
Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Saturday, February 22, 2025

Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers's office introduced a bill on Friday afternoon that would change the way a Wisconsin state law addresses biological women and men. According to the bill known as 2025 Senate Bill 45, which was first reported on by conservative radio host Dan O'Donnell, Section 3106 contains numerous examples of terms such as wife, husband, mother, and father being crossed out and removed in favor of terms like spouse, person, and even inseminated person. The bill pertains to "state finances and appropriations, constituting the executive budget act of the 2025 legislature," and the request for the language changes to be made isn't introduced until pages 1,766 and 1,767.


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The movement in mainly Democratic controlled states to change or remove these terms from state law is not new, as the state of Massachusetts introduced and made into law "The Massachusetts Parentage Act" last August, which ensures "legal parentage equality" for children born to parents "without regard to the marital status, gender, gender identity, or sexual orientation of their parents or the circumstances of their birth, including whether they were born as a result of assisted reproduction or surrogacy."


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Democrats acting out because of the Orange man.

#1 | Posted by lfthndthrds at 2025-02-22 03:37 PM | Reply

Spouse makes sense. Inseminated person, not so much.

#2 | Posted by Dbt2 at 2025-02-22 03:51 PM | Reply

So much winning!!! Kudos to Gravy for keeping us up to date. Damn repubs are going to hell.

#3 | Posted by shoeless at 2025-02-22 06:32 PM | Reply

More from the cited article ...

... According to the bill known as 2025 Senate Bill 45, which was first reported on by conservative radio host Dan O'Donnell, Section 3106 contains numerous examples of terms such as wife, husband, mother, and father being crossed out and removed in favor of terms like spouse, person, and even inseminated person.

Senate Bill 45 Section 3106

The bill pertains to "state finances and appropriations, constituting the executive budget act of the 2025 legislature," and the request for the language changes to be made isn't introduced until pages 1,766 and 1,767.

The movement in mainly Democratic controlled states to change or remove these terms from state law is not new, as the state of Massachusetts introduced and made into law "The Massachusetts Parentage Act" last August, which ensures "legal parentage equality" for children born to parents "without regard to the marital status, gender, gender identity, or sexual orientation of their parents or the circumstances of their birth, including whether they were born as a result of assisted reproduction or surrogacy." ...

#4 | Posted by LampLighter at 2025-02-23 01:17 AM | Reply

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