Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Thursday, August 01, 2024

The U.N. human rights office has issued a report saying Palestinians detained by Israeli authorities since the Oct. 7 attacks have faced waterboarding, sleep deprivation, electric shocks and other forms of torture and mistreatment.



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More: The U.N. human rights office issued a report Wednesday saying Palestinians detained by Israeli authorities since the Oct. 7 attacks faced waterboarding, sleep deprivation, electric shocks, dogs set on them, and other forms of torture and mistreatment.

The report said Israel's prison service held more than 9,400 "security detainees" as of the end of June, and some have been held in secret without access to lawyers or respect for their legal rights.

A summary of the report, based on interviews with former detainees and other sources, decried a "staggering" number of detainees " including men, women, children, journalists and human rights defenders " and said such practices raise concerns about arbitrary detention.

"The testimonies gathered by my office and other entities indicate a range of appalling acts, such as waterboarding and the release of dogs on detainees, amongst other acts, in flagrant violation of international human rights law and international humanitarian law," said U.N. Human Rights Chief Volker Trk in a statement.

Israel's prison authorities previously told the AP that all Palestinian prisoners are treated according to Israeli law. However, Israel's Ministry of National Security, the body in charge of prisons, says it has actively made conditions worse and purposefully overcrowded cells for Palestinians held on security charges since the war broke out as a policy of deterrence.

The ministry is headed by ultranationalist minister Itamar Ben Gvir, who has long called for harsher punishment, including the death penalty, for Palestinians held on terror charges.

"Detainees said they were held in cage-like facilities, stripped naked for prolonged periods, wearing only diapers. Their testimonies told of prolonged blindfolding, deprivation of food, sleep and water, and being subjected to electric shocks and being burnt with cigarettes," a summary of the report said.

"Some detainees said dogs were released on them, and others said they were subjected to waterboarding, or that their hands were tied and they were suspended from the ceiling," it added. "Some women and men also spoke of sexual and gender-based violence."

#1 | Posted by qcp at 2024-07-31 09:19 AM | Reply

Most Moral army on earth.

Rule of law is only for the "Chosen" in Israel.

No Constitution, no defined borders, no sense of proportion about anything.

Israel is a Horror.

#2 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-07-31 11:36 AM | Reply

Let me show you my "surprised" face:


#3 | Posted by ABH at 2024-08-01 11:48 AM | Reply

Israel has been involved in torture for decades.

#4 | Posted by fresno500 at 2024-08-01 09:22 PM | Reply

Ya know... I recently had a job stint at the State Dept in D.C.

They are having a very difficult job filling the post in Israel once the Embassy moved from Tel-Aviv to Jerusalem nobody wanted to work in that Embassy. The neighborhoods were bad. The schools are bad.

Dispensationalists aren't going to be happy until they fekup everything.

#5 | Posted by RightisTrite at 2024-08-02 12:01 PM | Reply

The link below is the International Criminal Court (ICC) application seeking an arrest warrant for Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu and Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant.

And some birdbrain invited Netanyahu to address the US Congress.



#6 | Posted by C0RI0LANUS at 2024-08-02 11:10 PM | Reply

just another case of "winning the hearts and minds"... nothing to see here

#7 | Posted by RightisTrite at 2024-08-03 06:43 AM | Reply

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