Monday, August 26, 2024

Japan: First Ever Intrusion by Chinese Military Aircraft

Japan's Defense Ministry says it has confirmed the first-ever intrusion by a Chinese military aircraft into the country's airspace.



More from the article...

... The ministry said a Y-9 intelligence-gathering aircraft entered the Japan's Air Defense Identification Zone over the East China Sea and was flying in the direction of Kyusyu on Monday morning.

The ministry said its Air Self-Defense Force fighters were scrambled to respond and radioed the Chinese aircraft not to get close to Japanese airspace.

It said that around 10:40 a.m, the Chinese plane started to circle over waters southeast of the Danjo Islands in Goto City in the southwestern prefecture of Nagasaki.

Then, around 11:29 a.m, it entered Japanese airspace from about 22 kilometers east of the islands and stayed there for about two minutes.

It left Japanese airspace at about 11:31 a.m. from the southeastern side of the islands. ...

#1 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-26 01:51 PM


Philippines says China's South China Sea moves aggressive, illegal

... The Philippine government slammed China on Monday for "repeated aggressive, unprofessional and illegal" actions in the South China Sea after a string of clashes and incidents on air and at sea over the past week.

The Philippines' national maritime council said Chinese aircraft made unsafe manoeuvres against a civilian aircraft conducting patrols over the Scarborough shoal and Subi reef.

On Sunday, Chinese vessels also "blocked, rammed and fired water cannons" against a government fisheries vessel while doing a resupply mission to Filipino fishermen in Sabina shoal, it said.

These actions are "alarming", the maritime council said in a statement.

"[It] calls into question China's supposed commitment to de-escalate the situation in the area and create a conducive environment for dialogue and consultation," the council said.

The Philippines added it will continue to pursue diplomacy in managing the maritime issues, and urged China "to return to the path of constructive dialogue" on South China Sea matters. ...

#2 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-26 01:53 PM

Coming from the Japanese that's rich.

No historical self awareness at all. They occupied half of China for twenty years. Killed millions of Chinese.

---- em'

#3 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-08-26 05:21 PM

Analysis: China's South Sea Aggression Is Backfiring (June 2024)

... Beijing is ramping up efforts to cow neighbors such as the Philippines in the South China Sea but is getting nowhere fast. ...

Probably why China is becoming more aggressive towards its neighbors.

#4 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-26 06:14 PM

Shoulda shot the f**ker down. The Chinese have been screwing with us in 100's of ways ever since Nixon and his brain-trust opened the floodgates in the 70's and all we've gotten back is stolen treasure and bellicose BS. Good job Dick.

#5 | Posted by Yodagirl at 2024-08-26 06:50 PM

@#5 ... Shoulda shot the f**ker down. ...

While one part of me agrees, I also know there is the concept of "appropriate response."

China probed japan's defenses, Japan responses appropriately.

At this point, I am now waiting to see China's next escalation with Japan.

China was at this point, i.e., probing defenses, with the Philippines a few years back, and it has escalated since then.

#6 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-26 06:56 PM

China is knowingly and willingly pushing envelopes that should not be pushed unless there is an actual good reason.

#7 | Posted by moder8 at 2024-08-26 07:43 PM

When you have the lying corrupt media working hard to elect a pair of fools this will be the outcome. Kamala was always thought a fool by everyone until the new Democrats now think they can slide her incompetent butt into the White House

#8 | Posted by Robson at 2024-08-26 07:55 PM

@#8 ... When you have the lying corrupt media working hard to elect a pair of fools ...

Yeah, but I have to ask, will FoxNews be successful?

What else yer got?

#9 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-26 08:06 PM

@#7 ... China is knowingly and willingly pushing envelopes that should not be pushed unless there is an actual good reason. ...

I agree.

So, now, China seems to think the risk is worth it.

Is this a new expansionist strategy of China, now that China seems to have Pres Putin in its pocket?

#10 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-26 08:08 PM

Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Two Tribes (Carnage Mix) (1984)

Lyrics excerpt...


My name's Ped
My name's Mark
My name's Nash
Mine is the last voice that you will ever hear

My name's Nash
My name's Mark
My name's Ped
Mine is the last voice that you will ever hear

My name's Mark [laughter]
My name's Ped
My name's Nash
Mine is the last voice that you will ever hear

Don't be alarmed [laughter]
Don't be alarmed
Don't be alarmed
Mine is the last voice-
Mine is the last voice that you will evr hear
Don't be alarmed

#11 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-26 08:13 PM

Time to start shooting down Russian and Chinese aircraft and sinking their ships when they do this stuff.

#12 | Posted by Wildman62 at 2024-08-26 09:08 PM

"Coming from the Japanese that's rich.

No historical self awareness at all. They occupied half of China for twenty years. Killed millions of Chinese.

---- em'


So, EFFERTTRAITOR when was the last time Japan invaded any country? When was the last time China invaded or threatened to invaded another country?Tibet, India or Myanmar come to mind fool? Or, enslaved a million Moslems in concentration camps? Or, Attacked Vietnam, or bullied the Philippines, Vietnamese, Malaysians and Indonesians of their territory? You're on the wrong side traitor or are you just a Russian or Chinese bot stirring up trouble?
At either rate, piss off out of our country your damn traitor.

#13 | Posted by Wildman62 at 2024-08-26 09:13 PM

Speaking of a China Crisis...

This tune just appeared on a playlist here...

China Crisis -- Black Man Ray (1985)

#14 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-26 11:32 PM

Effete is a Bot Wildman, pretty sure of it.
His opinions are largely pro-China, pro-Russia garbage,
and thus can be largely ignored...

Xi has plans for world domination.

Putin has plans for parts of Ukraine.
Putin is a fool who drastically overreached and is now
making Russia pay a very large price.

Xi is the one to watch. He has plans to
take Taiwan within the next 3 years, and to
quickly expand outwards from there, if not
checked by the U.S. and its allies. Xi
knows China is on the clock, and due to rapid
aging of its population, and a falling birth rate,
it's window of 'world (or eastern sphere) domination plans' is quickly
closing. This will force him to act sooner, rather
than later, if he chooses to act at all...

I believe though, that he will try to act. Both he and
Putin suffer from the delusional 'Great Man of History' theory,
and think that their legacy depends upon military action.

#15 | Posted by earthmuse at 2024-08-27 07:00 AM


The human animal only permits one Alpha.

I'm sure you know that sooner or later that means death by combat.

The same thing applies to Trump and Putin.

#16 | Posted by Twinpac at 2024-08-27 07:48 AM

Tim Walz says China is our friend.

#17 | Posted by visitor_ at 2024-08-27 12:33 PM

The orange pedo and his favorite hosebag sure do love those Chinese trademarks.

#18 | Posted by reinheitsgebot at 2024-08-27 12:49 PM

Tim Walz says China is our friend.


As long as they pull out ... before any unwanted eruptions.

#19 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-08-27 01:10 PM

Yepper Twin. If push comes to shove, I'm sure China
won't like the consequences. First of all, that nice big
3 Gorges Dam, that makes a big fat target, if things get hairy.
I'm sure Taiwan, let alone the U.S. already have missiles trained
upon it. And lastly, if it does get real serious. Well, those nuclear subs
parked a few 100 miles off of China's shore, I'm sure have their

#20 | Posted by earthmuse at 2024-08-27 01:11 PM

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