
Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Tuesday, November 05, 2024

OpEd: America's top right-wingers are calling for the use of paper ballots in the presidential election. Computers are never completely safe, so they're right -- but paper will be used virtually everywhere anyway.



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More from the OpEd...

... Voting in the United States is too complicated " just like the country itself. Having 50 different states is essentially having 50 different electoral processes at once during a presidential election.

In most other democracies, voting is a fairly simple process. If you're a citizen, you bring your ID to a polling station, get a ballot, and cast your vote in private. That's it.

These paper ballots are then counted manually, and if enough election workers are toiling, results are usually announced quite quickly " even in India, where citizens can vote for six weeks but their ballots are counted in a single day.

Well, at first glance, America's different. One can feel dizzy when one sees the types of voting equipment used " optical scan ballot tabulators, direct recording electronic (DRE) systems, ballot marking devices, hybrid voting systems, punch cards, and, of course, hand-counted paper ballots.

In short, it's a mess. And there's the constant conspiratorial buzz about the Big Steal via the allegedly rigged voting machines, mainly coming from the Right eager to reinstate Donald Trump as US president almost at all costs.

But the truth is that paper ballots -- held by most experts to be the most important security measures states can adopt -- will be used in almost all US states on November 5th.

It makes you wonder, then, whether the point of all the false claims isn't just to generally undermine trust in the process. ...

[emphasis mine]

#1 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-11-04 03:49 PM | Reply

"It makes you wonder, then, whether the point of all the false claims isn't just to generally undermine trust in the process. ..."

Of course it is. It's been like that for decades, kid. There's a reason why every loser (even Dems) of a POTUS election in the last 24 years (at least) have filed many lawsuits after an election. Stick around kid, next thing you will see are the losers vilifying everything the new POTUS does.

#2 | Posted by humtake at 2024-11-06 08:28 AM | Reply

paper will be used virtually everywhere anyway.

and then, the paper goes into, A MACHINE

#3 | Posted by beavercleaver at 2024-11-06 08:36 AM | Reply

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Drudge Retort