Russell Berman: Trump's popular-vote margin has shrunk to about 1.5 percent -- one of the tightest in the past half century -- and because some votes went to third-party and independent candidates, he'll fall just short of winning a majority of the vote nationwide. And in the House, they gained a seat, leaving the GOP with the second-smallest majority in history.
"A clearer picture of the election has emerged, complicating the debate over whether Democrats need to reinvent themselves--and whether voters really abandoned them at all," writes:
-- The Atlantic ( December 16, 2024 at 7:36 AM
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The country is till pretty evenly divided, which is why I think if Republicans tried to go full steam ahead on Project 2025, they will be making a very big mistake:
By the way, did you know that Trump won the crucial blue wall states--Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin --by 231,000 votes? So if just 116,000 voters across those three swing states " or 0.7% of the total " had switched from Trump to Harris, it is the vice-president who would have won the electoral college ... and the presidency!
. . .In 2024, Republicans flipped the Senate and held onto the House but Trump still ended up having "limited coattails", to quote from the New York Times analysis. Of the five battleground states (Arizona, Michigan, Nevada, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania) which held Senate races in November, the Republican candidate triumphed in only one of them (David McCormick in Pennsylvania, by a narrow 16,000 votes). Democrats held on to the other four.
Trump's margin of victory was less than 2.3 million votes, and that's not a landslide or a blowout:
David Darmofal
With California's votes now certified, this appears to be the final popular vote count. The margin of 1.47 percentage points is the smallest since the 2000 election. Kamala Harris received over 75 million votes in this election.
Just going to link to something I posted shortly after the election:
Democrats Join 2024's Graveyard of Incumbents
The incumbents in every single one of the 10 major countries that have been tracked by the ParlGov global research project and held national elections in 2024 were given a kicking by voters. This is the first time this has ever happened in almost 120 years of records. The cause? Inflation.
Dems actually did far better than governing parties in almost every other nation.
@#8 ... You never hold the Democratic party responsible for anything do you?? ...
Communication and messaging.
The Democrats need to up their game in those two areas.
Stated differently, why are so many voters who would benefit from the policies of Democrats vote against Democrats?
Captain Beyond - Sufficiently Breathless (1973)
The song has one of my favorite lyric excerpts ...
Hey, Mr. Policeman, can you point the way
Oh, with your handgun?
When Republicans lose, they claim they won. When Republicans win by a little, they say they won by a lot. When Democrats lose by a little, they act like they got massacred. I'm not saying Democrats don't have work to do with the working class, but my prediction is that if Republicans misread the 2024 election results and overplay their hand, they will go a long way in helping Democrats win back that segment of the populaiton.
#5 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-12-18 08:53 AM | Reply | Flag:
Gal, did you know that the President is elected based on the electoral college? Here is a link so you understand how it works.
But if you want to dwell on how Trump won the popular but by not that much you can. Better luck next time!
Yet in over decades, Trump, a Republican, won the popular vote, as well as the Electoral vote - but then again, who's counting ; )
How could such a 'great candidate', running such a 'great well funded campaign' like the dems fielbecauseded lost lost so pathetically...
You know that anser, but cannot accept it because:
Libbies can accept a lot of BS, but not reality!
@#45 ... What's with the glass of blue kool-aid when you open the article? ...
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." -- George Santayana (1905)
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