
Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Sunday, September 08, 2024

Miami Dolphins wide receiver Tyreek Hill was handcuffed outside Miami's Hard Rock Stadium just hours before the Dolphins were scheduled to kick off against Jacksonville. However, Hill has been released and plans to play, according to his agent.



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"I'm told by sources Tyreek Hill was cited for reckless driving as a result of his incident outside the stadium with police," ESPN's Jeff Darlington reported from the scene. "After he was pulled over, he got into a verbal altercation with police. The officer chose to place Hill in handcuffs. He was cited and released after the situation was deescalated."

The Dolphins have released a statement on Hill: "This morning, WR Tyreek Hill was pulled over for a traffic incident about one block from the stadium and briefly detained by police. He has since been released. Several teammates saw the incident and stopped to offer support. Tyreek and all other players involved have safely arrived to the stadium and will be available for today's game."

#1 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-09-08 11:31 AM | Reply



#2 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-09-08 11:34 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

Thank God he complied when they forced him to lie face down on the ground to handcuff him and he didn't get shot:

Adam Schefter
Video of Tyreek Hill's arrest today:

#3 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-09-08 11:37 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

Tiny D is looking for some more goons to join his election squad stormtroopers.

#4 | Posted by reinheitsgebot at 2024-09-08 03:31 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 3

Re: #5 Organ Bunk

Thanks for the disinformation

#7 | Posted by hamburglar at 2024-09-09 05:26 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Body Cam footage released. Another thread that did not age well to for the ASSume crowd of the DR.

#9 | Posted by gracieamazed at 2024-09-09 08:35 PM | Reply

Bodycam footage shows how chaotic Tyreek Hill detainment escalated

... Body cam footage is shedding new light on Sunday's incident outside of Hard Rock Stadium when Dolphins star Tyreek Hill was detained by police.

The newly released footage shows a chaotic scene unfolding after Miami-Dade Police stopped Hill for speeding as the situation quickly escalated.

He was cited for careless driving and a seat belt violation, according to ESPN, before being released at the scene.

Teammate Calais Campbell was also detained after he pulled over and attempted to de-escalate the situation.

Video footage from officer body cams shows the moment that police approached Hill's car and knocked on his window, drawing objections from the eight-time Pro Bowler.

"Hey don't knock on my window like that," Hill can be heard saying to the officer, who in turn asked Hill why he wasn't wearing a seat belt.

The first officer attempted to explain why he was trying to get Hill's attention with the knock and Hill, who had appeared to already give the cop his license, responded by asking the officer to give him a ticket so he could leave and then rolled the window back up.

The officer objected to the window and when Hill brought the window down slightly, the cops ordered Hill out of the car.

Hill could be heard saying that he was going to get out of the vehicle when a second officer pulled open the car door and yanked the Dolphins receiver out of the car and brought him to the ground with the assistance of a third officer.

"Hey Drew I'm getting arrested," said Hill, who was holding his phone and appeared to have his agent Drew Rosenhaus on the phone at the time.

Hill could then be seen being placed in cuffs as multiple officers surrounded him. ...

#10 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-09-09 09:01 PM | Reply

Body Cam footage released. Another thread that did not age well to for the ASSume crowd of the DR.

#9 | Posted by gracieamazed

Are you sure?

Hill told CNN's Kaitlan Collins on Monday night that he rolled his window back up because of concern about drawing unwanted attention to himself.

"If I let my window down, people walking by, driving by, they're going to notice that it's me," Hill said. "And they're going to start taking pictures, and I didn't want to create a scene at all. Like, I just really wanted to get the ticket and then go on about my way."

The officer again told Hill to put his window back down or "I am going to get you out of the car. As a matter of fact, get out of the car."

After the officer ultimately asks Hill to exit his vehicle, Hill then says, "I'm gonna get out, I'm gonna get out." As the officer opens door and removes Hill, the receiver says, "I'm getting out!" At that point, another officer grabs Hill by the back of the head and neck area and forces him to the pavement to put him in handcuffs.

"It just went from 0 to 60, man, from the moment that those guys pulled up behind me, knocked on my window, it went from 0 to 60 immediately," Hill said Monday in an interview with "NBC Nightly News."

"I was opening my door and I was going to get out, you know what I'm saying, but it felt like they was wanting me to move fast."

Hill was able to call the Dolphins' director of security, Drew Brooks, before he was pulled out of his car. The officer who forced Hill to the ground kept him in place with a knee to Hill's back, telling Hill to "stop crying."

"When we tell you to do something, you do it, you understand?" the officer tells Hill. "Not when you want, but when we tell you. You're a little ---- confused."

Hill is escorted to the sidewalk and told to sit down, to which Hill replies that he recently had knee surgery and asks the officers to "hold on." The same officer who pulled Hill out of his vehicle, who was not the closest officer to Hill, then rushes toward Hill, wraps his arms around his shoulders and forces him to the ground again, at one point putting his hands around Hill's neck.

The officer expresses skepticism of Hill's surgery.

"Oh really? What a coincidence," he said to Hill. "Did you have surgery on your ears when we told you to put the window down?"

When Hill complains about being held in place, the officer forces him to the ground before allowing him to sit back up.

"I'll tell you like this -- your job is to serve and protect, right?" Hill says. "You're doing a horrible job of protecting right now. I told you, I'm not going to run. ... That's only going to make matters worse."

Hill verbally complies with the officers' orders throughout the footage. At least one officer attempts to reason with Hill and de-escalate the situation as bystanders film the incident from both the sidewalk and their vehicles.

"I'm just being a Black man, that's it," Hill calls out. "I'm just being Black in America."

"We're dark, too, brother," one officer replies. "We're people of color, too. Don't play like that's special."

#11 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-09-10 08:02 AM | Reply

"You're a little effing confused... Stop crying... Did you have surgery on your ears?... Don't play like that's special ..."

You're right Gracie, it's just the normal demeaning and disrespectful interlude that blacks encounter every single day from some in law enforcement, even from leos of color. Blue is usually greater than any other color within their circles, but blue isn't always representative of the actual law or the simple basic understanding that not every person police encounter are automatically criminals or threats to their sensitive egos if they don't immediately respond to verbal orders while remaining still and offering no verbal or physical threat to the officers. I don't know anyone that doesn't experience anxiety when pulled over by police, and not everyone deals with it in the same way.

While I'd never disobey a direct order - like to roll down my window, I can easily understand how Tyreek didn't want to be seen by the wider passing public who might force the stop to another level if hoards started to gather due to recognizing Hill and wanting to make sure nothing egregious happened to him at the hands of the leos. It is a reasonable and understandable conclusion from Hill considering his experience with celebrity, while in that moment I'm sure the leos weren't thinking about a potential mob scene and escalating numbers of both police and the general public - which did happen to an extent as both players and fans stopped and started filming the incident.

Neither Tyreek nor some of the officers acted completely as they should have. But trust me, had the police injured Tyreek when they manhandled him after he warned them of specific bodily injuries - which they then mocked and ignored said warning, the team or league would likely sue them to pay for his salary should the leos have forced him to miss time because of their physical maltreatment - especially if the health insurance/car insurance companies refused to pay, deeming the police responsible for the injuries keeping him from working in his occupation. Didn't happen, but interesting thought exercise anyway.

#12 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-09-10 08:02 AM | Reply

A day after Miami Dolphins wide receiver Tyreek Hill was detained and handcuffed by police shortly before his team's season opener, Miami-Dade police released body-cam footage of the incident. The Dolphins subsequently said Monday in a strongly worded statement that the footage showed "there are some officers who mistake their responsibility and commitment to serve with misguided power."

Some of Hill's teammates, two of whom were identified later by the Dolphins as defensive lineman Calais Campbell and tight end Jonnu Smith, begin to appear at the scene. Campbell also was briefly placed in handcuffs and Smith was given a citation after they did not immediately comply with requests to leave the scene.

In its statement following the release of the body-cam footage, the Dolphins said they were "saddened by the overly aggressive and violent conduct" directed toward Hill, Campbell and Smith by Miami-Dade police.

"It is both maddening and heartbreaking," the team said, "to watch the very people we trust to protect our community use unnecessary force and hostility towards these players, yet it is also a reminder that not every situation like this ends in peace, as we are grateful this one did."

Noting their "strong and positive relationship" with Miami-Dade police and an understanding that "the vast majority of officers do serve the community with the utmost character," the Dolphins urged the department to take "swift and strong action against the officers who engaged in such despicable behavior."

It's wholly typical that some will use former acts to assassinate the character of someone, using their own earlier actions in the attempt to shade the conduct of officers acting without that foreknowledge during the encounter now in question.

The Dolphins - therefore the NFL family - are standing by Tyreek and the other Dolphin players in this instance, so no, age has not changed anything regarding the veracity of the speculative narrative some articulated from the initial reporting of this incident.

#13 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-09-10 08:22 AM | Reply

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