
Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Sunday, June 30, 2024

In states that have banned abortion, hospitals have struggled to treat pregnant women facing health risks. A Supreme Court decision this week did not help.



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The cruelty is the point.

#1 | Posted by snoofy at 2024-06-30 02:38 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

The cruelty is the point....#1 POSTED BY SNOOFY

I thought fodder for inane comments might be the point

#2 | Posted by brerrabbit at 2024-06-30 03:17 PM | Reply

If she's smart she won't return to women's health zone of death! Talibaptists or Talimormons, doesn't mtter they're all crazy!

#3 | Posted by danni at 2024-06-30 03:38 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

I believe Texas and Missouri are teeing up lawsuits to relitigate this at the SC.

The SC COULD have decided this, but intentionally chose to punt it.

They are desperately seeking a justification to overthrow the supremacy doctrine

#4 | Posted by truthhurts at 2024-06-30 03:56 PM | Reply

What are the end goals of the Federalist Society? Turn to a State rather then People centered Republic? Golden Age laissez-faire capitalism? End to any constraint on wealth? What do they want of us?

Why is the intent, even if we could discern it, of the founders concerning the constitution/bill of rights significant? Half of them where slavers and most of the rest would considered unpleasant people by modern standards, so why should their intent control my life and rights?

The federalist society, alec, the republican party are all sneaky, dishonorable schemers trying to impose some kind of 19th century golden age horror while using and being used by various nutters to further their own schemes to steal our liberty and impose their "strongly held beliefs" on everyone. We need to identify their funding sources and reduce their ability to interfere in our lives.

How compatible are the federalist society goals with the plans in Project 2025? e.g. christian nationalist dominion

How long does the business community think it will be allowed to exist without submitting to the whims of a christian centered government? Speaking of a christian centered government, which form of christian? Are our new masters going to be opus dei catholic heretics or evangelical prosperity gospel / dominionist heretics? Which bible will be the source of our new laws? Who decides and how? How many generations before the more numerous sect declares all of the others illegal for conveying false teachings? 0, 1,? Bow down to your priestly masters or burn.

Our species has been down all of these roads before and they do not end well.

#5 | Posted by Killjoy at 2024-06-30 05:02 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

Some very good questions there Killjoy, but you are missing one key -----------------.

Where does ------- stand in that formula? ------- is his own thing. There are a few competing interests here--------'s ego/con, the fed soc's efforts to turn us into an oligarchy-I think that is their aim, the christian nationalist and the white supremacists are all competing for power. For the most part they are going through -------. The various factions will use ------- for their own agendas-he has little interest or ability to contest them except in matters that he cares about-his grift, his grievances and his freedom (from prison).

------- has no core values, he will do whatever he perceives as in his interest from moment to moment. He will be incredibly vulnerable to those factions that want to remake American society. He doesn't care one iota about any policy or agenda except to feed his con/grievance and need for freedom. Anything beyond that he will do for whomever strokes his ego sufficiently.

It's funny, as evil a------- was, he at least had a motivating belief system (for the most part)-he imposed his will downward-for the most part. ------- does impose some will but is indifferent to so much of governance-as evident by his nonsensical answers to tracking pregnant women or abortion or healthcare-"we will have a great plan announced in a couple of weeks that I think you will love"-IOW nothing, nothing at all.

So, the factions will work through him, getting him to implement extremely radical policies that will destroy America as we know it. We have a supremely corrupt Supreme Court that is essentially making corruption legal.

So, should ------- be re-elected the white nationalists and christian nationalists will enact Project 2025-------- will sign on as it attacks the "deep state" you know regular government. the Fed Soc will work with McConnell to stack the courts with radical rightwing judges and will push for more tax breaks for billionaires.

They SC has already laid the groundwork for a radical destruction of any and all government regulation by destroying Chevron-look to Thomas' or Alito's arguments on any number of issues for the future of law in the coming decades.

A couple of observations though, I think that several groups, including the SC will find that ------- will not respect their authority if they cross him-they may not care if enough of their vile agenda is enacted and they perceive they have grasped sufficient power. But ------- will have no qualms about ignoring anything the SC says.

Also, one glimmer of hope is that when cults fall they fall hard. When ------- departs the scene, likely through a coronary, the republican party will eat itself alive. The Republican party is made up of gutless, ruthless maniacs who will destroy each other once the guiding light is removed-that is almost a foregone conclusion. The question is can we as a nation survive and will the damage be too permanent to repair.

#6 | Posted by truthhurts at 2024-06-30 05:23 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

When the 2024 election is over and done and when the MAGAfreaks crawl bsck under the rocks from wha ere thet came and when the threat of a Ttrump dictatorship no longer exists Congress will have to -------- the present court by adding enough new members to overpower the present majority and queston about overturning the present court's decisions will be necessary. The sooner that happens the better for our country. The Roberts Court will be remembered much the same wsy as McCartyism.

#7 | Posted by danni at 2024-07-01 12:23 PM | Reply

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