
Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Wednesday, February 05, 2025

Donald Trump says he wants the US to "take over" Gaza, take a "long-term ownership position", and turn it into the "Riviera of the Middle East." He says Palestinians could be resettled away from Gaza, "in areas where the leaders currently say no." Jordan and Egypt reject the idea of Palestinians being resettled - while the Palestinian ambassador to the UN says "our homeland is our homeland". Netanyahu says Trump's plan is an idea "worth paying attention to"


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"Everybody I've spoken to loves the idea of the United States owning that piece of land, developing and creating thousands of jobs with something that will be magnificent in a really magnificent area that nobody would know."


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#1 | Posted by retort at 2025-02-05 08:27 AM | Reply


Donald is mentally ill. Badly mentally ill. Insane.

He is a genuinely disordered human being who is behaving like a man with a serious diagnosis.

We know what powerful people like this do from history.

There will be blood.

Just the truth.

There will be war and there will be persecutions. Not just persecutions some think are justified, like the migrants.

It's time to seriously consider what it means to have delusions. What it means to have a delusional man in charge of this country. A delusional man with a vindictive, vicious streak.

It's past time to consider all of Donald's behaviors and decisions through the lense of his gross mental illness.

I think that a good recent example is what he did to California's water. Frankly, I think that his "bargaining" with Canad and Mexico is another.

Maybe ZATOICHI had the right idea in dying early. We're all (yes, and you MAGA) going to go through some things.

#2 | Posted by Zed at 2025-02-05 08:28 AM | Reply

Maybe ZATOICHI had the right idea in dying early. We're all (yes, and you MAGA) going to go through some things.

Posted by Zed at 2025-02-05 08:28 AM | Reply

I've been thinking about that as of late. It might be the better option you know??

#3 | Posted by LauraMohr at 2025-02-05 08:40 AM | Reply

Nah ---- that $#!+, we need us to help document and spread the truth amongst the slurry of corporatist media lies. We may not live to see the fruits of our labors, but we must hope that generations down the road can steer us back onto the path of a peaceful coexistence

#4 | Posted by hamburglar at 2025-02-05 10:01 AM | Reply

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