
Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Saturday, September 28, 2024

Democratic nominee Kamala Harris hammered former President Donald Trump's manufacturing record ahead of his visit to the battleground state of Michigan on Friday, pointing out that offshoring of U.S. jobs increased during the Republican nominee's first White House term despite his grand promises to revitalize the nation's industrial base. "Donald Trump is one of the biggest losers of manufacturing in American history," Harris, who outlined her own domestic manufacturing priorities earlier this week, said in a statement Thursday. "He makes empty promise after empty promise to American workers, but never delivers. As president, he cut taxes for corporations, encouraged outsourcing, and lost nearly 200,000 manufacturing jobs, including auto jobs. He has joked about firing workers, supported state anti-union laws, and suggested companies move jobs out of Michigan."



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The orange failure's 15% unemployment rate wasn't a fluke.

#1 | Posted by reinheitsgebot at 2024-09-28 09:01 AM | Reply

... "He makes empty promise after empty promise to American workers, but never delivers. As president, he cut taxes for corporations, encouraged outsourcing, and lost nearly 200,000 manufacturing jobs, including auto jobs. He has joked about firing workers, supported state anti-union laws, and suggested companies move jobs out of Michigan." ...

Wow, that's quite a summary.

Then there's this...

Trump claims he's pro-worker. Project 2025 will gut labor rights (August 2024)

... Donald Trump proclaimed he was for "all the forgotten men and women", in his acceptance speech at the Republican convention. His vice-presidential pick JD Vance consistently portrays himself as a pro-worker populist. But an analysis of the labor chapter of Project 2025 -- an ambitious rightwing plan to guide the next Republican presidency -- found it has little to offer them.

Project 2025's labor section proposes hardly anything to improve workers' wages and working conditions. It is, however, chock full of recommendations that would boost corporate profits, undercut labor unions and advance the rightwing culture war.

Project 2025 contains several recommendations that would, when taken together, cut the pay of millions of workers, especially by making overtime pay available to fewer workers, even though many Americans rely on overtime pay to make ends meet. This so-called "Presidential Transition Project" shows outright hostility toward government employee unions -- whether police unions, firefighters' unions or teachers' unions -- saying that Congress should consider abolishing all public sector unions.

Project 2025 would further undermine unions by recommending a ban on the use of card check, one of labor's most effective tools to organize workers. Once a union gets a majority of employees at a workplace to sign pro-union cards, unions often point to this majority support to persuade employers to grant union recognition and bargain. ...

#2 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-09-28 09:25 PM | Reply

... "But in April 2022, Trump shared a 45-minute private flight with Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts, according to people familiar with the trip, plane-tracking data and a photograph from on board the plane, which has not been previously reported. They flew together to a Heritage conference where Trump delivered a keynote address that gestured to Heritage's forthcoming policy proposals."

Said Trump: "They're going to lay the groundwork and detail plans for exactly what our movement will do." ...

Who is Kevin Roberts?

Project 2025 mastermind allegedly told colleagues he killed a dog with a shovel

So, the project 2025 mastermind.

#3 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-09-28 09:29 PM | Reply

Vice President Kamala Harris made a false claim about the jobs record of her Republican opponent, former President Donald Trump, in an interview on MSNBC on Wednesday evening.

Interviewer Stephanie Ruhle asked Harris what she thought about polls that show most likely voters still think Trump is the better option on handling the economy.

Harris responded, "Well, here's what I know in terms of the facts. Donald Trump left us with the worst economy since the Great Depression, when you look at, for example, the employment numbers." After Ruhle interjected by saying it was the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic that made the employment numbers bad, Harris continued, "Even before the pandemic, he lost manufacturing jobs " by most people's estimates, at least 200,000."

Facts First: Harris' claim is false. Trump presided over a gain of 414,000 US manufacturing jobs, not a loss of "at least 200,000," before the Covid-19 pandemic hit. And the loss for his entire presidency, start to finish, was 178,000 manufacturing jobs, not 200,000 or more as Harris said.

#4 | Posted by homerj at 2024-09-29 01:53 PM | Reply

And the loss for his entire presidency, start to finish, was 178,000 manufacturing jobs, not 200,000 or more as Harris said.

And that's something to hang one's hat on, losing 22,000 fewer manufacturing jobs than 200,000?

Must be what Trump considers a 'bigly win'.

#5 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-09-29 01:59 PM | Reply

And that's something to hang one's hat on, losing 22,000 fewer manufacturing jobs than 200,000?

#5 | Posted by tonyroma

HOMER'S on the defensive for his god, er, guy, and that's something refreshing to see.

History will record Trump as a man who never found his ass using both hands.

#6 | Posted by Zed at 2024-09-29 03:23 PM | Reply

Homer is a dope.

#7 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2024-09-30 04:08 AM | Reply

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