Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Monday, June 17, 2024

Trump's Bizarre New Excuse for His Milwaukee Comments Donald Trump appears to have forgotten he already admitted to the comments.


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Donald Trump can't outrun his tactless comment about Milwaukee, so now, he's decided to pretend it never happened in the first place.


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"Last week, in a meeting with House Republicans, Trump called Milwaukee a "horrible city," even though he is expected to head there for the Republican National Convention next month.

Republicans rushed to provide a smattering of explanations for why the former president would self-sabotage in such spectacular fashion, including Trump, who offered his own excuse"and doubled down on his insults, arguing that the city was overrun with crime, even though statistics from the city's police department don't support his claims.

Now Trump's given up on excuses, and has decided to deny, deny, deny. During an interview on Newsmax Saturday, Trump insisted that he'd never said anything about Milwaukee at all.

"They make up a story that I said something bad about Milwaukee, and I just ask you this, who would do that? Who would say something bad about a place that you want to win, you want to win over?" Trump demanded.


"Too bad for Trump, not only had several of his lackeys already backed him up and into a corner, but he himself had already acknowledged the original comment.

He'll get an unpleasant reminder of his words once he arrives in Milwaukee for his likely nomination for president. National Democrats have set up 10 billboards around the city plastered with his face and comment."

He's so used to lying to his base and them believing anything and everything he says.... what he's just not used to being called on his lies, so now he's in denial.

#1 | Posted by Corky at 2024-06-17 08:07 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Ballwasher will be by shortly to whine about this. That little -----.

#2 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2024-06-17 11:00 PM | Reply

No doubt Mr. Trump didn't call it anymore of a dump than the White House.


Just wait till he's completely untethered on a public stage during the debate.

Note to his "handlers":
Be afraid. Be very afraid ...

#3 | Posted by TrueBlue at 2024-06-17 11:11 PM | Reply

@#3 ... during the debate. ...

Biden, Trump accept CNN debate rules, including mic muting

... The first presidential debate of the 2024 election cycle is right around the corner, and CNN announced Sunday that the campaigns of both President Biden and former President Trump have agreed to new debate rules.

CNN's Jake Tapper and Dana Bash will host the debate, which will take place in Atlanta, Ga., on June 27.

Both candidates agreed to appear at a uniform podium, and their podium positions will be determined by a coin flip, CNN said.

Microphones will be muted throughout the debate except when it's that candidate's turn to speak. Tapper and Bash will be able to "use all tools at their disposal to enforce timing and ensure a civilized discussion."

The 90-minute debate will include two commercial breaks, and campaign staff cannot interact with their candidate during the break, the network said.

Candidates will be given a pen, a pad of paper and a water bottle, but they cannot bring prewritten notes on stage.

There will be no studio audience, unlike debates in the past, CNN said. ...

#4 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-06-17 11:16 PM | Reply

Dementia Don.

#5 | Posted by Nixon at 2024-06-18 07:15 AM | Reply

Under the possible terms of his parole, will they let someone like Trump continue to travel while wearing an ankle bracelet? Just wondering.

#6 | Posted by Whatsleft at 2024-06-18 03:10 PM | Reply

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