Thursday, August 29, 2024

The Election Story Nobody Wants to Talk About

David Neiwert, America's foremost writer and thinker on far-right extremism, on what might happen if Trump wins -- or loses.




We're once again faced with a situation where a substantial bloc of American politics is talking about committing acts of violence and bringing down the government. We saw this before, in 2020, in the run-up to that election and the aftermath. A lot of us held back; obviously, these guys have a long history of blowing off a lot of steam, talking, and wildly exaggerating their actual ability to carry out a threat. But I think we saw on January 6th, that was probably not the wisest view to take. We should have been paying more attention to what these guys were saying amongst themselves online. And what they're saying amongst themselves right now is probably disturbing. Because they're talking about shooting their neighbors. . . .

So let's talk scenarios. What if Trump wins?

There are two components. One is the immigrant front, the whole Minutemen ethos is going to come into play here, where these guys armed with AR-15s will claim we're just supplementing the government; we're just rounding people up and serving them up to the Border Patrol. Which is what they did in Arizona for quite a few years. But this will spread to the national scale.

The second component, it's pretty obvious that Trump and his minions basically hope that they can work the electoral count to a point where they can force the outcome of the election to either go through the Republican Congress or the Republican Supreme Court. But either way, it will be a de facto installment of a dictator. Then there will be massive protests"I think quite deservedly so. And the Three Percenters, militias, the Proud Boys, who have all been gearing up for this, are going to come out to play, not just defending the Trump administration but attacking the protesters. And doing so with reckless abandon. They'll just call them "antifa""[they] have a ready-made excuse.

If we're talking about the kind of rhetoric we're seeing in right-wing Telegram spaces, they're basically talking about how it will be "decided by the bullet box, not the ballot box."

What happens if the Democrats win?

#1 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-08-28 06:23 PM

@#1 ... The second component, it's pretty obvious that Trump and his minions basically hope that they can work the electoral count to a point where they can force the outcome of the election to either go through the Republican Congress or the Republican Supreme Court. ...

I've thought about that aspect also.

Especially in light of how the Georgia MAGA Election Board seems to be intentionally throwing chaos into the Georgia election process with their intentionally last minute rule changes.

#2 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-28 06:58 PM

Very interesting and frightening article; importantreading for every American who cares about demovracy. When Kamala Harris debates Trump he should be asked directly to speak out publicly ghainst any violent or illegal attempt to prevent honest counts of votes and certification of results. But I doubt he will do anything tp rein in the worst of his supporters. I hope he surprises me.

#3 | Posted by danni at 2024-08-29 02:11 AM

"When Kamala Harris debates Trump he should be asked directly to speak out publicly ghainst any violent or illegal attempt to prevent honest counts of votes and certification of results."

Why? We all know the lies he's going to tell. And then he'll leap into a diatribe on how the 2020 election was stolen.

The best thing would be for Kamala to use the opening statement to calmly state what she knows will be the biggest lies, and debunk them, one by one.

That'll not only take the wind out of his sails, but irk him to no end. Win-win.

#4 | Posted by Danforth at 2024-08-29 02:19 AM


I agree with everything you said. But Trump doesn't play by the rules and warning don't even slow him down. I am concerned that without the mute button Trump will immediately jump to the defensive and create enough chaos to interrupt her opening statement. Plus, anything else she retorts that makes him look bad.

This is supposed to be a policy debate. Since Project 2025 is the only policy the Republican have, I expect Trump to go into full denial with his "witch hunt" routine.

#5 | Posted by Twinpac at 2024-08-30 01:20 AM

I don't think it will be as remotely bad as some think will be. Trump isn't in charge of any federal/local response.

If some feral MAGA'ts want to do their domestic terrorist horse faced Ashli Babbit impersonation, so be it, as they will be extinguished quickly. These f****** are stupid AF and self identify on the internet and in person.

Not worried.

#6 | Posted by a_monson at 2024-08-30 02:17 AM

" I don't think it will be as remotely bad as some think will be."


Take Georgia. They're going to throw as many monkey wrenches as possible into the machine. If it's close, look for each of those traitorous "patriots" to fantasize about their names being etched in history. If it's a blowout, look for the cockroaches to scurry, knowing their crimes won't be tolerated.

Hopefully, Madame President will put a prosecutor in the AG slot. Garland always seems stuck in molasses.

#7 | Posted by Danforth at 2024-08-30 02:27 AM

Garland is Bidens worst decision.

#8 | Posted by Alexandrite at 2024-08-30 02:47 AM

"Garland is Bidens worst decision."

Agreed. And we all know WHY he was chosen. And I admit, I thought it was a good choice. I was wrong.

The fact the J6ers already IN the Capitol when Trump started his speech haven't been charged is unconscionable.

#9 | Posted by Danforth at 2024-08-30 03:11 AM

I don't think it will be as remotely bad as some think will be. Trump isn't in charge of any federal/local response.

#6 | Posted by a_monson a

Trump owns the corrupt supreme court. If the SC says he's the winner, then trump becomes in charge of the federal response.

#10 | Posted by SpeakSoftly at 2024-08-30 01:09 PM

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