Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Sunday, January 12, 2025

I've always liked a quote from the theologian Reinhold Neibuhr: "the great ethical divide is between those who want to be pure and those who want to be responsible." 2024's voters were ethically divided by neither. They simply wished to feel good about themselves by abandoning any sense of their nation's past or their chosen leader's intentions. They were an electorate addicted to words as an indicator of actions. And while Democrats continually embraced misplaced joy and Republicans perennially embraced misplaced anger, both expected the nation's future to evolve around nothing more substantial than the efficacy of their memes. What's worse, everyone seemed relieved to participate in yet another election predicated on vagaries vs. barbarous specifics.



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"But I did know that Trump would be very difficult to beat, not because of what he says but because of what he is.

Donald Trump is an undiluted American. Free of introspection. The inevitable result of every National Anthem introduction, every honoring of America, every flyover above a stadium sized flag.

Our national insecurity devolved into madness."

Nice article, thanks Lee.

#1 | Posted by Corky at 2025-01-12 11:26 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

I, personally, will take great joy in the pain that the magat scum will be suffering from starting 1/20. I am tickled pink thinking of the self-inflicted wounds they will suffer.

Take for example, the magat scum parents of kids with cancer.

They have already ---- themselves in the old donny diapers.

You see, their magat scum representatives cut funding and opportunity and access to medicines and treatment.

They get to watch their children die in agony, cause they are magat scum.

I hope they take great comfort in the suffering to be inflicted on trans people, it only took the lives of their children to achieve that goal.

Seriously, what would a magat scum parent think when they try to access the programs and are denied because they were cut by the magat scum politicians they voted for.

What do they say to their dying kids?

I, for one, would do anything to help my child.

Others choose differently.

#2 | Posted by truthhurts at 2025-01-12 11:17 PM | Reply

The American populace is morally bankrupt.

To not vote for a rapist is something people shouldn't have to be told.

Yet a plurality did just that

That is unforgivable. Pure and simple.

America will NEVER change until basic, I mean the most basic, morality is ingrained in the American voter.

Yet that is all water under the bridge.

We live in a New America. People don't realize it yet, but we do.

We live in a fascist oligarchy.

You no longer have the rights you think you do.

Speech? Assembly? the Press? those will be the first to follow women's bodily autonomy into the trash heap. Your 2nd Amendment rights will last up until they threaten der leader.

This country is on the precipice of a fundamental transformation the likes of which our nation has rarely experienced, and those transformations have always been towards liberalism and democracy-be it 1861, 1935, 1964.

We are in the embryonic phase of a regressive revolution that will redefine the relationship between the government and it's citizens.

People with a plan (Project 2025) are being put in place to release their revolutionary program on America. A program long in development. 100 Executive Orders are ready to go day 1. There will NOT be the same resistance to grossly unconstitutional acts like there were in 2017. Critical pieces to implement that program have been there for years-the Supreme Court

Too many people are thinking in terms of politics as usual.

What is being released will turn politics on it's head.

Do not count on the 2026 or 2028 elections. One of those rights on the chopping block are voting rights. And no, it is not going to be so obvious as stopping voting, but it will be a system to rigged power will be predetermined.

And remember the scariest part. Project 2025 is only a plan for the first 6 months.

#3 | Posted by truthhurts at 2025-01-12 11:35 PM | Reply

America has ALWAYS BEEN Morally "Challenged".

Created by Rich Men too Cheap to Pay Taxes.

Developed in Haste by the most Aggressive and Greedy of people.

Bison almost totally Exterminated. Forests cut without caution or foresight for short term corporate gain.

Endless Expansion into the wilderness without consideration of anything but material gain for a few and everybody else making do with the consequences.

War became our New Frontier. The Escape valve for pressures inside our system.

Also Very Profitable.

Money is Speech and Corporations have a Megaphone.

It's an Organic progression to Oligarchy and NeoFuedalism.

Lots of Toys and Distractions to keep the Rubes Pacified.

America has Never Been All That.

#4 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2025-01-13 12:49 PM | Reply

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