:

Pay attention, grandpa. The issue is that your side can't stop being dishonest about everything so as to overwhelm and obfuscate.

#12 | Posted by cbob at 2024-10-12 11:08 PM

The govt sets the tone.

#13 | Posted by fresno500 at 2024-10-12 11:56 PM

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