Sunday, March 09, 2025

Iran's Leader Responds After Trump Says He Sent Letter

Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has indicated that he's unlikely to engage with the United States in negotiations, accusing the nation of being a "bullying" power and questioning if it upheld commitments from previous agreements. Newsweek reached out by email on Saturday afternoon to the White House for comment.


More from the article ...

... Why It Matters

Relations between the U.S. and Iran have fluctuated wildly since the start of the first Trump administration, hitting their lowest point when President Donald Trump ordered the assassination of Iranian Major General Qassem Soleimani. He also withdrew unilaterally from the Iran nuclear deal that former President Barack Obama that established.

Iran then swore vengeance against Trump, allegedly planning an assassination of him as well as an Iranian American "journalist, author and political activist" critical of the Iranian regime. ...

#1 | Posted by LampLighter at 2025-03-09 03:22 AM

accusing the nation of being a "bullying" power and questioning if it upheld commitments from previous agreements.

How DARE he make such an accusation?


#2 | Posted by REDIAL at 2025-03-09 03:27 AM

So, Iran seems to be quite wary of Pres Trump's apparent short-term approach to agreements (today it's this, tomorrow, it may be that).

I have to ask, is Iran wrong in that assessment? (And, I have to say ... that I have to ask questions from Iran's point of view should indicate the mess Pres Trump has placed the Country in)

I mean, just look at what Pres Trump is doing to our great friends to the North. The longest unprotected border in the world.

Yet Pres Trump seems to prefer aligning himself with a vicious dictator.

#3 | Posted by LampLighter at 2025-03-09 03:29 AM

John Hiatt - Back Of My Mind (1990)

Lyrics excerpt ...

Well my daddy he stood at the foot of the stairs
He was calling to me at the time
And I knew even then, I could die for the thoughts
That I kept in the back of my mind

But I dared not to speak
How I felt for my dad
Cause there were no words to define
The ball of confusion, of feelings and junk
That I kept in the back of my mind

#4 | Posted by LampLighter at 2025-03-09 03:40 AM

In mafia parlance, IRGC-QF Major General Qassem Soleimani's assassination "crossed a line" with the Iranians. During WWII, General George Patton was a High Value Target (HVT) and legitimate target of the enemy, like General Erwin Rommel was an HVT for the Allies. But had "Old Blood and Guts" been assassinated by Nazi resistance fighters after the war ended (AKA the "Werewolves"), the American public would have been pissed and called for their blood. The US was not in a Congressionally-declared war with Iran when Trumpf, in true mafia form, ordered the hit on MG Soleimani (who was a beloved hero and effective anti-ISIS commander). As we'd be pissed if someone took a shot at Obama, the Iranians are pissed that Trumpf and the neo-cons whacked Soleimani.

#5 | Posted by C0RI0LANUS at 2025-03-09 04:03 AM

The US is NOT AGREEMENT CAPABLE Iran knows this all too well, it really isn't just Trump either.

Just Sayin'.

#6 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2025-03-09 01:59 PM

" the American public would have been pissed and called for their blood."
-citation necessary..

#7 | Posted by homerj at 2025-03-09 05:18 PM

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