Right-wing groups, which use Telegram to organize real-world actions, are urging followers to watch the polls and stand up for their rights, in a harbinger of potential chaos.
@#6 ... Sounds to me like Trump is getting all prepared to lose. ...
While I would not go that far, there is this ...
'Sunday morning sucked': Advisers say 'angry' Trump 'rattled' by bad news
... Donald Trump woke up in a foul mood Sunday morning and his campaign staff watched in horror as he took out his frustrations in an off-message speech in Pennsylvania, according to a report.
The 78-year-old former president was stewing over a poll released Saturday afternoon showing Kamala Harris with a three-point lead in Iowa, before the vice president made a surprise appearance on "Saturday Night Live."
His pollster Tony Fabrizio and data chief Tim Saler scrambled to craft a memo questioning New York Times' polling that suggested he would lose tight races in swing states, reported The Bulwark.
"This was as much about pushing back on the media as it was placating the boss -- he was infuriated," said a campaign adviser. "But all of us trust Tony's numbers, including the boss. In Tony we trust, [but] Sunday morning sucked."
Trump went onstage in Lititz, Pennsylvania, "rattled by the news," The Bulwark's Marc Caputo wrote.
He largely ignored the teleprompter for 96 minutes in his first of three rallies two days before the election, and while the crowd laughed and cheered as he suggested he wouldn't care if "bloodsucker" journalists were shot, his campaign staffers groaned because he sounded defeated. ...
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