Monday, October 21, 2024

Central Park 5 Sue Trump for Defamation

The five men who were wrongly accused and convicted of a brutal New York City assault in 1989, now known as the "Central Park 5," on Monday sued former President Donald Trump for defamation after he once again asserted they were responsible for the crime and falsely claimed a victim had died during a debate with Vice President Kamala Harris last month.



Sh*tler has never faced accountability for anything he has done ever in his miserable hollow life. He has cheated on wives, business partners, contractors, employees, he has raped and sexually assaulted women and children and at every turn had lawyers that got him out criminal punishment.

He is the poster child for affluenza.

His only skill is being able to lie convincingly about everything from minute to minute shifting positions like the sands to fit whatever narrative fits the moment and his cult members will lap it up and never question anything while simultaneously holding his opponents to the highest possible standard of conduct right Jeff?

I hope these men get what they deserve. My guess is they will be in a long line of people all with claims against him starting with E Jean Carroll, NYS and the list goes on and on.

#1 | Posted by Nixon at 2024-10-21 01:31 PM

My guess is they will be in a long line of people all with claims against him starting with E Jean Carroll, NYS and the list goes on and on.

Lawsuit number 4096.

#2 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-10-21 01:37 PM

And Trump defamed them while being watched by millions of Americans. And it's all on tape, which will be 'Exhibit One' when this goes to trial.


#3 | Posted by OCUser at 2024-10-21 04:31 PM

... Central Park 5 Sue Trump for Defamation ...


Let it be decided in a court of law.

#4 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-10-21 07:39 PM

Trump should be ashamed of accusing them of this crime. It is not like they confessed to doing it or anything....oh, wait.

#5 | Posted by deadman at 2024-10-21 07:53 PM

Posted by: deadman | Flag: Serious level

#6 | Posted by Hans at 2024-10-21 08:01 PM

Posted by LampLighter | Flag: How to not look like a complete moron while posting on the Retort.

#7 | Posted by Hans at 2024-10-21 08:11 PM

"#6 | Posted by Hans"

Hans, I have to admit that yesterday I lied. I said that I would not leave you a fart as you scamper over to smell my seat. As it turns out, I ate Mexican food last night so the fart was unavoidable. So, please inhale deeply and enjoy the aroma. I realize this is your kink and you will likely still scamper over to smell my seat even after getting your prized fart. So, don't say a conservative never did anything for you.

#8 | Posted by deadman at 2024-10-21 08:13 PM

@#5 ... It is not like they confessed to doing it or anything... ...

My guess would be the current issue may be fmr Pres Trumps comments after they were exonerated.

'They admitted their guilt': 30 years of Trump's comments about the Central Park Five (2019)

... President Donald Trump has repeatedly commented on a case that wrongly accused a group of black and Latino men of assaulting a white female jogger in Central Park in 1989.

Trump's comments surrounding the case, many of which were made in his capacity as a New York business mogul, have resurfaced following a Netflix series on the men who were charged with the assault. The men are commonly referred to as the Central Park Five.

Raymond Santana, Kevin Richardson, Antron McCray, Yusef Salaam and Korey Wise were all boys when they were convicted of raping Trisha Meili. They were then found innocent of the crime after convicted murder Matias Reyes in 2002 confessed to raping Meili, which was confirmed by DNA evidence. The city awarded the men $41 million in 2014, a decade after some of the men initially sued the city for how it handled the case.

Trump, now president, has doubled down on his stance that some involved in the attack were guilty.

On Tuesday, he dodged questions about apologizing for a 1989 ad calling for the death penalty for those involved in an assault.

'You have people on both sides of that':Trump doesn't apologize to Central Park Five

Here is a history of Trump's comments and actions surrounding the Central Park jogger case:...

"Maybe hate is what we need if we're gonna get something done" ...

The men who had since been exonerated for the crime were in an ongoing legal battle with New York City for how they handled the case. Richardson, Santana, and McCray sued the city in 2003. ...

Trump in a June 5, 2013 tweet referred to the Central Park Five as "muggers."

When asked by a Twitter user how Trump felt that the five men who were convicted of the crime were actually innocent, Trump in a tweet on June 29, 2013 responded: "Innocent of what-how many people did they mugg?" ...

"It's a disgrace"

After the city awarded the five men $41 million in a settlement, Trump maintained that the men " who were young teenagers when convicted " were still guilty.

Trump in an op-ed published in the New York Daily News suggested that "settling doesn't mean innocence."

"My opinion on the settlement of the Central Park Jogger case is that it's a disgrace," Trump began his op-ed. "A detective close to the case, and who has followed it since 1989, calls it "the heist of the century."

"Forty million dollars is a lot of money for the taxpayers of New York to pay when we are already the highest taxed city and state in the country," he continued in the op-ed. "The recipients must be laughing out loud at the stupidity of the city." ...

#9 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-10-21 08:13 PM

Exonerated Central Park 5' member Yusef Salaam wins New York City Council seat (November 2023)

... Exonerated "Central Park Five" member Yusef Salaam won a seat Tuesday on the New York City Council, marking a stunning reversal of fortune for a political newcomer who was wrongly imprisoned as a teenager in the infamous rape case. ...

#10 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-10-21 08:14 PM

Posted by: deadman | Flag: Serious level

#11 | Posted by Hans at 2024-10-21 08:17 PM

Posted by LampLighter | Flag: How to not look like a complete moron while posting on the Retort.

#12 | Posted by Hans at 2024-10-21 08:18 PM

"#6 | Posted by Hans" -

#8 | Posted by deadman (new) | Flag: Thinks I'm Arnold Palmer

But I am flattered, deadman

#13 | Posted by Hans at 2024-10-21 08:28 PM

"On Tuesday, he dodged questions about apologizing for a 1989 ad calling for the death penalty for those involved in an assault.
#9 | Posted by LampLighter"

This is just more liberal cult bullshit that is now accepted as truth. Trump NEVER called for the death penalty for those involved and DIDN'T EVEN MENTION THEM IN THE AD.

Read for yourself.

And yes, they did confess to the crime. Multiple of them.

#14 | Posted by deadman at 2024-10-21 08:45 PM

@#14 ... Trump NEVER called for the death penalty for those involved ...

Not specifically.


Trump Will Not Apologize for Calling for Death Penalty Over Central Park Five (2019)

... Mr. Trump's remarks about the Central Park Five were strikingly similar to comments he made in reaction to the deadly violence at a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Va., in 2017. A woman was killed after a driver slammed his vehicle into counterprotesters. At the time, the president said, "There was blame on both sides."

In 1989, Mr. Trump placed full-page advertisements in four New York City newspapers, including The New York Times, calling for the state to adopt the death penalty for killers. He made clear that he was voicing this opinion because of the rape and assault of Trisha Meili, a woman who had been jogging in Central Park.

"I want to hate these murderers and I always will," Mr. Trump wrote in the May 1989 ad. "I am not looking to psychoanalyze or understand them, I am looking to punish them."

He wrote in all caps: "Bring back the death penalty and bring back our police!" ...

So, a distinction without a difference?

#15 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-10-21 08:52 PM

Posted by LampLighter | Flag: How to not look like a complete moron while posting on the Retort.

#16 | Posted by Hans at 2024-10-21 08:53 PM

"@#14 ... Trump NEVER called for the death penalty for those involved ...
Not specifically.
Trump Will Not Apologize for Calling for Death Penalty Over Central Park Five (2019)
#15 | Posted by LampLighter"

Just so I understand what you are asking for, you want Trump to apologize for something that he never said?

#17 | Posted by deadman at 2024-10-21 08:55 PM

Posted by deadman (new) | Flag: Thinks I'm Arnold Palmer

But I am flattered, deadman

#18 | Posted by Hans at 2024-10-21 08:56 PM

@#17 ... you want Trump to apologize for something that he never said? ...

Did I say that I wanted fmr Pres Trump to apologize?

#19 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-10-21 08:58 PM

Trump spent 85,000 dollars for a full page ad calling for the execution of the central park 5.

that is whats known as a fact.

#20 | Posted by Alexandrite at 2024-10-21 09:00 PM

#21 | Posted by Alexandrite at 2024-10-21 09:01 PM

Trump spent 85,000 dollars for a full page ad calling for the execution of the central park 5.
that is whats known as a fact.
#20 | Posted by Alexandrite"

Like so many liberal 'facts', it is simply not true. Here is a link. Show me where he called for the execution of the central park 5:

#22 | Posted by deadman at 2024-10-21 09:02 PM

#15 | Posted by LampLighter

Just so I understand what you are asking for..."

#17 | Posted by deadman

Why are the two of you indulging in the
the exact same thing?

#23 | Posted by Hans at 2024-10-21 09:02 PM

youre not worth my time, deadman. lying little shit.

#24 | Posted by Alexandrite at 2024-10-21 09:03 PM

"youre not worth my time, deadman. lying little shit.
#24 | Posted by Alexandrite"

Great, then actual point out the lie given "that is whats known as a fact".

You liberals are pathetic.

#25 | Posted by deadman at 2024-10-21 09:04 PM

#15 | Posted by LampLighter

Just so I understand what you are asking for..."

#17 | Posted by deadman

Why are the two of you agreeing
about the exact same thing?

#26 | Posted by Hans at 2024-10-21 09:05 PM

@22 ... Here is a link. ...

Yeah, the links your current alias posts don't work here.

At first I had thought it was the "apps" part of the URL.

But when I removed that portion, all I saw was the PBS homepage for the Frontline program.

Does your current alias have a working link?


#27 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-10-21 09:09 PM

"Does your current alias have a working link?
#27 | Posted by LampLighter"

The link worked fine for me. But, here you go with an alt. Tell me where mentions the Central Park 5 a single time much less calls for their deaths.

#28 | Posted by deadman at 2024-10-21 09:19 PM

@#28 ...But, here you go with an alt. Tell me where mentions the Central Park 5 a single time much less calls for their deaths. ...

From the link your current alias provides...

...It's the same courthouse where five Black and Latino youths were wrongly convicted 34 years ago in the beating and rape of a white female jogger.

The former president famously took out a newspaper ad in New York City in the aftermath of the 1989 attack calling for the execution of the accused in a case that roiled racial tensions locally and that many point to as evidence of a criminal justice system prejudiced against defendants of color. ...

[emphasis mine]

#29 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-10-21 09:24 PM

"The former president famously took out a newspaper ad in New York City in the aftermath of the 1989 attack calling for the execution of the accused in a case
#29 | Posted by LampLighter"

And I linked you directly to the ad he took out. Now, show me in the ad where he even mentions the Central Park 5. Not to someone saying what he said, you have the actual ad. Show me in the actual ad.

#30 | Posted by deadman at 2024-10-21 09:26 PM

@#30 ... Not to someone saying what he said ...

The ad your current alias cites states, "They should be executed for their crimes."

#31 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-10-21 09:36 PM

"The ad your current alias cites states, "They should be executed for their crimes."
#31 | Posted by LampLighter"

"They" being murderers. Were the Central Park 5 murderers?

#32 | Posted by deadman at 2024-10-21 09:47 PM

@#32 ... "They" being murderers. Were the Central Park 5 murderers? ...

No, as it turned out, they were not murderers.

But, at the time, what did fmr Pres Trump think they were?

... and that seems to be the core of the lawsuit that is the topic of this thread.

So I currently look forward to see the facts of this case being presented in a Court of Law.

I presume your current alias has similar thoughts?

#33 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-10-21 09:56 PM

"No, as it turned out, they were not murderers."

Then how could he be calling for their deaths when they are no murderers and he is clearly calling for the death penalty for murderers? He did not name them in the ad. It was a response to soaring crime in NYC before Rudy fixed the city - it was not about any crime in particular.

"... and that seems to be the core of the lawsuit that is the topic of this thread.
#33 | Posted by LampLighter"

Which is why it is a nonsense case.

It is like me saying "all pedophiles should be executed" and then you suing me for saying that I said that you should be executed. Only way that would work is if you are a pedophile or self-identify as one. Same thing here but substitute murderers. And yes, I am sure Trump still feels the same way. Murderers should get the death penalty.

#34 | Posted by deadman at 2024-10-21 10:01 PM

#34- wow.
you are truly an idiot.
To your core.

#35 | Posted by YAV at 2024-10-21 10:12 PM

"#35 | Posted by YAV"

Thanks for the great insight, you have anything of actual substance to add? It would be a first for you.

#36 | Posted by deadman at 2024-10-21 10:13 PM

"he is clearly calling for the death penalty for murderers? He did not name them in the ad. It was a response to soaring crime in NYC"

everybody knows. They just can't help themselves

#37 | Posted by eberly at 2024-10-21 10:14 PM

@#34 ... Then how could he be calling for their deaths when they are no murderers ...


At the time he was calling out for their execution, they had not yet been exonerated.

But after they had been exonerated ....

... Which is why it is a nonsense case. ...

But, what has fmr Pres Trump said after they were exonerated?

imo, that is the basis of this case.

Much like fmr Pres Trump being unable to, I'll be blunt, shut up.

Donald Trump Can't Keep His Mouth Shut. It's Getting Him in Trouble. (2023)

... Donald Trump was summoned to appear Tuesday before a Manhattan judge, who warned the former president that he could face additional legal trouble if he publicly rants about the evidence against him in his criminal fraud case"a recurring problem during the E. Jean Carroll sexual assault lawsuit earlier this month. Trump's virtual appearance was brief, and New York judge Juan Merchan spoke to him gently. But the message was clear: Do not try to mess with this trial.

The Tuesday hearing came one day after Carroll"who recently won a federal civil judgment against Trump for sexual assault and defamation -- sought additional damages from Trump over comments he made about her on CNN following that verdict. And on Tuesday morning, hours before his lecture from Merchan, Trump took to his social media platform, Truth Social, to repeat his attacks on Carroll and to complain that the sexual assault trial had been unfair. ...

#38 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-10-21 10:17 PM

Thanks for the great insight, you have anything of actual substance to add? It would be a first for you.

As I said, you truly are an idiot. These are the only words or time I will waste on you. Nothing further.

#39 | Posted by YAV at 2024-10-21 10:19 PM

"Donald Trump Can't Keep His Mouth Shut. It's Getting Him in Trouble. (2023)
#38 | Posted by LampLighter"

This case will be tossed just like the nonsense 'inflating assets' case will be tossed. I don't know if you are following, but the DA finished her appeal remarks by asking the judge not to sanction them in that case - so, we all know how this is going to end.

#40 | Posted by deadman at 2024-10-21 10:20 PM

"#39 | Posted by YAV"

Yes, good idea. With you being so obviously limited intellectually, it is probably best if you do not use your limited resources on me.

#41 | Posted by deadman at 2024-10-21 10:21 PM

@#38 ... But, what has fmr Pres Trump said after they were exonerated? ...

'Central Park 5' members file defamation lawsuit against Donald Trump over comments during ABC News debate

... Members of the "Central Park Five" filed a defamation suit against former President Donald Trump on Monday, accusing him of spreading "false, misleading and defamatory" statements about their 1989 case during the Sept. 10 ABC News presidential debate, according to a new court filing. ...

During the debate, Trump was responding to a statement from Vice President Kamala Harris in which she revisited his full-page ad in The New York Times in the wake of the incident that called for the execution of the Central Park Five when he said the following: "[T]hey come up with things like what she just said going back many, many years when a lot of people including Mayor [Michael] Bloomberg agreed with me on the Central Park Five. They admitted -- they said, they pled guilty. And I said, well, if they pled guilty they badly hurt a person, killed a person ultimately. And if they pled guilty -- then they pled we're not guilty."

The lawsuit points out that Trump's statements were false in multiple respects -- noting none of the members of the Central Park Five ever entered guilty pleas in the case, none of the victims of the Central Park assaults were killed, and the mayor at the time of the assaults was Ed Koch -- who did not agree with Trump's position in the full-page ad.

[emphasis mine]


#42 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-10-21 10:22 PM

Then how could he be calling for their deaths

It's Trump. Facts and reality have always been an impediment for him.

He bought a full page add and called for their speedy deaths.

Trump is well versed in drumming up a mob.

Whether it's to attack the Capitol Building, questions Obama's country of birth, or railroad 5 kids straight to the firing squad.

No one spreads lies and hate as effectively as Donald Trump.

#43 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-10-21 10:22 PM


Just know that if we ever met in person I could very easily bully and intimidate you. I wouldn't do it because I'm a peaceful man. But I could.

Have a nice evening.

#44 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-10-21 10:26 PM

-I could very easily bully and intimidate you

Bully is an ugly word.

Kamala is an alpha, BTW. Confident, direct, willing to stay on point with anyone, including Trump.

And if she refers to herself as an alpha......she's still an alpha.

#45 | Posted by eberly at 2024-10-21 10:30 PM

Just know that if we ever met in person

Who are you lying to? You know you can't fit through the front door to your trailer.

#46 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-10-21 10:34 PM

@#42 ...The lawsuit points out that Trump's statements were false in multiple respects -- noting none of the members of the Central Park Five ever entered guilty pleas in the case, none of the victims of the Central Park assaults were killed,


#47 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-10-21 10:35 PM

I suppose that was sorta funny? In a not well executed "frank cotton" kind of way?
There are people on here that have met me in person. I'm sure they're amused.

#48 | Posted by YAV at 2024-10-21 10:38 PM


I could very easily have you petrified with fear if we ever met in person.

Again, I wouldn't do that because I'm a nice person but I easily could. You'd be wishing you had Depends if I set my sights on you.

#49 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-10-21 10:39 PM

I'm just trying to bring a bit of levity, Yav.

This place needs to lighten up a bit IMO.

#50 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-10-21 10:40 PM

I miss Frank Cotton.
This was close, though.

#51 | Posted by YAV at 2024-10-21 10:41 PM


That's some surgical transition you've made... from the Painless Pole to the Pole-less Pain in the ass.

#52 | Posted by Corky at 2024-10-21 10:41 PM

I could very easily have you petrified with fear if we ever met in person.

I'd fat shame you so hard you'd cry a trail of tears all the way home.

#53 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-10-21 10:42 PM

It bums me out that now more than ever in my lifetime people who have opposing political views are supposed to hate each other.

That's effed up.

We should be able to talk to each other. We should be able to agree to disagree.

#54 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-10-21 10:42 PM

Y'all seem to be lightening up a bit.

That's progress.

Clownshack with the fat shame. That's pretty good. Here's the thing - he can brag about his 6-pack but I have a keg! Come on!

#55 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-10-21 10:45 PM

@#54 ... people who have opposing political views are supposed to hate each other. ...

So, why does your current seem to support the candidate who wants to use the military to go after those he has a political disagreement with?

#56 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-10-21 10:47 PM


We are having a nice moment. Please don't ruin it.

#57 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-10-21 10:49 PM

@#54 ... It bums me out that now more than ever in my lifetime people who have opposing political views are supposed to hate each other. ...

Going back on topic...

So then, why does it seem to be OK when fmr Pres Trump said what I noted in @42?

#58 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-10-21 10:50 PM

"Clownshack with the fat shame. That's pretty good. Here's the thing - he can brag about his 6-pack but I have a keg! Come on!
#55 | Posted by BellRinger"

That twink Clownshack has poverty abs. It is not the same thing.

#59 | Posted by deadman at 2024-10-21 10:50 PM

Look, I get it. This is a very consequential election and the next couple of weeks will be extremely acrimonious and it will surely carry well past the election regardless of the outcome.

It doesn't mean we have to all have vitriolic hate toward each other 24/7.

We are actually real people on the other sides of these keyboards.

#60 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-10-21 10:51 PM

@#57 ... We are having a nice moment. ...

Are we?


I don't see it.

If "we" are having a nice moment, shouldn't both participants be aware of that? Or is your current alias just projecting unto others?

I look forward to your current alias' explanation of "a nice moment" and how it applies here.


Yer current alias is up ...

#61 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-10-21 10:54 PM

@#59 ... That twink Clownshack has poverty abs. ...

Welcome back to the thread.

I do note, your current alias seems to have abandoned its prior comments., and now went to ad hominem attacks.

Good to know.


#62 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-10-21 10:57 PM

An instance when fmr Pres trump was apparently not able to keep his mouth shut...

Trump must pay $83.3 million for defaming E. Jean Carroll, jury says (January 2024)

... Former President Donald Trump must pay $83.3 million in damages for defamatory statements he made denying he sexually assaulted the writer E. Jean Carroll, a federal jury ruled Friday, handing down a stunning verdict after less than three hours of deliberation.

The jury awarded Carroll $18.3 million in compensatory damages, and $65 million in punitive damages. The compensatory amount included $11 million for repairing her reputation, and $7.3 million for emotional harm. ...

Carroll's closing argument ...

He continued to defame Ms. Carroll even as this trial was ongoing," Kaplan said. ...

Yeah, fmr Pres Trump seems to be unable to control his speech.

#63 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-10-21 11:08 PM

"I do note, your current alias seems to have abandoned its prior comments., and now went to ad hominem attacks.
#62 | Posted by LampLighter"

This comment was not even addressed to you. Are you using this as an example similar to Trump/Central Park 5 by you being selectively outraged by a person making a comment about someone else and you inserting yourself into the discussion thinking the comment was about you? If so. Bravo! You finally get it.

#64 | Posted by deadman at 2024-10-21 11:53 PM

@#64 ... This comment was not even addressed to you. ...

Which comment is "this" comment?

#65 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-10-22 12:01 AM

"@#64 ... This comment was not even addressed to you. ...
Which comment is "this" comment?
#65 | Posted by LampLighter"

Well, let's see. This clearly links back to my comment #64. In my comment #64, I link to your comment #62. In that comment, you wrote:

"@#59 ... That twink Clownshack has poverty abs. ...
Welcome back to the thread.
I do note, your current alias seems to have abandoned its prior comments., and now went to ad hominem attacks.
Good to know.
#62 | Posted by LampLighter "

So, given this, what was the comment in reference? Was it:
a.) your comment #62
b.) comment #63
c.) or some other comment?

I really have a hard time believing your are this stupid so I am thinking this is troll or an act as I mentioned above. In that case, bravo!

#66 | Posted by deadman at 2024-10-22 12:44 AM

@#66 ... This clearly links back to my comment #64. ...

The word "this" does that? Clearly? imo, your current alias is losing it. Do try harder.

... what was the comment in reference? ...

The comment to which I was referring was referenced in my #62.

What else yer current alias got?

#67 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-10-22 12:53 AM

@#66 ... I really have a hard time believing your are this stupid ...

I have not proffered any comments about my intelligence on this thread.

However, I do note an apparent desire of your current alias to deflect the disusiion away from the thread's topic.


I mean, after my #42 comment, the deflection crew seems to have appeared.


#68 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-10-22 12:57 AM

"The word "this" does that?
#67 | Posted by LampLighter"

No, it is the fact that you copied and pasted the exact comment in question into your own reply moron. Again, I have a hard time believing you are this stupid.

If you want to talk politics or other issues, please do so.

I am not here to teach you basic logic and reading comprehension so any further discussion on that will not be replied to.

#69 | Posted by deadman at 2024-10-22 01:03 AM

@#69 ... No, it is the fact that you copied and pasted the exact comment in question into your own reply moron. ...


What else yer got?

... if you want to talk politics or other issues, please do so. ..

I tried, in my #42.

Which seemed to have pulled out the deflection crowd.

I mean, your current alias' first comment after my #42 comment was something about somebody's abs?

I mean, wow.

So, if your current alias really wants to get back to the topic of the thread, what says it about the article I posted in #42?

#70 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-10-22 01:25 AM

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