Friday, June 28, 2024

Hungary's Orban Vows to 'Make Europe Great Again'

Hungary's pro-Kremlin leader Viktor Orban takes over the rotating presidency of the European Council on July 1, just weeks after fellow nationalist and populist parties surged across the bloc in European polls.



More from the article...

... The EU's six-month rotating presidencies, when member states take turns steering the bloc, tend to come and go without most people noticing. For diplomats in Brussels, however, the upcoming handover will be anything but business as usual.

At midnight on Sunday, current president Belgium, which hosts the bloc's principal institutions, will pass the baton to Hungary, the country that has acquired a reputation as the EU's perennial spoiler under hard-right populist leader Viktor Orban.

That prospect has raised alarm bells among EU leaders, who have long wrangled with the Hungarian champion of "illiberal democracy", an ally of the Kremlin who has been a constant thorn in Brussels' side.

"This presidency is worrying because Orban is very close to Russia and also to Donald Trump, who could well return to the White House in November," says Ernst Stetter, an EU affairs expert at the Paris-based think tank Fondation Jean-Jaurs.

"Europeans are wary of this presidency because Orban's positions are seen as iconoclastic among most of his EU partners, including among the radical right," adds Pascale Joannin, who heads the EU research centre Fondation Robert Schumann.

The rotating presidency of the European Council of Ministers allows countries at the helm to set the agenda of meetings between the EU's 27 member states in Brussels. In recent years, Hungary has been a frequent disruptor at such meetings, employing vetoes and delaying tactics to water down sanctions against Russia, block military aid to Ukraine and ignore Brussels' rules on upholding the rule of law back home.

"Around 40% of all EU decisions on Ukraine are blocked by Hungary," an exasperated Gabrielius Landsbergis, Lithuania's foreign minister, told reporters in late May. ...

#1 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-06-28 03:04 PM

He can start by making sure Putin doesn't control him or his country in any way shape or form.

#2 | Posted by Tor at 2024-06-28 04:13 PM

@#2 ... He can start by making sure Putin doesn't control him or his country in any way shape or form. ...

That's a good goal.

Will he achieve it, well, not yet known.

But, the position he gained is only valid for six months.

So, we'll have to watch what he tries to do in those six months.

Will he be working for the benefit of the EU or Pres Putin?

Time will tell.

#3 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-06-28 10:53 PM

Taking his racist cue from the successful campaigns of the horrible human we are stuck with in America

#4 | Posted by hamburglar at 2024-06-29 01:06 AM

Janis Ian - Society's Child (1967)

Lyrics excerpt....

Come to my door, baby, face is clean and shining black as night
My mother went to answer, you know that you looked so fine
Now I could understand your tears and your shame
She called you "boy" instead of your name
When she wouldn't let you inside
When she turned and said, "but honey, he's not our kind"

She says I can't see you anymore, baby
Can't see you anymore

[Verse 2]
Walk me down to school, baby, everybody's acting deaf and blind
Until they turn and say, "Why don't you stick to your own kind?"
My teachers all laugh, their smirking stares
Cutting deep down in our affairs
Preachers of equality

Think they believe it, then why won't they just let us be?

#5 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-06-29 01:46 AM

@#5 ... Then there's this video...

Revivalists - Wish I Knew You (2016)

A great video, imo. Major kudos to The Revivalists.

Yeah, music has changed since the 60's.

#6 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-06-29 01:50 AM

This article is good but poverty rate is increasing now a days and we want to meet to gather and make the planning on end of poverty and get the more detail about this ... ...

#7 | Posted by bitawa at 2024-06-29 03:49 AM

Re: #7 Bitawa

I clicked your link and now I have an itchy, weepy, lumpy STD

#8 | Posted by hamburglar at 2024-06-29 06:30 AM

Maybe we human beings are not capable of being a culture that shares power and wealth, but instead are genetically, about small tribes led by all powerful kings.
Democracy and giving everyone a vote...maybe we are living in its last days.

#9 | Posted by Hughmass at 2024-06-29 07:04 AM


"Democracy and giving everyone a vote...maybe we are living in its last days."

If Trump gets elected, you can bet on it. Have you ever heard of a "benevolent" dictator who surrenders power ~ for the good of "the people."

Maybe in fairy tales but not in real life. And right now, we're talking about real life and the death of democracy.

#10 | Posted by Twinpac at 2024-06-29 07:45 AM

After Biden's performance at the debate we all realize how old he is and the task we are assigning him; i.e. defendinf democracy from the likes of Victor Orban and Donald Trump; both Putin acolytes, both egomaniacs who will sacrifice democracy to insure their own grip on power. So, we depend on an 80 year old man to defend our democracy until a potential replacement openly asks for our consideration as our next leader. There are a few potential candidates but we must be very careful if we decide to chose one. So far none have stood out IMHO, hopefully one or more will soon. I can think of a few but I think the next several weeks will either reveal a real possibility or we will stick with Biden. Our primary goak is to keep lunatic Trump out of the White House!

#11 | Posted by danni at 2024-06-30 07:39 AM

When anyone says they will make America or Europe "Great Again!" what they really mean is they will cancel the human rights progress we have achieved in the last 50 or 60 years. Racists, homophobes, xenopfobes and misogynists cheer for it because they think it will make their sick hatred normal but society has dealt with these issues and even if they win an election those issues are past tense issues and those who try to resurrect those excuses for hatred are now considered the freaks.

#12 | Posted by danni at 2024-06-30 01:18 PM

When anyone says they will make America or Europe "Great Again!" what they really mean is they will cancel the human rights progress we have achieved in the last 50 or 60 years. Racists, homophobes, xenopfobes and misogynists cheer for it because they think it will make their sick hatred normal but society has dealt with these issues and even if they win an election those issues are past tense issues and those who try to resurrect those excuses for hatred are now considered the freaks.

#13 | Posted by danni at 2024-06-30 01:18 PM

When anyone says they will make America or Europe "Great Again!" what they really mean is they will cancel the human rights progress we have achieved in the last 50 or 60 years. Racists, homophobes, xenopfobes and misogynists cheer for it because they think it will make their sick hatred normal but society has dealt with these issues and even if they win an election those issues are past tense issues and those who try to resurrect those excuses for hatred are now considered the freaks.

#14 | Posted by danni at 2024-06-30 01:18 PM

When I was in Hungary earlier this year I had some conversations with some folks and asked about Orban. The general story points that were agreed on were that Orban was a complete nobody. Then in 1989 Orban gave a speech and told Putin to go home. The next day Putin withdrew. The general consensus is Orban, 26 at the time, was in Putin's pocket. There was no reason for Putin to listen to him or do what this 26 year unknown said - unless it was a way to groom and put in place Putin's puppet. And it worked.

#15 | Posted by YAV at 2024-06-30 02:43 PM

@#14 ... When anyone says they will make America or Europe "Great Again!" what they really mean is they will cancel the human rights progress we have achieved in the last 50 or 60 years. Racists, homophobes, xenopfobes and misogynists cheer for it because they think it will make their sick hatred normal but society has dealt with these issues and even if they win an election those issues are past tense issues and those who try to resurrect those excuses for hatred are now considered the freaks. ...

Well, yeah.

And worth a repeat...

When anyone says they will make America or Europe "Great Again!" what they really mean is they will cancel the human rights progress we have achieved in the last 50 or 60 years. Racists, homophobes, xenopfobes and misogynists cheer for it because they think it will make their sick hatred normal but society has dealt with these issues and even if they win an election those issues are past tense issues and those who try to resurrect those excuses for hatred are now considered the freaks.

#16 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-06-30 10:12 PM

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