
Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Thursday, May 16, 2024

Trump Media and Technology Group will miss a deadline to file a required Securities and Exchange Commission form, according to a Wednesday filing from the company ...



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Fmr Pres Trump is probably having difficulties finding another accountant.

#1 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-05-16 02:32 PM | Reply


Should be on the orange turd's tombstone.

#2 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2024-05-16 08:59 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 3

Missing an SEC deadline? This isn't the first time we've heard this. Advanced onset????

#3 | Posted by Twinpac at 2024-05-16 10:23 PM | Reply

@#3 ... Missing an SEC deadline? This isn't the first time we've heard this. ...

For Trump Media, it is.

But a search looking at Trump Media SEC" with a timeframe of Jan 1, 2022 through April 30, 2024 shows all manner of interesting things....

For starters...

Donald Trump Files Lawsuit Against 20 Media Outlets -- Full List (November 2023)

... The organization through which former president Donald Trump owns Truth Social, the social media platform, has filed a lawsuit against 20 media outlets, including Newsweek, alleging they defamed it through reports concerning its losses.

The complaint, filed by the Trump Media & Technology Group (TMTG) in the twelfth circuit court in Sarasota County, Florida, on Monday, describes reports that the company had lost $73 million since being launched as "an utter fabrication."

Lawyers for the company argued that the reports in various outlets constituted an "unprecedented and seemingly coordinated media campaign," referencing that all "reported the exact same false number within approximately 24 hours of one another, each citing to a public Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") filing, in which the mystery $73 million loss appears nowhere."

"This was a coordinated effort to damage TMTG's reputation, degrade the firm's financial standing, freeze its access to capital, and torpedo the anticipated merger between Digital World Acquisition Corporation ("DWAC") and TMTG," the company said. ...

So, has the company reported a loss since that report?

There's this...

Trump Media stock closes 21% lower after company reports $58 million loss for 2023

#4 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-05-16 10:41 PM | Reply

A little over 500k users/day. The users are a gullible bunch, so I'm sure advertisers for supplements, doom room type stuff, and, of course, Ivermectin suppositories.

More eff ups like this, and this stock goes to less than $1. It's headed there already.

#5 | Posted by horstngraben at 2024-05-16 10:55 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Lock him up!

#6 | Posted by johnny_hotsauce at 2024-05-17 12:31 AM | Reply

@#5 ... The users are a gullible bunch, so I'm sure advertisers for supplements, doom room type stuff, and, of course, Ivermectin suppositories. ...

Oh, your comment opens up an interesting can of worms....

Jim Jordan Demands Major Ad Companies Explain Why They Won't Advertise On Truth Social (April 5, 2024)


Rep Jordan needs to ask?

Rep Jordan cannot be that clueless.

Or am I misjudging Rep Jordan?

#7 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-05-17 01:02 AM | Reply

DJT has until May 20 by my math to file their 10-Q. Their new auditor is a single-office firm based in Phoenix, which is only a few inches away from the Sarasota, FL HQ of DJT--on a map.

I'll wager the 10-Q will report something like the following: the company had very little revenue, fewer users than the previous quarter, and lost a bushel of money. Various corporate insiders will be allowed to sell their shares earlier than the six-month lockout period. Not said is that with the sales of stock about to start, DJT will soon crater from its current level of (What?!? You're kidding me) $50.30. Retail investor--prepare to get much less than you thought...

#8 | Posted by catdog at 2024-05-17 02:04 PM | Reply

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